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Pas vraiment une bonne idée de cliquer sur ce lien : je me suis retrouvé avec toutes sortes de cochonneries dans mon ordi dont quelques-unes dont je n'ai pas réussi à me débarrasser !!!!!!


hm, j'utilise ce site depuis environ 5 ans sans jamais y avoir trouvé aucun virus. Il faut lire les commentaires et savoir ce que l'on fait.


Ce fichier contient seulement un vidéo, impossible qu'il contienne un virus.

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Membres prolifiques

Pas vraiment une bonne idée de cliquer sur ce lien : je me suis retrouvé avec toutes sortes de cochonneries dans mon ordi dont quelques-unes dont je n'ai pas réussi à me débarrasser !!!!!!


Faut savoir utilisé The Pirate bay et les autres sites du genre qui sont très mal fait. Ta plein de pub avec un gros bouton DOWNLOAD qui porte à confusion.



Il faut utilisé un logiciel comme uTorrent et télécharger le fichier.torrent. (en cliquant sur Get Torrent) et après c'est sans trop de soucis.


Cependant, ces sites la gratuits doivent se faire des sous et c'est principalement avec des fausses publicités et en induisant les non initiés en erreurs...


Sauf que bon


Je suis pas certain que c'est une bonne chose de mettre des torrent ici, c'est illégal. Point et ça pourrais causé des problèmes à l'hébergeur du site...

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Faut savoir utilisé The Pirate bay et les autres sites du genre qui sont très mal fait. Ta plein de pub avec un gros bouton DOWNLOAD qui porte à confusion.


Ou tu peux juste utiliser Firefox comme browser, puis activer son application ad-block (programme incroyable que tu oubliera aussitot par son efficacité)


Depuis deux ans, pas une pub, pas un pop-up quand je navigue le web... Meme dans les pires sites pornos. :awesome:

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  • 5 semaines plus tard...


Anthony Bourdain flanked by Martin Picard (left) and Normand Laprise at the latter's Brasserie T! The evening was part of the Montreal episode of The Layover, which airs Wednesday, May 2, 2012 on the Canadian specialty channel Travel+Escape.

Photograph by: Handout , Courtesy of Travel+Escape


MONTREAL - Not that his fans – or detractors – would expect otherwise, but a daylong layover in Montreal for Anthony Bourdain doesn’t entail a sedentary bus tour of the city, a quaint dinner with stuffy eggheads at some prissy resto past its prime, followed by a smart continental breakfast at a swishy hotel before heading back to the Big Apple.


Hell, the celebrated maverick chef/author/TV-star/boulevardier chowed down on a medium-fat smoked meat sandwich at Schwartz’s for a late breakfast the day he left town. And some 24 hours earlier, he did some major carbo-and-lox loading at Beauty’s. And let’s just say that he didn’t starve himself in between those meals. Nor was he ever parched.


Though shot last summer and already a YouTube hit, Bourdain’s The Layover makes its Montreal pit stop, Wednesday at 10 p.m. on the Travel+Escape channel. The 10-part TV series, which debuted on the Canadian specialty channel three weeks ago, covers hot spots from Amsterdam to Singapore to Bourdain’s New York. Unlike Bourdain’s hit show No Reservations, the focus of The Layover is cultural as well as culinary.


In what will no doubt enhance civic pride for many, Montreal is the sole Canadian city selected for the series. For good reason. As Bourdain so succinctly puts it at the beginning of the show: “Montreal is where the cool kids hang … Without Montreal, Canada would be nothing.”


Clearly, the reference is more food than finance related.


Bourdain doesn’t do cursory layovers. He soaks up the city. Quite literally in the case of Montreal.


“Montreal is a dangerous place for a chef,” Bourdain notes. That’s because our wild-man chef hooks up with three of my favourite city wild-men, Joe Beef’s Dave McMillan and Fred Morin and Au Pied de Cochon’s Martin Picard, and embarks on a liver-defying adventure of quasi-epic proportions.


But it’s not all hooch out of a brown paper bag in the back of a pickup truck – with Bourdain, Picard and Toqué! creator Normand Laprise. Tour-guide Bourdain takes it all in and captures the flavour of the city better than any outsider. In fact, better than almost any city insider.


Bourdain begins his odyssey by getting into the rhythm of the city at Beauty’s and the St. Viateur bagel factory and the Jean Talon Market. He rhapsodizes about our raw-milk cheeses with my fave fromagiste Gilles Jourdenais at the Atwater Market.


But Bourdain is not big on tam-tams on the mountain or surfing in the St. Lawrence. He also balks at hanging out in too-chill java joints in Mile End: “I’d rather dunk my head in boiling duck fat.”


Nor is he fussy about some of the pomp and circumstance he discovers in Old Montreal – particularly seeing folks in period military attire. This has him wondering why there is no “beaver steak” on the menu at Le Club Chasse et Pêche, although he does enjoy the octopus and duck there.


