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I didn't want to start a thread about this, so I will just park this video here. Its a little over an hour long. Its about the US economy and how its failing and what can happen, when it collapses. I just wonder what would happen to the loonie, seeing 73% of our exports are to the US. The way I see it, we need to start exporting more to China, Brazil, Russia, India, South Korea, South Africa and other nations.


People consider it "fear mongering", the way I see it, it opens your eyes a bit more to whats happening and maybe we should all do something to protect ourselves from the collapse of the US dollar.

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I didn't want to start a thread about this, so I will just park this video here. Its a little over an hour long. Its about the US economy and how its failing and what can happen, when it collapses. I just wonder what would happen to the loonie, seeing 73% of our exports are to the US. The way I see it, we need to start exporting more to China, Brazil, Russia, India, South Korea, South Africa and other nations.


People consider it "fear mongering", the way I see it, it opens your eyes a bit more to whats happening and maybe we should all do something to protect ourselves from the collapse of the US dollar.


Yet, they are trying to build an oil pipeline through BC to the West Coast for oil exports, and they all want to block the construction and not allow tankers in the port... maybe all those anti-oil sands activists are being paid by Big Oil (USA) to block exports west and east and keep it flowing south at a discounted price :rotfl:

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Sorry due, but all i had to do was listen to the first minute of this video to realize it been made by another one of those crazy doomsday groups who believe the gov't is responsible for all of our problems.


I mean when the narrator said that americans have to keep an eye on their speedometers (as if that were a bad thing) I stopped listening to this crazy bat-shit stuff.


"America is no longer the land of the free"...oh c'mon! :rolleyes: What a load of bull-shit!

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Je peux pas croire qu'il y a encore des gens qui se font avoir par des vidéos du genre. Non pas que ce qu'ils disent doit totalement être faux, mais avec de belles affirmations comme "There is no common sense left in America" on pourrait difficilement être plus dans les généralités faciles.

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i'm happy to hear that this guy got a job offer! I love the fact that this guy wasn't just asking for money, but was actually telling people that he would be good at a certain type fo job.


Had he not said on his sign that he had a good radio voice, people would simply give him money without ever knowing that he has an incredible voice.


Good for him!

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