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Membres prolifiques

Ce qui fait peur c'est que le reste du Quebec est a la traine. Montreal tire tout le reste.


Je vois difficilement le reste du Québec performer dans les domaines de pointe où Montréal brille, il faut dire. Dans mon esprit, les entreprises techno sont résolument urbaines.

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I love how i'm being the troll when we can't even land a federal government agency, where most of the engineering/infrastructure hub in this country is Montreal.


Yes folks, I'm the troll. :sarcastic:




That's exactly the point. Montréal can't land a federal agency no matter what. If you do not understand that, you're the troll.*

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Ce qui fait peur c'est que le reste du Quebec est a la traine. Montreal tire tout le reste.



Et ce qui est d'autant plus triste, c'est de voir l'opinion qu'on a de Montréal dans les régions. Tant qu'on aura des Bernard Gauthier...

Tu réferes souvent à l'immigration. Voilà une autre facon de faire évoluer certaines mentalités et apporter un apport nouveau plus ouvert sur l'extérieur.

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Petite chose très simple. Et le faire quand les enfants sont petits. C'est de les initier a la lecture. A Noel je donne toujours des livres en cadeaux aux enfants.


Man, come here and give me a hug!:thumbsup:

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So? La décision n'est pas prise. C'est clair qu'il y a un lobby de Toronto. On annonce pleins de bonnes nouvelles confirmées, mais une spéculation plus tard et "Montreal just isn't competitive anymore." Don't feed the troll people.


Amen and Hallelujah, my friend....

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I love how i'm being the troll when we can't even land a federal government agency, where most of the engineering/infrastructure hub in this country is Montreal.


Yes folks, I'm the troll. :sarcastic:

Well, see, for that to be true you'd have to wait for this impression, based on speculation, to become a fact. It's just a few weeks mate. Hopefully (for you and your mental health) you'll be able to confirm your pessimistic prophecies that Montréal is the worst city in the world because we lost that anglo edge that made us the shizznit Of course, that'll require you to avoid (as you normally do) all of the other good news. But hey, what's a bit of "alternative facts" in this post truth era for you to reconcile your angryphone vision of Montréal.*

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Well, see, for that to be true you'd have to wait for this impression, based on speculation, to become a fact. It's just a few weeks mate. Hopefully (for you and your mental health) you'll be able to confirm your pessimistic prophecies that Montréal is the worst city in the world because we lost that anglo edge that made us the shizznit Of course, that'll require you to avoid (as you normally do) all of the other good news. But hey, what's a bit of "alternative facts" in this post truth era for you to reconcile your angryphone vision of Montréal.*


Once again, you hit the bulls'eye!;)

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Can we stop with the name calling and stick to the thread topic.

Thank you!


On a brighter note, I'm very happy to see our city doing so well with regards to job creation. Let's hope that it'll last for many years to come and that it's not just a short term thing!

We all know that Montreal had alot of catching up to do (economically speaking) vis à vis other major cities in Canada and the news we've been getting these past few weeks has narrowed that gap. :thumbsup::mtl: What we need is to make sure that things stay this good, even when our Dollar starts to rise against the american dollar. It's easier to export when the dollar is at 71¢ US then when it's at 89¢ US

Modifié par Habsfan
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what alternative fact.... if Montreal loses the BIC, we become more marginalized which shows just how inconsequential and un-strategic the city has become in the eyes of government.


So before you continue your little hissy fit, listen to what I'm saying. Do you think as a Montreal that i'm rejoicing in the prospect of more power going down the 401?


Too bad that board members here resort to name calling and ridicule.

Oh, but you see, that's not what you said. What you said is that we "CAN'T" compete as is. Not what would happen if we lost the BIC. We are highly competitive in that field already, so if the federal CHOOSES (important concept here, the government make decision on more than logic and competitiveness) it only means that they chose to favour other canadian cities that are in need of a little shot in the arm job creation wise.*


That would be a POLITICAL decision, and wouldn't reflect Montréal's current competitiveness or potential.


You use speculation on a government's decision to discredit your city, which is undeniably in some sort of renaissance, or at least is in a large boom phase, according to the continuous stream of good news that are posted in this thread.*

Modifié par Habsfan
Je viens de vous demander d'arrêter les insultes.
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