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Pont Jacques-Cartier: informations, discussion générale et actualités


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Ive read just as many negative comment from francophones anyway, except I'm guessing most of them don't live in mtl or never get to see the bridge lol. Who cares at this point, also it cost 40 millions but for 10 years! Lol people forget tourists are gonna come to mtl just to see that bridge and that means they'll spend money here. That kind of impact is never taken in consideration

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Il y a 14 heures, digitalfunkster a dit :

Guys, maybe try stopping the racist comments by generalizing anglophones in such a way.

If you substitute anglophone by blacks I think you will get the point.

If you read carefully this dicussion, it was about a very specific demographic. Sure its a bit of a generalization, but listen to Global news, CJAD or read the Gazette-Suburban, and you will see what people mean when they talk about angryphones. An outsider would think its the fourth reich in Montréal atm.  

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Guys, I think we all need to take a chill pill!  Some people will always complain, the important thing is that things are moving in the right direction for our City. Maybe not fast enough for some people, but at least we are not moving backwards! 

14 hours ago, franktko said:

C'est quel le deuxième? Windsor?

J'avoue que je suis surpris de cette croyais que le Pont Champlain et le Pont J-C étaient les deux ponts les plus utilisés au Canada!?!?!

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il y a 50 minutes, fmfranck a dit :

If you read carefully this dicussion, it was about a very specific demographic. Sure its a bit of a generalization, but listen to Global news, CJAD or read the Gazette-Suburban, and you will see what people mean when they talk about angryphones. An outsider would think its the fourth reich in Montréal atm.  

No need to cite the Reich to get your point across. This is the kind of discussion that we dont need on this forum.

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Suffit d'ecouter les radios de Quebec pour se rendre compte qu'il n'y a pas seulement les angryphone du west-island qui se plaignent sans arrets et sont contre tout. Les francophones on leur chialeux aussi. 

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