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Oh! So he finally was found guilty of terrorism?


He killed the Army medic and is not a soldier, which is accepted as true by everyone. So he is at least guilty of murder. Some people have said things about the Geneva Conventions, but if they had read them, they would realize that the Conventions are not applicable in this case. He only lived in Canada for like a year!


And he isn't a very nice guy anyway:




They should have left him where he was and saved us all the trouble :(


I don't see what the big problem is!?!? All that this means is that there are less innocent people in our jails!


I would rather see a guilty person go free rather than seeing an innocent person go to jail!


Maybe they are acquitting the guilty people and convicting the innocents :D

Modifié par Cyrus
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I'm curious what kind of criminal record you're hiding behind your screename that would lead to such a hostile and bigoted response? You clearly hate the tough on crime approach to a degree that only a criminal could sympathize with. Very peculiar.


Franchement, c'est pas fort ton affaire!:confused:


I'm sorry dude, but that was not a very intelligent remark. In fact, I'd say that your remarks are getting dumber and dumber as time passes.

I can't believe you think we have a problem with crime in this province. Like MTLman said, go take a look at what's going on in your favorite state(Texas) and tell me that they are better off over there (with the death penalty) and their "tough on crime" approach to justice. You'll quickly see that there is alot more crime per person in the U.S. States (all of them) compared to Québec!


Once in a while you might wanna drop the 1950's conservative approach to do realize we are now a full decade into the 21st century?:rolleyes:

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The United States shares a border with a third world country (a border that is not completely fenced off). There is a drug war going on in Mexico right now (in case you haven't heard). With the number of illegals crossing into the United States each day, did it ever occur to you that crime in the United States would be worse than it is in Canada? .


Ah oui bien sûr, c'est la faute des "importés". Les bons américains eux ne vendent pas de drogue et ne violent pas et ne tuent pas une paquet de monde dans des McDos, entre autres. À une autre époque c'était la faute des Juifs, ou des Gitans. Ou bien sûr des "sodomistes", ou des femmes de petite vertu, ou.......:yawning:






Also the United States has a large African-American population, a population that has historically been ghettoized, discriminated against, and that is also generally much poorer than the white population. While it often goes unreported in the news, there is large amounts of black-on-black crime in the US, which is partly due to both ghettoization/discrimination , a weak public education system, and drug smuggling from Latin America. .



Et alors? L'approche "tough on crime" ne règle pas plus leurs problèmes! Des investissements dans l'éducation, des activités sportives et culturelles, de la formation professionnelle, des emplois, voilà qui est une véritable SOLUTION. Pffffff..... Tu saisis vraiment pas vieux.....



If you want me to go on, I will.


Non, pas nécessaire. C'est assez tordu comme ça.


Now that your delusional theory of rehabilitating hard criminals has been thrown out the window,


Quelle pure malhonnêteté! Ça sent le harperisme étroit à plein nez. Où ai-je dit que je souhaitais RÉ-HABILITER des criminels endurcis? Quelqu'un svp peut-il me citer, si c'est le cas? J'ai bien spécifié que dans certains cas, il faut être dur, et appliquer la tolérance zéro. Le problème avec ton approche, c'est que c'est une illusion de solution. CE N'EST QU'UN OUTIL PARMI D'AUTRES QUI PEUT ÊTRE NÉCESSAIRE DANS CERTAINS CAS, mais la MEILLEURE SOLUTION à long terme, c'est l'approche préventive, et les méthodes alternatives.


do you still honestly prefer our lax justice system that lets the most violent criminals out of prison after only a few years? I suppose you were fine with Karla Homolka being released from prison only 12 years after brutally raping and killing two schoolgirls and her own sister?


Annuler les sorties de prison trop hâtives pour les criminels endurcis, bien sûr! Mais ça n'empêchera pas d'autres de faire des crimes! Tout comme la peine de mort n'empêche manifestement pas beaucoup d'Américains de tuer et de violer! ET PUIS, LES CRIMINELS ENDURCIS, OU IRRÉCUPÉRABLES, NE CONSTITUENT QU'UNE MINORITÉ DE LA POPULATION CARCÉRALE.


I suppose you're clamouring for the return and release of Al-Qaeda terrorist Omar Khadr to Canada?


OUI JE VEUX QU'ON LE RAMÈNE! NOUS SOMMES CAPABLES DE LE JUGER NOUS-MÊMES, merde! Si Harper n'est pas capable d'affirmer la souveraineté canadienne face aux Américains, qu'il laisse la place à quelqu'un qui saura le faire. Quel médiocre à-plat-ventriste! ET PUIS, UN CAS COMME CELUI DE KHADR, C'EST CE QU'ON APPELLE UN ENFANT-SOLDAT! Il Y a des conventions internationales qui traitent de ça. Manifestement, tu n'en sais strictement rien. La réhabilitation de milliers d'entre eux se fait en Afrique, et cela est infiniment plus constructifs et profitable à la société que de les laisser pourrir en prison. BIEN SÛR, IL Y EN AURA TOUJOURS QUI SERONT À JAMAIS PERDUS, alors pour ceux-ci il restera l'incarcération perpétuelle. C'est tout.




