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Devront-on séparer le terrain  

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  1. 1. Devront-on séparer le terrain

    • Oui 4000 pc sur delorimier, 3000 sur Sherbrooke
    • Non, on doit preserver l'integrité du terrain
    • Non, trop compliqué a obtenir dérogation
    • Non, on construit dans le jardin sans séparation

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Well only one more week to go. It looks as though we have an Obama victory in our sights.


I can live with that. The economy needs rebuilding, and McCain gives off the vibe of not understanding the economy too well. McCain is smarter and more likable than Bush. However, what America needs is a government that understands and knows how to rebuild an economy. The Republicans fixed the economy after the 1980s recession. Now it looks like its the Democrats turn.


And my opinion of Palin has slipped in the last few months. I was hoping McCain would have named Mitt Romney as his VP candidate. Now there's a sold choice.


The election was winnable for McCain. He's a popular candidate (not quite as much as Obama, but still generally well-liked). However it all went down the drain when the economy went south and Palin was chosen.


Oh well, perhaps there will be a Romney ticket in 2012. I like Condoleeza Rice, Colin Powell and Ron Paul. The Republicans need to rebuild COMPLETELY until then, just as the Democrats have done in the past 8 years (bye-bye Al Gore). This means weeding out dinosaurs like Dick Cheney, and replacing them with younger more modern candidates, who are not Sarah Palin. A complete house-cleaning if you will. This fixed the Conservatives in Canada, and it will fix the Republicans in America.


Either way the Republicans are now in as bad a shape as the Canadian Liberals.


I think Obama will do a good job in general. Obviously a few mistakes will be made, but pretty much all the mistakes that could have been made were by the previous President. I'm saying this, and I'm a Republican supporter. :(

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Tom Clancy sounds off on Colin Powell, politicians


<!-- start main content --> Mon, 10/20/2008 - 7:17am


FILE; Robert Mora/Getty Images


The night after Barack Obama's acceptance speech, I spoke with author Tom Clancy about Foreign Policy's "Dream Team" -- the advisors the next U.S. president ought to turn to for advice, regardless of party. Clancy said he wasn't the type of guy to give those types of recommendations, but he did have a few blunt words for America's political class. The following are on-the-record excerpts from our conversation:


On Colin Powell: "He's very smart; he's honest. When he cuts himself shaving he probably bleeds green. He's all soldier, and he's real smart. Maybe the best person I've ever met in my life. I've met a few smart guys in my time. Colin Powell is in the top five. Soldiers as a class of people, especially the four-star variety, they tend to be smart people. If he's ever said anything dumb, I’m not aware of it. Little George should have listened to him."


On Paul Wolfowitz: "Wolfowitz, what a piece of shit he is."


On 9/11: "I knew it had to be Muslims because they're the only people in the world who think there's something good on the other side of death. Osama bin Laden's not a religious figure; he's a politician, and a sociopathic one at that. We haven't gotten him yet, and with all those guys chasing him… I wouldn’t want those guys chasing my little white ass."


On Barack Obama: "Barack Obama's going to be like that. They do things in accordance with their visions. Obama gave a good speech last night. There's no way I'm going to vote for him. But he gave a good speech. How’s he going to eliminate our dependence on foreign oil in 10 years? You don't vote for his skin; you vote for his brain. He gives a great speech, I'll grant him that. But what will he risk his life over? What will he kill over? He's a lawyer; all lawyers do is cut deals."


On politicians: "Hitler was the perfect politician. Politicians are generally people who crave power, and people who crave power tend not to be very nice people. They think it's all their money and if they let us keep some of it they're doing us a favor. Politics is the application of one's aesthetic to the real world. The Soviet Union did that and look where they ended up. Unfortunately. Democrats, generally speaking, are the new Marxists."


On Britain: "The founding fathers said it was a bad idea to have a class system. I love the Brits but their class system is screwed up. They don’t have a constitution, which kind of scares me. If the parliament says take the guns away, they take the guns away. They also make very good beer."


On reporters: "Reporters are not known for original thoughts. I spoke at the National Press Club once and told them, 'At least I do good fiction.'"


On Joe Biden: "I've met Joe Biden. I don’t think he's all that bright. He's pleasant but he's not bright."


On John F. Kennedy: "Camelot is a story of adultery, betrayal and murder. You want to model a presidency on that play? I don't think so."


On the Cuban missile crisis: "Kennedy came across to Kruschev as a pussy."


On Bill Clinton: "His charm is like a physical force. Ever been in the ocean and have the waves come across you? That's what his charm is like. If I was a girl, I would have gotten laid that night. But you sense talking to him he has no character. None. The secret service despised Hillary. They just disliked Clinton. He shit on the military pretty comprehensively. It didn't do the country any serious harm because he didn't care about anything enough to do any harm. I've never run into anybody quite like that before."

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McCain is getting seriously desperate..


I predict an Obama victory with 378 EVs carrying the Kerry states + Iowa, Missouri, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Indiana, and a surprise win in North Dakota.


Obama will also close the gap in Montana, West Virginia, Arkansas, Arizona, South Dakota and South Carolina.



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McCain is getting seriously desperate..


I predict an Obama victory with 378 EVs carrying the Kerry states + Iowa, Missouri, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Indiana, and a surprise win in North Dakota.


Obama will also close the gap in Montana, West Virginia, Arkansas, Arizona, South Dakota and South Carolina.



I don't know, its a stretch to think that Obama will make big gains in McCain's home state.

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Well...I guess Palin will have more time now to pursue her true passion "Acting" that's right ladies and gents, we'll get to see her more and for far less such as the destruction of America. I can see her on Dancing with the Stars, or perhaps a guest stint on Gossip Girl as that rich conniving vixen using her body to get what she wants. yes... I can see it now.

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