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Membres prolifiques

Intéressant comme photo, merci !


Pour faire le comparatif, je préfère un chantier de construction actif qu'un restaurant fermé et en décomposition.



AVIS à la famille Kravitz : il y a un espace pour restaurant à louer au future RDC ! Intéressés ?

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Remember that hideous Bens building !

Despite what you might think of the former Ben's building it was consider by some Canadians to be one of a list of endangered canadian buildings worth being saved !! I remember an organisation listing it as an important building emblematic of the time it was built.

Retrospectively, it would have been a good idea to evoque its existence in the new hotel -especially that it will be occupying exactly the same terrain !!

That being said, it was not a catastrophic loss !!

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