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C'est platte à dire, mais ToxiK a raison!


Non non, les mecs, vous voyez trop noir. C'est ridicule de croire que pour faire des affaires (Le Québec et les États de la Nouvelle-Angleterre sont des partenaires commerciaux importants), il sera plus attirant de faire un GRAND DÉTOUR par Toronto. Voyons donc! Qui voudrait vendre des trucs en faisant une boucle démesurée pour atteindra sa destination? Mtl, c'est la 2e ville du Canada quand même, merde! Et puis, c'est la grande ville canadienne la plus près de la frontière. Ce n'est pas négligeable. Et c'est aussi un port d'entrée en Amérique très important. Le lien devra normalement se faire (il est possible d'utiliser les trains rapides pour du transport de marchandises?).


Putain, Toronto c'est PAS Dieu le Père quand même! De toutes façons, ce sera le lien Mtl-Toronto qui se fera avant, alors, aussi bien jouer nos cartes pour aller vers le sud quand il sera question de relier tout ça. Je ne suis pas expert, mais je ne crois pas que Mtl n'a aucun atout. Loin de là.

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I was actually shocked. I check Montreal to Toronto via. VIA Rail. It takes 4-5 hours and its $200. If I fly with Porter or Air Canada its 45 minutes or so and its $353.


I would totally take the train for $200 if it was a 2 hour ride or something.


I'm flying to Mtl-Cancun on Air Transat and its 394$,... where's the logic?!!? Our problem is high taxation on airports and fuel, that resolved, no one will mention TGV again.

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Un lien "TGV" Montreal - Toronto - New York ne fonctionnerais jamais car, meme a 350 km/h, cela prendrais pratiquement plus de temps qu'en voiture.


Peut-etre que Toronto aurait son TGV avant nous, mais ca ne veux pas dire que nous ne pourrions pas avoir le notre. Au lieu de s'abaisser betement devant la ville reine, pourquoi pour une fois ne pas se tenir debout et faire valoir notre point ? N'est-ce d'ailleurs pas d'attitude qui aura permis - en partie - a Toronto de graduellement surpasser notre ville en l'espace de quelques decennies seulement ?


De toute facon, je pense qu'eventuellement le vrai lien qui nous interessera ne sera pas necessairement Montreal - New York mais bien Montreal - Albany. Car si des trains a haute vitesse viennent a voir le jour aux Etats-Unis, cette derniere sera assurement reliee a Manhattan par une route ou une autre, soit propre a elle ou fesant partie d'un trace plus etendu depuis Toronto et/ou Buffalo. Et de la, on n'aurait qu'a connecter Montreal a Albany pour creer la connection; on se deal un arret a l'aeroport de plattsburgh pour splitter la facture 50-50 avec l'etat de New York, et voila - Montreal - New York en TGV .. :rolleyes:

Modifié par pedepy
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I'm flying to Mtl-Cancun on Air Transat and its 394$,... where's the logic?!!? Our problem is high taxation on airports and fuel, that resolved, no one will mention TGV again.


Aviation fuels are not legally able to be taxed in the world, no? But friggin "AIF" fees are ridiculous, give the airports back to TCan instead it is too damn expensive...

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I'm flying to Mtl-Cancun on Air Transat and its 394$,... where's the logic?!!? Our problem is high taxation on airports and fuel, that resolved, no one will mention TGV again.


The logic ?


When I go to New York, I save $200 when I fly out of Seattle rather than directly from Vancouver, than another $100 if I make a connection via Houston.



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Gov: Conn. funding likely for high-speed rail




Connecticut Gov. M. Jodi Rell says $260 million in state funding to upgrade train service from New Haven to Springfield, Mass., is expected to win approval from the state Bond Commission next month.


The state funding would nearly match a request for $220 million in federal money for the project. Connecticut is working with Massachusetts and Vermont to establish high-speed rail service in the region.


Rell said at a news conference Tuesday at the Wallingford train station that high-speed trains from New Haven to Springfield are expected to reduce traffic on Interstate 91 and spur economic development.


The project is part of a multibillion-dollar national initiative kicked off by President Barack Obama.


A public meeting on the project is scheduled for Thursday in Hartford.


Also here is a interview with the group (Montreal mentioned often):



Here is a map of what is happening:




Red is what is going to be approved next month and worked on in 2011, yellow is being studied right now and the Green seems to be nothing more than fantasy at the moment...


Priority really seems Boston-NY, and also notice that Albany is not planned in this route. (i took the route from a slide in the video BTW, 1:28)

Modifié par gelu88
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Going north-west from Springfield, the line should take the I-90 corridor until Albany and then head straight up from there.


Albany has a greater population than all of Vermont, so it makes far more sense to have the line pass through there. It's also a more direct path to Montreal.


(On a side note, it amuses me how foreigners pronounce Montreal. They say "Mohn-treal" whereas we locals call it Mun-treal")

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Well, the Vermont route bypasses the Appalachians for a bit and follows the valley, Perhaps the cost/benefit is greatest there.






Also remember that we are not talking true high speed at this point, these are upgrades that will incrementally improve the current service, so its not a big deal that Albany is not in this plan.

Modifié par gelu88
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