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There is one really unfortunate thing about his team, and that is his health minister. Barrett is really screwing with the internal workings of the healthcare system and it makes many very good doctors and nurses want to leave.


There needs t obe a major overhaul to health care. Barrette is not doing enough. Where is the pay-for-medical-act he promised? I find it baffling that the MUHC needs to pay back the governement because they did too many surgeries...

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There is one really unfortunate thing about his team, and that is his health minister. Barrett is really screwing with the internal workings of the healthcare system and it makes many very good doctors and nurses want to leave.


Wtf. Barette, Leitao et Couillard se sont mis daccord pour saigner le réseau de la santé pour diminuer les dépenses du gouvernement. C'est une décision qui vient du haut et qui se prend en collégialité. On ne peut pas dissocier de telle façon les décisions du gouvernement. Les questions de budget (dont est le principal responsable Leitao), ça passe tout par le Conseil des ministres et plus précisément par le Conseil du trésor et le conseil privé. On est dans un système premier ministériel, TOUTES les décisions passent par le premier ministre. On ne délègue que la simple administration.

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Saigner le reseau de la santé.??? Viarge on depense un max en santé. Les medecins et infirmieres gagnent de tres bon salaires . On payent deja assez ca suffit. Que l'on accepte les diplomes de medecins europeens et ca va faire de la nouvelle competition. Et que l'on ne parlent pas de la medecine aux USA c'est pas un exemple a suivre. On le voit avec les medicaments la-bas 2 fois plus cher qu'ici .

Wtf. Barette, Leitao et Couillard se sont mis daccord pour saigner le réseau de la santé pour diminuer les dépenses du gouvernement. C'est une décision qui vient du haut et qui se prend en collégialité. On ne peut pas dissocier de telle façon les décisions du gouvernement. Les questions de budget (dont est le principal responsable Leitao), ça passe tout par le Conseil des ministres et plus précisément par le Conseil du trésor et le conseil privé. On est dans un système premier ministériel, TOUTES les décisions passent par le premier ministre. On ne délègue que la simple administration.
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Wtf. Barette, Leitao et Couillard se sont mis daccord pour saigner le réseau de la santé pour diminuer les dépenses du gouvernement. C'est une décision qui vient du haut et qui se prend en collégialité. On ne peut pas dissocier de telle façon les décisions du gouvernement. Les questions de budget (dont est le principal responsable Leitao), ça passe tout par le Conseil des ministres et plus précisément par le Conseil du trésor et le conseil privé. On est dans un système premier ministériel, TOUTES les décisions passent par le premier ministre. On ne délègue que la simple administration.


No matter who is responsible, the quality of care and quality of those who insure that care has gone way down in the last year. For example the 3 best doctors where my gf works(where there are 6 doctors) were forced to leave because they were by law not permitted to give the care they wanted to. One went private and the other two left the province. Their approach is way off and people in the healthcare system are leaving, we needed more people before they started doing anything and we need even more now. They may have saved money but it sure as heck costs Montrealers the world class care we should be getting. I know we needed to save money but it was done in a way that hinders the system, it was not simple leaning or reorganizing and it is unfortunate. ESPECIALLY given the enormity of money we spend via tax to this system I am sure they could have done it differently.

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We spend too much in bureaucracy in the health system. Way too many civil servants seating in offices.

No matter who is responsible, the quality of care and quality of those who insure that care has gone way down in the last year. For example the 3 best doctors where my gf works(where there are 6 doctors) were forced to leave because they were by law not permitted to give the care they wanted to. One went private and the other two left the province. Their approach is way off and people in the healthcare system are leaving, we needed more people before they started doing anything and we need even more now. They may have saved money but it sure as heck costs Montrealers the world class care we should be getting. I know we needed to save money but it was done in a way that hinders the system, it was not simple leaning or reorganizing and it is unfortunate. ESPECIALLY given the enormity of money we spend via tax to this system I am sure they could have done it differently.
Modifié par andre md
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It's a no-brainer.


When we put sovereignty on the back burner...



Great, you should vote PQ the next time then!!! Lisée promised no referendum during its first mandate... I always knew our minds would meet sometime :silly:

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