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This isn't a reflection on English Canada in its entirety, just a small bunch of morons. I understand printed media isn't doing so well these days, but this is irresponsible "journalism". Branding any city as a disgrace is nothing short of slanderous. I will reserve my final judgment until I read the article, but I'm seriously considering writing them. I don't expect it to have much of an impact, but someone has to come to bat for this city.

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I'm not sure that it's a French vs. English thing. We have to wait until the issue is released to pass judgment. The author of one of the articles is Martin Patriquin who is from Montreal. I believe he is anglophone, but he is partially of Québécois ancestry anyways. I don't think that he's known for Quebec-bashing.


The main reason we get this impression is because the cover is so provocative.

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L'article est typique de n'importe quel media. Quand ca bash Toronto vous vous mettez en ligne pour dire que c'est vrai. Maintenant vous faites le bébé-lala - ils sont mechant crise d'anglais du ROC.


You guys complain that the city is not moving forward and then most of you complain and whine and dwell about a trivial article.

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Quand ca bash Toronto vous vous mettez en ligne pour dire que c'est vrai.


Je ne fais jamais ça moi... certains le font, oui, mais là tu généralises.


Maintenant vous faites le bébé-lala - ils sont mechant crise d'anglais du ROC.


Les idiots qui travaillent chez Macleans -- pas les anglais du ROC.


Nuance... assez énorme.

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Doesn't change the fact that millions of Canadians will read this and silently nod their heads in approval!


So what?? The same stories have been written in french for weeks now. Suddenly you come out and say its Quebec bashing by those that supposedly loved us. Nice double standard.

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Peut-être que maintenant que les histoires de scandales montréalais sont rendu dans le ROC, les politiciens du Québec vont craindre un déversement maintenant vers les US et tout le feedback négatif qui pourrait s'en suivre et ça fera peut-être finalement bouger les choses.


Car on s'entend tu que après la campagne électorale passée, le prochain Maire de Montréal aura son premier cocktail officiel sur le bateau de Tony ?

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L'article est typique de n'importe quel media. Quand ca bash Toronto vous vous mettez en ligne pour dire que c'est vrai. Maintenant vous faites le bébé-lala - ils sont mechant crise d'anglais du ROC.


You guys complain that the city is not moving forward and then most of you complain and whine and dwell about a trivial article.


I don't think we're whining here. If the journalist wants to attack the administration for corruption, he can go to town. But to outright call any city in this country a disgrace is irresponsible. This city has its problems, and they're numerous. We're very conscious of them on this forum, but to call the city a disgrace isn't right. Every Canadian city has its share of problems.

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I don't think we're whining here. If the journalist wants to attack the administration for corruption, he can go to town. But to outright call any city in this country a disgrace is irresponsible..


rufus, isn't that exactly what Habsfan just did by stating "What more can you expect from english canada!". Not that I'm trying to point a finger at Habsfan; moreso just stating that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.


Cataclaw, should we call him a lying douchebag as well?


Maclean's wants to sell magazines. Plan and simple. Is it wrong? Yes. But, lets not make it out to be some covert opertaion to destroy Montreal. Look how much buzz this has already started and it's not even available for sale yet. Watch an increase in sales for next month's issue. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

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