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Pont Samuel-De Champlain


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I suppose 40 years from now they will re-evaluate if more lanes are needed. At the end of the day it costs A LOT of money to build these roads. I imagine it is hard to justify over designing a road by 2 or 3 times to anticipate traffic 40 years down the road. Not only does it cost a lot more to way overdesign a road, it costs a lot more on an annual basis to maintain it all. I understand what you are saying, but I am just trying to be rational about this.

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I suppose 40 years from now they will re-evaluate if more lanes are needed. At the end of the day it costs A LOT of money to build these roads. I imagine it is hard to justify over designing a road by 2 or 3 times to anticipate traffic 40 years down the road. Not only does it cost a lot more to way overdesign a road, it costs a lot more on an annual basis to maintain it all. I understand what you are saying, but I am just trying to be rational about this.


Rationalise this then, population growth is never compounded anywhere in transit and road growth... every year around 40-50k more people are added in Greater Montreal, say from those 20k more workers... do you see anywhere 20k capacity addition in mass transit or road on a yearly basis? NO.


And we're not even trying hard enough to catch up the capacity defecit that we have accumulated from the last 40 years.

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I don't think overbuilding costs very much in the scheme of things. ROW acquisition is pretty cheap in Saint-Francois as it is undeveloped, and making a longer overpass, etc isn't very expensive. Making a bigger bridge might be, but then, you could design in such a way to have all traffic on one bridge and then build a new second bridge alongside to meet ultimate build-out. The giant-tall Bow River bridge on the Stoney Trail in Calgary (NW) is set up like this, a 4 lane bridge built in '97, and when they extend the freeway to the south, they are going to remove the jersey median and build a second bridge alongside it. Bow River is a small river by Montreal (Saint-Laurence) standards, but it is pretty comparable to the Back River that 25 crosses.


Looking around Montreal it is hard to see any roads that are in an "ultimate" (built-up area) situation that are too big for what happened, but a vast number (all of them?) that are undersized. The only overbuilt thing I can think of is the directional interchange at A-25 and Souligny Avenue, but Souligny was supposed to be (and will be at some point in the far future) a freeway west of A-25 anyway.

Modifié par Cyrus
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  • 2 semaines plus tard...

Harper veut tuer Montréal


Stéphane Laporte


Le Mardi 27 septembre 2011


Je sais bien que Montréal ne vote jamais du bon bord. Quand Montréal ne vote pas Libéral, Montréal vote Bloc, quand Montréal ne vote pas Bloc, Montréal vote NPD. Montréal ne vote jamais Conservateur. Mais ce n’est pas une raison pour tuer Montréal. Et c’est ce que Stephen Harper est en train de faire en n’agissant pas à propos du Pont Champlain.


Notre ville est en train d’étouffer. Notre pays, le Canada, devrait s’empresser de sauver l’une de ses métropoles économiques. Pas du tout. La saignée de Montréal profite à Toronto, alors on s’en fout. C’est révoltant. Mais le problème, c’est que les Montréalais ne se révoltent pas. Et attendent.


Bien sûr, c’est important de manifester pour réclamer une commission d’enquête sur la construction, mais c’est encore plus urgent de manifester pour régler les problèmes de circulation dans notre ville.


Pour que Harper sorte de son indifférence, ça va prendre plus que mille personnes.


Harper n’a pas besoin de Montréal pour être le roi du Canada, voilà pourquoi, il nous méprise. Et il nous fait payer, notre non-allégeance.


Ça va prendre les efforts conjoints des autorités municipales, provinciales et du peuple, si on veut sauver Montréal.


Le Pont Champlain est en train de tomber, est-ce que le fédéral peut faire quelque chose? Ça prend quoi pour vous faire bouger? Combien de morts?


Si quelqu’un veut traduire ce blogue en anglais, pour que les décideurs puissent le lire, ce serait peut-être utile…

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I don't really see where it becomes a "Harper screwing over Montreal", I mean is Harper showering money on any other city's bridge? Even like it is, it is like Harper is always playing to his favorite city Montreal according to Toronto with all these megabuck studies and such. They said they were investing an insane amount of money to keep standing for 10 years and working on a replacement for the end of that which seems reasonable enough on its face. With the kind of billions of dollars people are estimating you can't draw a design on the back of a napkin and send people with shovels to Nun's Island tomorrow.


There is a very interesting article on Le Quebecois Libre this month about Montreal's bridges and some interesting historical comparisons. Did you know, accounting for inflation, both the Jacques-Cartier and Champlain bridges cost approximately $265 million to build in 2011 dollars? Why are we now talking of not 265 M$, but instead money on the order of 5 000 M$? What in the fuck happened there?! (it is somewhat besides my main point but it is certainly something to discuss and explain)

Modifié par Cyrus
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