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Membres prolifiques

Pauvre Québec. Et dire qu'on croit toujours dans les bien-fondé de cette fédération inégale. Combien de fois nous rira t'on dans la face? Les arguments ne manquent pas... Bombardier, la BIC, et Énergie Est, si jamais il vient à passer la phase d'enquêtes préliminaires.


Qu'est-ce qu'il disait encore Rick Mercer pour critiquer l'égoïsme du Québec face au pipeline? "Sharing and helping is profoundly canadian." Quelle farce.

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LOL - new government same results. Pauvre Montreal.




On s'y attend, le gouvernement fédéral de "l'Ontario" fait son choix.Le Québec n'aura d'autre choix que de créer sa propre banque. Le Québec est bien outillé pour en faire un autre succes de l'envergure de la Caisse de Dépot.

À court terme, c'est peut- etre décevant de voir ces décisions à sens unique.Mais à plus long terme, c'est surement une belle occasion pour le Québec de mieux se positionner à l'international. Plus que jamais, le Québec doit se doter de tous les outils pour mieux prendre sa place dans cette période où la créativité et l'innovation dictent les changements et le futur.


Le Québec a réalisé depuis longtemps qu'il ne doit pas compter sur les cadeaux sur un plateau d'argent.Et c'est mieux ainsi, ca nous force à foncer et à innover. Sautons sur cette opportunité.

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Stop blaming others. If Montreal was a strategic candidate economically and politically - the bank would be heading here.



I think i am beginning to understand your reasoning. The Feds are taking the obvious right decisions, politically and economically. Just like they did for the 9 Billion loan for the Muskrat Falls "strategic" disaster. Now i get it,so obvious.

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At the same time, Montreal is not the center of capital. Look at the TSX 60, how many are based in Montreal vs Toronto. The center of power and capital is Toronto - precisely why Toronto is a more strategic choice for a BANK.


When a big company is located in Montréal, it gets destroyed in ROC media. Look at Bombardier. If Bombardier was located in Toronto, there would not be that many complains about the "gifts" it receives from the federal government (you should listed to the piece of crap by Rex Murphy yesterday on CBC). We are in Toronto's way on its path the the number one spot in the World ! And we speak French !! There is nothing we can do to change the ROC's mind about us. Whatever we do, it will never be enough and they will always find something something else to complain about.

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I''m saying that the government is doing what is the most strategic and will give them the biggest bank for their buck. Toronto, South Ontario is where elections are decided - and this is purely due to demographics. Montreal is no longer strategic. It's safe Liberal territory even in the event of an apocalypse.


At the same time, Montreal is not the center of capital. Look at the TSX 60, how many are based in Montreal vs Toronto. The center of power and capital is Toronto - precisely why Toronto is a more strategic choice for a BANK.



No Montreal is strategic and very much so. In Finance, we are not very far behind Toronto. We are in the top 20 in the world. You are referring to capital only. Let me remind you that the word infrastruture is included in BIC. Montreal is on top in just about everything else. Why not talk about our Engineering hub, we are a leader in IT, and now AI. We are the largest province with large infrastructure spending not only for transportation, but also fot hydro plants and other clean energy projects.

Montreal's SNC engineering is behind Ontario's wip and maintenance of their nuke plants. Montreal's REM was the trigger for this Infr bank with the Caisse ( the largest finance org of its kind in Canada)

To make it clear, this bank is about infra projects.Not only Capital. Please.

By the way, Talking about capital ,it is confirmed Montreal has topped Toronto in VC and 2017 looks even brighter. (financial post).

For the rest, i agree with you Montreal is not a power house when it comes to politics in this country.

Toronto, historically has been calling the shots and i dont see that changing.

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