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Expos de Montréal


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I support "local sports". I actually watch curling on RDS sometimes (shh, don't tell anyone). It's a fascinating sport. (I know curling was invented in Scotland, but it's still very popular here in Canada, so i consider it a somewhat local sport)


I didn't know anyone in Quebec actually watched curling when it was on. To be frank, I don't really understand it.


J'écoute le curling aussi ! C'est fascinant de voir des triples et quadruples sorties ! C'est comme les échecs (chess) mais en beaucoup plus gros. Un ''sport'' qui combine stratégie, précision et vitesse.


I'll be blunt:


Baseball is a slowly dying sport.


I agree 100% with you. There used to be 2 major league baseball team in Canada. One in Montreal and one in Toronto. Montreal lost it's team. Now Toronto could loose their own team as well seeing the current attendance numbers. Then, there would be no more major league baseball team in Canada, even in Toronto where everything is supposed to be sucessfull.




I hate soccer too because of :


- C'est le seul sport dans le monde où tu peux causer une triple fracture à un joueur simplement en l'accrochant avec ton petit doigt. Les joueurs de soccer doivent avoir des petits doigts en titane ou en acier.


- C'est un sport archaïque où si tu oses demander une reprise vidéo, tu te retrouves dans une prison quelque part en Sibérie pour le reste de tes jours.


- C'est un sport archaïque qui refuse d'accepter le fait que l'on peut maintenant faire "pause" sur un chronomètre et ainsi avoir un temps de jeu beaucoup moins arbitraire.


- C'est un sport qui nous a été directement imposé de la France au Québec francophone. Vous êtes chanceux les anglophones, vous n'avez pas la merde de soccer français. Je crois que je vais l'écouter qu'en anglais les prochaine fois. Je trouve ça ridicule que on appel ça le Foot, qu'on dise des "corneaires", des "pinaltsies" et autres. On a traduit tous les termes du hockey mais pas capable de traduire les termes du soccer, merci à la France, le pays le plus anglicisé du monde. Ils peuvent bien faire les snobs dans le Plateau à nous appeler les indigènes, parfois ça leur ferait du bien de se faire remettre en face qui ils sont.


- Sinon, mea culpa, go impact go.

Modifié par monctezuma
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- C'est un sport archaïque où si tu oses demander une reprise vidéo, tu te retrouves dans une prison quelque part en Sibérie pour le reste de tes jours.


- C'est un sport archaïque qui refuse d'accepter le fait que l'on peut maintenant faire "pause" sur un chronomètre et ainsi avoir un temps de jeu beaucoup moins arbitraire.


J'avoue que ça serait le temps d'une mise à jour importante.

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i don't think i've ever watched this much soccer for my entire life ... and although i've grown accustomed to ties and even scoreless matches, what i still have a problem with is that in the event of a one goal deficit, often times teams seem to just "give up", allowing the other team to just sit on it ... it's a one goal game, god damit! show a little grit!!! ....


the other thing is, offside rules are extremely repressive .. i can understand how they're meant to prevent that a single offensive player would just stand next to the goal and wait for a long pass, almost insuring a goal thereafter; but this almost never happens anyway, and when it's a situation where a player is able to pierce through a pair of defensemen, the rule should be a lot more forgiving. .. i don't see it as a unfair advantage when you're able to sneak past the defense in a skillful manner, as it is seemlingly so often the case in so many of those offside calls ..


i know that'll never happen but .. maybe they could do it like that: if all players of the attacking team are past a certain line (somewhere between the centre line and the goal, sorta like hockey's blue line), then players would be allowed to receive passes from anywhere, to anywhere, maybe perhaps except from within the very inner "square" right in front the goal itself.. this way you eliminate unfair passes but allow for a much more fluiding offense when it gets "set up" in the attacking zone ..


another thing could be that when a player clears the ball with a huge kick that goes out of their zone and straight out of bounds, the attacking team could get a free kick from the site of the original "illegal clearance" .. coming from hockey where icing the puck is just retarded and punished rightfully so, those plays are annoying to me, too.




i'll call fifa . .. :silly:

Modifié par pedepy
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  • 1 année plus tard...

Source: Team 990


What started initially as a couple of thoughts in passing on a French language radio show, has now turned into full fledged speculation in Montreal sports circles. A guest Tuesday on Melnick in the Afternoon with Mitch Melnick, former Expos broadcaster and current columnist Rodger Brulotte spoke about an interested group that's apparently serious about bringing professional baseball back to Montreal.


Brulotte first spoke the words on a local French radio show and then posted them on his RDS blog. As of Wednesday morning, the blog had close to 14,000 views and has people talking. Brulotte explained Tuesday on THE TEAM 990 that this unnamed group approached him several times over the last couple of years and that he originally told them he was not interested in hearing them out. However, as their intentions have become more serious and in light of the recent Conference Board of Canada report that Montreal could support an MLB team under the right conditions, Brulotte has now gone public with their interest - presumably to gauge public support.


It's unknown who the mystery group is, but some observers have speculated that it could be Quebecor, attempting to secure sports content for their multiple media platforms, in both languages, similar to Rogers Communications and its ownership of the Toronto Blue Jays.


According to's National Reporter Barry Bloom, a guest on Game Points with Matthew Ross on Tuesday night, MLB is not interested in expansion, but a franchise like Oakland could be moved in the next few years. He cited Tampa Bay's stadium lease as the major obstacle to that franchise leaving Florida.

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Is that Mitch Melnick still whining about his precious Expos? it's almost as annoying as his sick obsession with the senile Bob Dylan. Baseball is dead dead dead in Montreal and who cares about that god awful American sport anyway, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if the Blue Jays follow the Expos into oblivion (check their pathetic attendance record the last decade)

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