All the same, he allows that he would sooner dig into a simple grilled-cheese sandwich at a greasy spoon or go nuts at the ever-satisfying, moderate-rent Greek delight, Marvin’s in Park Extension. Or the Portuguese-style barbecue chicken at Rotisserie Ramados. Or check out the gear-head scene at the Orange Julep. Or the décor and libations at the more upscale Dominion Square Tavern.


Then comes the moment he had been anticipating: touching base with McMillan and Morin. “They are legendary for putting the hurt on visiting chefs,” Bourdain allows.


Though perhaps less known for their dragon-boat paddling in the Old Port. Which, to Bourdain’s astonishment, is what he does with the boys at first. But after working off a couple of calories, they head to Brasserie Caprin in The Point for some pig knuckles and several cold brewskis. Next, it’s on to Joe Beef for one of the house specialties, Clams on a Radio (a vintage radio, to boot) and some fine vino.


No stopping Bourdain now. He meets up with Laprise at the latter’s latest spot, Brasserie T! in the Quartier des Spectacles. They are joined by Picard, the “Michael Corleone” of the Montreal resto scene. “I’m dead now,” Bourdain mutters.


Close. It’s on to their pickup truck tour. Clearly not satiated with the booze in the brown paper bag, they hit Big in Japan on the Main and sample some rare Chinese whiskey while debating the merits of Céline Dion. Picard, pickled or not, is a fan.


Not done yet. Time for some late-night tacos, courtesy of Grumman 78, at the Nouveau Palais.


Even Bourdain seems amazed that he has survived the ordeal the next morning at Schwartz’s. He has a headache but he is “grateful to be alive.” All in all, a success: “No karaoke, no drunk-dialing and no lap-dances.” And as he points out earlier in the piece, Montreal does food and drink real well and with much “panache.”


A sober Bourdain stands by his observations of the city, many months after The Layover shoot: “I love Montreal,” he says in a phone interview. “I always have great times there.”


He states that Montreal stacks up well against the best cities he has visited. “Montreal is stranger than other cities in a really exciting way. There’s no other city with that kind of anarchistic mix-and-match attitude. It’s almost a counter-cultural embrace of a mix of traditional and new.


“It’s a good time to be a chef in Montreal. Fred and Dave, in particular, have taken it upon themselves to become ambassadors. I don’t know a single chef who has entered your country and has not been fed and liquored and completely seduced by Fred and Dave. The profile of Montreal is spectacularly high among chefs everywhere and largely, if not entirely, due to Fred and Dave, along with Martin.”


Bourdain had certain criteria for selecting the 10 cities in the series. He sought out places where he had connections and where he would be able to provide useful info about restaurants and sights that viewers could actually recreate.


All the same, what may be taken for granted here – binging in the back of a pickup truck — is not the norm in Singapore, which Bourdain praises for its “vibrant street-food culture.”


The entire Layover series was shot in under two months. And if Bourdain replicated his feats in even half the other cities, it speaks to an almost otherworldly constitution.


“It was punishing, and I went on vacation right after,” he says. “It is much harder than No Reservations, because it is a week’s worth of food and alcohol all shoved into a period of 24 to 48 hours.”


While he gives the gorgers from La Grande Bouffe a run for their money, Bourdain manages to stay trim – though he eschews jogging and the like. “When I’m home, I don’t eat breakfast or snack between meals. I don’t even keep a beer in my fridge. It would never even occur to me to have a drink in my house.”


He saves it all for our collective house. Bourdain is also up on the latest culinary developments in town, such as the sale of Schwartz’s and the suits and counter-lawsuits between the owners of the now Gordon Ramsay-less Laurier BBQ and the famed English chef.


“I guess (Ramsay) will actually have to show up in Montreal (for the lawsuits),” the ever-candid Bourdain quips.” It is spectacularly stupid of them to have paid him a dime to help with the restaurant. He’s a TV guy now. What does he have to do with restaurants? (His) is a degraded brand anyway – a restaurant brand in decline.”


Would Bourdain ever consider opening a place here? “I wouldn’t survive the experience with such a proximity to Fred, Dave and Martin. It’s dangerous to my health,” cracks Bourdain, author of the bestselling Kitchen Confidential plus several other books and crime novels.


“If I have learned anything in the restaurant business in 30 years, it’s to stay the hell out of the restaurant business! To never own a restaurant. I was a hired gun.”


That he was and that he will always be.


Anthony Bourdain’s The Layover showcases Montreal Wednesday at 10 p.m. ET on the Travel+Escape channel.


The Layover series will be available here on DVD June 5.




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  • 5 mois plus tard...
  • 6 mois plus tard...

Bourdain a beaucoup de succes avec son nouveau show sur CNN. Ce dimanche il s'attaque au Canada et je suis sur que Montreal a la part du lion du show.


Autre nouvelle importante, Poutine devient un boisson gazeuse!


La poutine commence a frapper l'imagination des américains. A quand la poutine creme glacee?

Modifié par LindbergMTL
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