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Un touriste sur quatre vient à Montréal pour la culture

Publié le mardi 26 avril 2016 à 15 h 54

Le Festival international de jazz de Montréal


Si l'on sait que les nombreux festivals et musées attiraient leur lot de touristes à Montréal chaque année, une étude confirme l'importance de la culture dans le portrait touristique de la métropole.


Ainsi, 26 % des touristes, soit un sur quatre, choisissent Montréal comme destination de voyage pour son offre culturelle. L'étude, commandée par Tourisme Montréal, montre également que ces visiteurs culturels dépensent 1,1 milliard de dollars dans la métropole.


Chaque année, 2,3 millions de touristes viennent à Montréal pour un événement culturel. Leurs dépenses représentent 44,9 % des dépenses touristiques totales.


À lire aussi : Le tourisme musical, le sauveur des festivals payants à Montréal?


Quels événements attirent principalement ces touristes? Les festivals attirent à eux seuls 7,5 millions de visites et quatre d'entre eux totalisent un achalandage de 4,2 millions de visites. Il s'agit du Festival international de jazz de Montréal, des FrancoFolies, du Festival Juste pour rire et de Montréal en lumière.


Les musées montréalais ne sont pas en reste, avec 7 millions d'entrées, soit 49 % de la fréquentation totale des musées pour le Québec. Les attraits culturels accueillent 9 millions de visiteurs et les arts de la scène 3 millions d'entrées.


La firme LJM Conseil a réalisé cette étude pour le compte de Tourisme Montréal. Puisqu'il existe peu de données et de statistiques sur le tourisme culturel, LJM Conseil a croisé des données provenant de diverses sources, comme Statistique Canada, l'Observatoire de la culture et des communications du Québec et des sondages commandés par Tourisme Montréal.


Rappelons que, l'automne dernier, Tourisme Montréal a lancé le Passeport MTL culture. Avec ce forfait, les touristes peuvent, sous réserve de disponibilité, assister à des pièces de théâtre, à des spectacles de danse, à des concerts et à quelques festivals, en plus d'accéder à des expositions. Cette offre regroupe 31 organismes culturels, dont le TNM, le Musée des beaux-arts, l'Igloofest, l'Orchestre symphonique de Montréal (OSM) et le Festival international de la littérature.

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Culture is important since ours is very European-centric.


For comparison, on a per-capita basis, Toronto and Vancouver (both very multi-ethnic / multi-cultural cities) receive significantly more tourists than Montreal, though we are still among the best in the world in this metric. This points towards tourists increasingly looking towards multi-cultural (and comparatively inexpensive) North American cities for their "culture fix". That's an interesting metric which was covered recently in the NYT.

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1. broadly, vancouver and toronto do better with north american tourism for the simple reason that most tourists speak english.

2. they do better with asian tourism because they have big asian populations with all that entails (restaurants, tours, etc).

3. montreal is in the unenviable position of being much more english-friendly than tourists from america, canada, europe or or latin america know BUT existing in a political climate where it is difficult to promote the city as an english speaking tourist destination.

4. montreal's weather is horrifyingly bad in winter and many people find the summer heat to be extreme. we can't fix this. (though heated lamps around tourist areas would be nice.

5. very low recognition of montreal. i've spent extended period of time in japan, china and hong kong, france and germany, and the united states, and knowledge of montreal is either low or non-existent (as in asia).

6. we have less business tourism than most cities, so few people get that "first visit" that makes them love the place.

7. montreal has almost zero presence in american or global popular culture (film, television, music) and it's pretty weak even in canada. arcade fire and denis villeneuve are great, but toronto has people like ryan gosling and drake and justin bieber, and vancouver has people like ryan reynolds and seth rogen and several asian megastars. and our people talk about montreal the way people from pittsburgh talk about that city. drake never stops talking about how great toronto is, seth rogen is always talking about vancouver as his home city. entire chinese films are set in vancouver!

8. we've still not repaired the damage that drapeau did to the city. prague gets more tourists than toronto and vancouver combined. why? because it's beautiful and walkable. montreal used to be the most beautiful and walkable city in north america, until the previous generation took a hammer to the central city. we've been fixing it little by little, but we need to create a real plan, with multi-year funding provisions, to restore the city to something that looks more like prague than it does winnipeg. cover the freeways, hide the empty spaces, plant more trees. people visiting montreal always tell me how jarring is the contrast between beautiful and ugly montreal. one friend said it was a mix between brussels and cleveland. we need to solve this.


AND for all of these problems, our tourism number is still 2.3 million! it's amazing. the people in charge are doing something right.

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AND for all of these problems, our tourism number is still 2.3 million! it's amazing. the people in charge are doing something right.


It's 2.3 millions coming for cultural events only. It's more than that overall. And event more adding tourists from Canada and Quebec.

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Tourisme Montréal prévoit que la métropole accueillera plus de 10 millions de visiteurs cette année, une performance «exceptionnelle».


M. Lalumière estime que l'afflux touristique actuel n'a pas été vu depuis les années 1975 et 1976.

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10 million! now is the time to remind that there are different metrics for tourist visits. the euromonitor post above is a more accurate one because it's based on accommodations. we may have 10 million "tourists" but if they're "touring" from laval and returning home, it does not count in the same way (airport, hotel, car service, etc). they spend money, but it's not because of an international profile or whatever.

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10 million! now is the time to remind that there are different metrics for tourist visits. the euromonitor post above is a more accurate one because it's based on accommodations. we may have 10 million "tourists" but if they're "touring" from laval and returning home, it does not count in the same way (airport, hotel, car service, etc). they spend money, but it's not because of an international profile or whatever.


Someone who stays more than 24h in Montréal.


If he's visiting from Trois-rivière for the weekend, he's a tourist.


Provenance des touristes à Montréal en 2012


Québec (53,5%)

Canada Hors-Québec (24,5%)

États-Unis (12,4%)

Outremer (9,6%)

Modifié par Malek
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Someone who stays more than 24h in Montréal.


If he's visiting from Trois-rivière for the weekend, he's a tourist.


Provenance des touristes à Montréal en 2012


Québec (53,5%)

Canada Hors-Québec (24,5%)

États-Unis (12,4%)

Outremer (9,6%)


Et j'imagine que ces compilations sont valables pour les autres villes auxquelles on se compare. Sinon les chiffres ne tiennent plus la route.

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