You seem to lack any empathy for victims of violent crime. You seem to be quite fine with the fact that our weak justice system releases dangerous offenders. Why don't you ask the families of victims of violent crime what they think of rehabilitation and reintegration of murderers and rapists. Perhaps you ought to ask the police officers on the streets what they think of an excessively liberal justice system. Perhaps you don't know any victims (or their families) of this sort of crime, perhaps you don't even care what they go through? As long as it isn't you. Nice attitude.



Encore la propagande populiste typiquement harperiste: si vous n'êtes pas assez "dur", c'est que vous vous foutez des pauvres victimes. Appliquons la simple logique: SI LA MÉTHODE DURE NE PRÉVIENT PAS LES CRIMES, ET QUE LA MÉTHODE ALTERNATIVE OBTIENT DE MEILLEURS RÉSULTATS, ALORS EN APPLIQUANT CETTE DERNIÈRE NOUS ÉVITONS À DES TAS DE GENS DE DEVENIR DES VICTIMES, OU PARENTS DE VICTIMES, DANS L'AVENIR!


Et oui, comme n'importe quelle personne douée d'émotion, je compatis avec les victimes. Mais l'institutionnalisation de la vengeance ne ramènera pas les victimes à leur vie antérieure, et n'empêchera pas les futurs criminels d'agir. Les individus sont importants, mais la société dans laquelle ils vivent conditionnent leur bien-être encore plus que la satisfaction de leur pulsions vengeresses viscérales, certes normales, mais profondément destructrices socialement si institutionnalisées comme tu semble le vouloir. JE CROIS PROFONDÉMENT QUE L'APPROCHE ALTERNATIVE FAIT UNE SOCIÉTÉ MEILLEURE, ET DONC DES INDIVIDUS MIEUX SERVIS PAR CELLE-CI, ET, FINALEMENT, PEUT-ÊTRE PLUS HEUREUX.


Ta pauvre théorie, au-delà de sa complète vacuité intellectuelle et logique, finit par faire plus de tort que de bien à notre société. Tu fais partie du problème, mec. Tout comme ton compagnon de lit idéologique, Harper.


En passant, tu n'as pas répondu à mon interrogation: es-tu aussi insécure et assoifé de puissance virtuelle que tes réponses le laissent entendre?:chillpill:

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Ou bien sûr des "sodomistes",


Pardon : "sodomites", pas de s avant le t. Appelons les choses par leur vrai nom....... Dans la perspective où il faudra finir par les enfermer à double tour, bien sûr............:stirthepot:

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I'm curious what kind of criminal record you're hiding behind your screename that would lead to such a hostile and bigoted response? You clearly hate the tough on crime approach to a degree that only a criminal could sympathize with. Very peculiar.



this is not a reasonable speculation. stick to the argument.


there are times when i start to think that you don't have opinions so much as a general sort of... persona.

Modifié par kool maudit
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Franchement, c'est pas fort ton affaire!:confused:


I'm sorry dude, but that was not a very intelligent remark. In fact, I'd say that your remarks are getting dumber and dumber as time passes.

I can't believe you think we have a problem with crime in this province. Like MTLman said, go take a look at what's going on in your favorite state(Texas) and tell me that they are better off over there (with the death penalty) and their "tough on crime" approach to justice. You'll quickly see that there is alot more crime per person in the U.S. States (all of them) compared to Québec!


Once in a while you might wanna drop the 1950's conservative approach to do realize we are now a full decade into the 21st century?:rolleyes:


Read my post later on if you haven't yet. Comparing crime in Quebec/Canada to the US is comparing apples to oranges. Do we share a largely unprotected border with Mexico? Do we have millions of former slaves residing in drug-ridden ghettos? No. Aside from areas with large native populations, crime in Canada is low to begin with. That doesn't mean that we should go easy on the crime that does occur.

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He killed the Army medic and is not a soldier, which is accepted as true by everyone. So he is at least guilty of murder.


So, there should be no problem to get him convicted? Right?

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So, there should be no problem to get him convicted? Right?


Hehehe :) Isn't he in the tribunal right now? I haven't been following too closely.


Canadian crime levels are much lower than the US. I like to think of it as a Nordic calmness, people get irritable when the temperature is hot. Note Quebec City's murder rate a while ago, for like 18 months nobody got murdered, what did their homicide unit of the police force do, sit around at Timmy's? :silly:

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