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45 minutes ago, Southwark said:

It's insane how much this looks like what was built in Griffintown. 

It -is- the same builder, for the most part. But, I'm not 100% sure I agree here, seeing as how Griffintown's usually denounced for the higher degree of beige and yellow. I do believe some of the bricks used here still provide an old-school look and I can't figure out a word to properly describe my thoughts.. If I were to put it into words.. as far as the residential buildings are concerned.. I guess I would say that it remains older-looking, but not quite as old as griffintown..?

36 minutes ago, UrbMtl said:

Tout le quadrilatère Magellan-Jazz a été conçu par la même firme d'architecture (TLA). Ça peut expliquer le ressemblance. 

Je savais pas c'était TLA qui a fait l'architecture pour les deux. C'est un bon point. Que penses-tu du tout au niveau urbanistique et architecturale?


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