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Membres prolifiques

Membres prolifiques

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I did some photoshopping and combined the two halves of the nighttime front view Gilbert posted, cleaning up some of the text in the process.

I had to clone some floors in the middle because the two halves cut off part of the middle.


Sur toutes les photos on peut compter 40 étages! (..sauf sur les deux images découpés bien sur)




I did a little analysis and can confirm with 90% certainty that given the images we have, the buildign should be between 117m-140m, most likely around 127m.

The Marriott will be shorter than the Complexe Desjardins south tower and about as tall as the East Tower but much taller than the Tour Hydro-Québec!! :):goodvibes:



Modifié par Cataclaw
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Cataclaw, j'apprécie énormément ton tableau explicatif !!! Le faire en pleine nuit en plus, il faut le faire !!!! Merci beaucoup ! :)


Qui est game de faire le model 3D dans Google Earth, sa serait trop nice :goodvibes:

Modifié par Montréal Fred Metro
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