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Two public-transit agencies and the McGill University Health Centre will ask the provincial government for money to build a second entrance to the Vendôme métro/train station, The Gazette has learned.


The new entrance is needed to accommodate the flood of new public-transit users expected when the MUHC opens its hospital next door at the Glen campus in 2014, officials say.


It's unclear how much the project would cost but the local city councillor suggested the price tag might be in the $30-million range.


The métro's Orange Line, three commuter train lines and several bus routes meet at Vendôme station in Notre Dame de Grâce.


The $1.3-billion hospital is being built south of the station. Commuter train tracks separate the station from the hospital site.


Already a busy transit hub with many riders transferring between trains and the métro, Vendôme will be even more crowded should Quebec decide to fund a proposal to increase by more than triple the number of commuter trains on the Vaudreuil-Hudson line, which serves the West Island.


Hospital patients and employees will add to the crush. Every day an estimated 4,100 cars and thousands of transit users are expected to converge at the hospital, the MUHC said last year.


MUHC spokesperson Julie Paquet said Wednesday a proposal for a new station entrance will be submitted to Quebec this year by the MUHC, the Société de transport de Montréal, which runs buses and the métro, and the Agence métropolitaine de transport, which operates trains in the region.


Currently, there is one entrance to Vendôme, on de Maisonneuve Blvd. near Marlowe Ave. The current métro station will be linked to the hospital via a tunnel under the train tracks.


If funding is approved, a second station entrance would be built east of the current one, closer to Grey Ave.


"Vendôme is already at capacity right now," Paquet said. "Once we're there with the hospital, we're going to encourage our users and employees to use public transit, so we're expecting a lot more people at Vendôme."


That entrance could be linked to an MUHC office building at 5100 de Maisonneuve, Paquet said. The new entrance would be linked to the hospital via a walkway over the tracks, she added.


That elevated walkway is already part of the MUHC plan and its cost is included in the price of the hospital. It will have elevators on either side of the tracks.


But the current plan is for the walkway to be open-air. Paquet said the second métro-entrance proposal will include a request for funding to enclose the walkway.


Peter McQueen, city councillor for the area, said a second entrance is needed, in part because of a major problem with the planned underground link between the current station and the hospital.


Pedestrians will use a tunnel under the tracks and then will have to walk through the hospital's large, uninviting underground parking lot to reach the hospital.


If a new station entrance is built to the east, pedestrians crossing to the hospital will end up "closer to the hospital building, as opposed to having to go through the parking garage," McQueen said.


The MUHC is currently doing a feasibility study to determine the cost of a new entrance.


McQueen said his rough estimate is $30 million.


On Tuesday, at the MUHC's regular monthly public meeting about the hospital, Roger Jochym, who lives in neighbouring Westmount, pressed for changes to public transit access.


In an interview, Jochym complained authorities have focused too much on car access to the detriment of transit and bicycle access, even though the area is a transit hub and is home to a major east-west bike path on de Maisonneuve Blvd.


The 500-bed hospital will feature 2,735 parking spaces.


Jochym said the over-the-tracks walkway will be "an ugly, indirect" link to the hospital. And the tunnel from the current station will be overcrowded and unattractive, mixing hospital traffic with other transit riders and forcing those headed to the hospital to walk through underground parking, he added.


"In so many ways, this is a suburban solution to an urban project in the 21st century - it's putting up roadblocks to anyone using public transit, it (ignores) active transit (but) it's very welcoming to anyone with a vehicle," Jochym said.


"We're building an international-level health facility and the primary gateway is a disaster," he said.


Ideally, a new dedicated tunnel should be built from the station to the hospital, away from the parking lot, he said. It should be "of a very high design quality with escalators, moving sidewalks and elevators."


(Courtesy of The Montreal Gazette)

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Oh no, we need more BICYCLE access to the hospital, as if the planned layout is impossible to access on a bicycle (you can ride on stairs, so WTH?). And for transit, it is right there every kind of transit imaginable.


How many people are going to ride a bicycle to a hospital anyway? If you have a heart attack forget ambulance just whip out your 10 speed, or if you have a broken leg, just limp over on your BMX, the elderly people who can't walk who have to go for dialysis they can just hop on a recumbent...


I don't think any of the hospitals in the Montreal region are particularly welcoming to anyone with a vehicle, they all seem to have parking limitations of varying levels of severity...

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How many people are going to ride a bicycle to a hospital anyway?


I don't think any of the hospitals in the Montreal region are particularly welcoming to anyone with a vehicle, they all seem to have parking limitations of varying levels of severity...


Le vélo est populaire pour bien des employés. En tout cas quand je travaillais à Maisonneuve-Rosemont, l'hôpital a mis en place des installations pour les cyclistes, et c'était très utilisé. Il ne faut pas oublier qu'un hôpital de cette taille à plusieurs milliers d'employés, c'est un gros tas de monde, les hôpitaux ont bien des mesures pour encourager le transport en commun (rabais sur les cartes), le vélo, le covoiturage organisé, les coupons de taxi etc... Quand tu as 800 ou 1000 employés qui utilisent ces mesures, c'est un gros point positif pour l'accès à l'hôpital, le trafic sur les rues des environs, etc... On ne peut pas y construire des stationnements gros comme le Vatican dans un milieu urbain (Ce ne serait plus un milieu très urbain si c'était le cas!).

Modifié par vincethewipet
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  • 2 semaines plus tard...

Article on the cranes at the MUHC site:


Three more of these metallic behemoths will soon join them, bringing the total number of tower cranes on the site to 10 – the most ever on a single project in Quebec.


I'm too young, but I thought for sure the Olympic Stadium would have had more than 10 cranes at one moment..

Modifié par Chris1989
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I'm too young, but I thought for sure the Olympic Stadium would have had more than 10 cranes at one moment..


Ils y en avait pas mal des grues pour le Stade, et plusieurs étaient sur chenillettes. Voici quelques photos pour les amateurs de grues.

Copie de Stade.jpg


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