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PPU du Quartier des gares


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Most of this sector would be for condominium anyway not for office space. Except the St-Antoine / Peel corner.

Just hope they will put the towers a little further away from the street to get more rays of light at street level.


La business attire la business more you get people more you get business. If Montreal grows more there is more opportunities to attract more capitals.


Many institutionnal funds, look to invest in real estate. Better for Montreal to get a share of this investment if not the money will go somewhere. else. And there is a window of opportunities since the west is less attractive and Toronto quite expensive. That's a chance that Montreal shouldn't let it go.

Modifié par andre md
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Wow, dirty pool alright. While IC is busy building in Chicago, France , Toronto and elsewhere.... Okay the Manulife Bldg in Mtl. Cadillac Fairview has been busy putting together a rather handsome and well thought out redevelopment of one of Montreal's most neglected corners. Think about it. The Bell (Molson)Center opened in 1996 and nothing else has gone up since. The exception is the Place du Commerce Electronique finished in 2004 at a quarter of the size of the original Project which was heavily subsidized by Bernard Landry's PQ government. We now have the Deloitte/RioTinto Tower( getting close to occupancy) and la Tour du Canadien(in construction) and the TDC2 & 3 are on the verge of launching. So IC was caught with their pants down and are crying, because Deloitte is leaving their flagship PVM. That is a free market and too bad so sad for IC.

The CF investments have spurred on Roccabella, Icone, Broccolini(Avenue) and the Holiday Inn and the other 38 storey YUL tower. So what has IC spurred on lately??????

Modifié par MARTY
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Il me semble que cette guerre est assez facile à comprendre...pendant que Ivanoe investissait des milliards dans d'autres villes du monde, Cadillac faiview est arrivé dans le portrait et leurs font compétition à Montréal (ce que Ivanoé n'a pas vu venir)!! Sans parler du fait qu'Ivanoé va perdre un de ses plus gros locataire (Deloitte) à la Place Ville marie et le fait que Cadillac a un gros projet qui pourrait leurs faire mal... et voilà! Vous avez ce qui se passe en ce moment!

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Il me semble que cette guerre est assez facile à comprendre...pendant que Ivanoe investissait des milliards dans d'autres villes du monde, Cadillac faiview est arrivé dans le portrait et leurs font compétition à Montréal (ce que Ivanoé n'a pas vu venir)!! Sans parler du fait qu'Ivanoé va perdre un de ses plus gros locataire (Deloitte) à la Place Ville marie et le fait que Cadillac a un gros projet qui pourrait leurs faire mal... et voilà! Vous avez ce qui se passe en ce moment!


Tu vois juste. Ils ont privilégié d'autres villes du monde avant nous. Tant pis pour eux.

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LMAO. Is IC serious?? Cry babies. Their arguments hold zero water! Peel and St-Antoine is the middle of downtown and has been a blight for DECADES! They are basically asking the city to regulate development to certain areas of the CBD. I mean, what?? That's lunacy. If someone wants to build something in a blighted, abandoned area, a project(s) that will breath life into the city, then that is their choice. If IC's products are so so great, they will attract top tier tenants. Competition is good. And building Montreal-up is good. Increased density is good. More residents, more business, more bustle. All good things. Increased density is also green.


IC is being a sore loser. They feel like Montreal is their turf and they don't like CF -or anyone else - coming in and doing big things? Quad Windsor is the most transformative and exciting project since PVM. It's up to CF to decide what to build and if to build based on their business - can they attract the tenants, can they sell the condos. If they decide they can't, because of the market or otherwise, that's their sole decision.

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  • 3 semaines plus tard...

Good news for the area concerning the Canada Border Services Citizenship & immigration Canada Building situated at 715 Peel . The building will undergo a $ 18,800,000 face lift to be completed in December 2017. The project will seek environmentally friendly upgrades repairs and major redevelopment. The project will aim LEED-CI Silver Green Rating System.

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