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40 minutes ago, SameGuy said:

Agree 100%. It’s nice to dream BIG, but it’s simply incompatible with reality.

Honestly, my biggest issue is still how they went about the renewal of the corridor fleet, foregoing any future-proofing by ordering the diesel push-pull Charger/Venture sets. Siemens has no proof-of-concept dual-mode units running; IMO VIA should’ve postponed a fleet choice until an HFR decision was finalized, giving time to RFP for dual-modes or even a turnkey all-electric buildout. 

TGF veut dire plus de fréquence donc plus de trains si le maitien des lignes actuelles demeure la philosophie. Donc autre commande.

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1 hour ago, p_xavier said:

TGF veut dire plus de fréquence donc plus de trains si le maitien des lignes actuelles demeure la philosophie. Donc autre commande.

Alors la moitié du parc diesel puis l’autre moitié électrique?

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32 minutes ago, jesseps said:

The future fleet should run on hydrogen.

Hydrogen is a fossil fuel. About 48% is produced from natural gas, 30% from oil, 18% from coal and only 4% from electrolysis. With the world wide electrical grid being so dependent on fossil fuel, it's safe to assume that this 4% figure is actually a lot lower. As if those figures don't look bad enough on their own, you need to take into account how much energy you get back from using it to power your train. Simply put, it's better for the environment to burn fossil fuels directly. As it is being marketed right now, hydrogen is greenwashing at it's worse.

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il y a 52 minutes, Enalung a dit :

Hydrogen is a fossil fuel. About 48% is produced from natural gas, 30% from oil, 18% from coal and only 4% from electrolysis. As if those figures don't look bad enough on their own, you need to take into account how much energy you get back from using it to power your train. Simply put, it's better for the environment to burn fossil fuels directly. As it is being marketed right now, hydrogen is greenwashing at it's worse.

Your point is right on, but technically you should say that hydrogen is a chemical element which is (currently mostly) obtained from burning fossil fuel (gas, oil, coal). The problem is indeed with the production process.  In itself, hydrogen is a zero carbon fuel which produces electricity when combined with oxygen (found in the air), leaving water as a by-product.  If we (humanity) were able to produce hydrogen exclusively from the electrolysis process (which of course consumes electricity in the first place), we could avoid burning fossil fuels, as long as electricity itself was produced from renewable sources (hydro, solar, wind, etc.), or nuclear (which has its own disadvantages).

Regardless, using hydrogen as a fuel can be advantageous when the goal is to minimize/eliminate toxic gas release in urban areas.  Then the problem is simply moved to outlyling, less populous areas.  It does nothing to prevent climate change worldwide, but it helps locally.  It's akin to burning coal or oil to produce electricity which will be used to heat homes in cities, instead of burning coal/oil directly at home.  There is also a similarity with the tall chimneys (smokestacks) which serve to disperse pollution over a larger area --for the benefit of the locals, but to the detriment of others.   

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Dans l’éventualité où le TGF devenait réalité et qu’il était électrifié (ce que je souhaite), ne serait-il pas possible de simplement utiliser les nouveaux trains sur le reste du réseau?

On parle de créer une nouvelle ligne, mais on ne parle pas de retirer les lignes existantes. Bien que je déplore l’achat de trains au diesel, la réalité est que le réseau actuel est très loin d’une électrification, surtout avec le duo CN/CP qui veillera à faire dérailler tout projet en ce sens.

Des trains hybrides qui n’utilisent pas (ou que très peu) leur capacité électrique auraient certainement une empreinte écologique pire que des trains au diesel standard en raison de leur coût en énergie grise, sans parler de leur coût financier supérieur (et injustifié si inutilisé).

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5 hours ago, Né entre les rapides said:

If we (humanity) were able to produce hydrogen exclusively from the electrolysis process (which of course consumes electricity in the first place), we could avoid burning fossil fuels, as long as electricity itself was produced from renewable sources (hydro, solar, wind, etc.), or nuclear (which has its own disadvantages).

We are too busy dedicating an overwhelming amount of electricity production to mining and trading cryptocurrencies. 🤦🏻‍♂️

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il y a 4 minutes, SameGuy a dit :

We are too busy dedicating an overwhelming amount of electricity production to mining and trading cryptocurrencies. 🤦🏻‍♂️

What you say is worthy of a healthy debate.  Please however specify which "we" you are referring to: Quebec, Canada,  some other countries, the whole world?  The reason why I am asking is because global market forces make some economic activities more profitable than others, failing to take into account their environmental benefits or costs.  

Going directly into the heart of the matter, I would ask you whether you would be supportive of an approach whereby Quebec for example would willingly sacrifice ("sacrify" is deemed obsolete)  more than its fair share of foregone revenues in order to "save the planet"?

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5 hours ago, Internist said:

Des trains hybrides qui n’utilisent pas (ou que très peu) leur capacité électrique auraient certainement une empreinte écologique pire que des trains au diesel standard en raison de leur coût en énergie grise, sans parler de leur coût financier supérieur (et injustifié si inutilisé).

Les trains “Diesel” sont en fait des hybrides, le moteur diesel tournant dans sa gamme la plus efficace connecté à un alternateur CA pour alimenter les moteurs électriques de traction. Les locomotives bi-modes, comme les ALP-45DP de Bombardier (exo), peuvent changer entre le moteur diesel et le caténaire pour l’alimentation des moteurs électriques.

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