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Le ‎2017‎-‎07‎-‎21 à 08:34, MtlMan a dit :

À ta place, j'éviterais de faire des affirmations de ce genre. Es-tu dans le secret des dieux? 

Anyway, just sayin....

Je pense qu'il ne lis pas beaucoup les journaux...

L'argent n'est pas la raison qui explique pourquoi le retour d'une équipe se fait attendre.La ligue doit donner le ok pour un transfert ou une expansion.

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Le 26/07/2017 à 23:23, joss a dit :

Moi je ne payerai pas un sous pour enrichir des AMARICAINS et si c étais des  QUÉBECOIS alors la ca commence a m intéresser.Des équipes Canadiennes de baseball pour  chaque grande villes comme au football.

On appelle ça des ligues de garage. 

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Jack Todd: Coderre's E-car fiasco doesn't bode well for return of Expos

Published on: August 6, 2017 | Last Updated: August 6, 2017 6:12 PM EDT

Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre walks through the paddock at the Montreal Formula ePrix electric car race in Montreal on Friday, July 28, 2017. RYAN REMIORZ / THE CANADIAN PRESS

Not since Mayor Jean Drapeau was blithely assuring us that the Olympics could no more run a deficit than a man could have a baby have we seen a sports fiasco in Montreal on a par with the Formula E debacle.

The question now is what effect the E-car fiasco will have on the political future of Mayor Denis Coderre and Coderre’s biggest baby, the effort to bring back the Montreal Expos.

In any rational, informed society, Coderre would be out on his ear in November, soundly trounced at the polls for his cavalier ways with public funds and his tendency to throw wads of taxpayer money at everything from granite tree stumps to Formula E.

But voters do love a circus, even when that circus might threaten their very existence: see our friends south of the border. With Coderre, circuses are his thing. People say that he’s about bread and circuses, but from where I sit, he is circuses and circuses. There’s no bread involved.

Begging the question: Would you trust this man to quarterback a stadium project? And will the rapidly eroding public trust in Coderre undermine efforts to build a baseball stadium and bring back the Expos? 

The problem is that Coderre is a man who never met a costly extravaganza he didn’t like. I’m not the first to point out that we live in a city where the streets are cratered like the moon, where schools have to scrape and scrounge for the most basic supplies, where the infrastructure is crumbling — and yet Coderre tosses taxpayer dollars around like so much confetti.

I had a chat or two with Coderre when he was with the feds and I always found him witty, informed and engaged. I admire the man’s work ethic, his sly wit, his gregarious manner, his determination and tenacity when he wants to get something done.

But Coderre lost me with the granite tree stumps for Mount Royal. It would be hard to find a more concrete example of that moment when a politician’s vaulting ambition o’erleaps itself and falls on t’other, to drag the Bard into it.

The concrete-stump idea was so bizarre, so over the top, that it was hard to imagine how anyone could entertain it for an instant. It somehow bubbled up from the city’s planners during the giddy preliminaries for the utterly necessary 375th anniversary observations — and like so many bureaucrats before them, Montreal’s planners mistook an artistic con job for art.

The tree stumps, to my eye, look more like broken chunks of concrete pipe. In any case, when the stumps sparked a public outcry, the play for Coderre was to say, ‘y’know what? You’re right. That is a stupid way to spend $3.45 million. I’m killing the whole thing right now.’

Instead, hizzoner doubled down on that prime bit of foolishness, as he has since doubled down on Formula E after a ruinously expensive race made it impossible to navigate the city.

Coderre’s personal style may be very different from Drapeau’s, but he operates with much of the same absolute lack of transparency, the same arrogance, the same disregard for his constituents, the same desire to bring international attention to his city (and himself) through sheer extravagance.

Coupled with the bridge lighting and the granite tree stumps and all the rest of it, the Formula E debacle ought to spell electoral disaster for Coderre in November. Unfortunately, it’s hard to unseat the incumbent. The real question is whether a new ballpark would be feasible, no matter who is in the mayor’s office. First of all, the plan shouldn’t get off the ground without a guarantee from Major League Baseball, because you don’t want to get caught like Quebec City, with a state-of-the-art arena and no team to play in it.

Once that guarantee is in hand, the litmus test for a new ballpark should be  simple: If the project is financially viable, then it makes sense for private investors to bear the brunt of the cost, as Molson did with what is now the Bell Centre. If it isn’t, then it doesn’t make sense to sink anyone’s money into it, public or private.

With the very real problems we face in this city and this province, this is not the place to squander millions on tree stumps or hundreds of millions on a baseball stadium. One Olympic-sized stadium debacle in this city was quite enough, thank you very much.

Look, I very much want to see the Expos return to Montreal, but not at any cost. Perhaps we can’t rule out some level of public investment — but Montrealers are not going to sit still for anything like the heist Jeffrey Loria pulled off with the Miami Marlins, a piece of chicanery that left Dade County taxpayers with a tab comparable to our own Olympic Stadium debt.

One shudders to think what Coderre would consider a viable stadium project. A ballpark with a praying mantis tower from which a retractable roof could be suspended, maybe? Surrounded by millions of dollars worth of ugly granite stumps?

Hey, but maybe the Formula E race could wind around the infield.

Twitter: @jacktodd46

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Jack Todd : What a clown...

On a prorata basis , how many Montrealers shares the view that Formula E was a fiasco, a debacle or what ever he calls it... It is a slight minority. This event was rather quite successul, the drivers were happy with the event, the track, etc., there was 45,000 people who came to see this race from different countries... Is there anybody who shares his view??? (Besides the few frustrated Village residents who unsuccessfully tried to riot this event)

What do you know about the exact cost of the race (vs the expected cost) and how do you rate or evaluate the pay back on these expenses?

Also, before making any connection between baseball and Formula E, you should think twice... The stadium would likely be the job of an institutional investors... There is private money to buyback the team, worst case, the city would be a contributor to the stadium but nothing like the main investor. This is not going to fall in the hand of public finance, it has been stated pretty clearly so far...

This as baseless statement to conclude on a way too dramatic article.

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I follow Jack Todd on Twitter. He has no fucking clue what he's talking about, on any issue. His ignorance and ability to twist anything and everything amazes me. He once said the Expos would never ever come back. I wouldn't be surprised if he's hoping they don't, just so he can say he was right.

What a tool.

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6 hours ago, Chris1989 said:

I follow Jack Todd on Twitter. He has no fucking clue what he's talking about, on any issue. His ignorance and ability to twist anything and everything amazes me. He once said the Expos would never ever come back. I wouldn't be surprised if he's hoping they don't, just so he can say he was right.

What a tool.

You took the words right out of my mouth. I can't believe the shit he said back when the expos were in trouble of folding. Fuck him and the vast majority of the english Montreal media.

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Il y a longtemps que the Gazette ne fait plus partie de mes références, à cause de son biais reconnu qui lui enlève toute objectivité. Je demande à un journal qu'il m'informe correctement en s'en tenant aux faits, et de me laisser ensuite me faire ma propre opinion sur un sujet donné.

Ici la fureur qui ressort de cet article le rapproche bien plus des fake news, un style à la mode que Trump a mis au goût du jour. C'est déjà assez laborieux d'être bien informé puisqu'il faut recouper la nouvelle en puisant à plusieurs sources. Je rejette alors complètement les journaux de désinformations que je considère comme une forme de pollution déguisée sous le vocable de la liberté d'expression. 

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