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Échangeur Turcot


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il y a 15 minutes, UrbMtl a dit :

mais la fameuse dalle-parc est de nouveau dans les plans du MTQ

Dans les plans, non. Mais le dialogue semble être relancé selon ce tweet.

Avant qu'il y ait une quelconque conception de plans, il va d'abord falloir que le gouvernement accepte de financer cet ajout.

C'est pas mal certain que le gouvernement ne demandera pas au consortium d'intégrer ça au projet actuel. Je pense que dans le meilleur des cas, ça va se faire conjointement au développement de la cour Turcot par la Ville, dans quelques années.

Modifié par nephersir7
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Pour vous dire franchement, j'ai toujours trouvé ça bidon cette dalle-parc. Elle permet de passer de la falaise St-Jacques à... nul part. Même si la dalle allait jusqu'à l'autre côté du canal à la rue St-Patrick, on arriverait... nul part. Et soit-dit en passant, il n'y a aucun usager à la falaise St-Jacques. Une belle dalle pour passer de nul part à nul part.

Quand les terrains libérés par l'autoroute 20 / voies ferrées seront développés, l'accès à la falaise amélioré, alors la dalle-parc fera du sens.

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37 minutes ago, franktko said:

Pour vous dire franchement, j'ai toujours trouvé ça bidon cette dalle-parc. Elle permet de passer de la falaise St-Jacques à... nul part. Même si la dalle allait jusqu'à l'autre côté du canal à la rue St-Patrick, on arriverait... nul part. Et soit-dit en passant, il n'y a aucun usager à la falaise St-Jacques. Une belle dalle pour passer de nul part à nul part.

Quand les terrains libérés par l'autoroute 20 / voies ferrées seront développés, l'accès à la falaise amélioré, alors la dalle-parc fera du sens.

I honestly wish they did not kill the Dalle Park plan. It would have been nice to travel north and south by foot, over the highway. It would have been nice to see it on your way into the city or out.

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il y a 17 minutes, p_xavier a dit :

On va manquer le thrill de penser mourir en dessous, mais bon.  Ça l'air beau.

T'inquiète, l'échangeur St-Pierre est toujours là pour ça.

Il y a presque eu une victime cet été, pour vrai! :o


 En s'engageant, l'homme de 36 ans n'a pas remarqué que le grillage aménagé pour protéger les passants des fientes d'oiseaux nichant dans le passage était déchiré sur plusieurs mètres et pendait dans la voie.

Soudain, le guidon d'Ariel Kincler s'est empêtré quand un coup de vent a soulevé la toile déchirée. Arrêté net, le cycliste a été projeté par-dessus son vélo, pour tomber tête première sur la glissière de sécurité séparant la piste des véhicules.

Comble de malchance, son visage est tombé directement sur l'une des barres d'acier qui maintiennent la glissière en place, celles-ci ne dépassant que de quelques centimètres. « Ça tranche comme un couteau », dit-il. 

En se relevant, Ariel Kincler a eu peur de mourir, tant il perdait de sang. « C'était comme une rivière », relate-t-il, deux semaines jour pour jour après l'accident.

Il a rapidement exercé de la pression sur la plaie pour freiner le flot et a couru vers un restaurant voisin pour faire nettoyer sa blessure. [...]

Le gérant, Pierre Roy, se rappelle avoir vu le cycliste ensanglanté arriver. « Je voyais l'intérieur de sa bouche », se rappelle-t-il encore, grimaçant en évoquant ce souvenir.

L'entaille s'étendait du bas du menton au haut de la joue, tout près de l'oeil gauche. Un nerf du visage a été sectionné et affecte sa capacité à sourire. Nous avons choisi de ne pas publier la photo montrant la blessure avant l'opération en raison de son caractère effrayant. Ariel Kincler refuse d'ailleurs de voir l'image, ne se sentant pas prêt.  


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New life breathed into Turcot Interchange's Dalle Parc project

Quebec is breathing new life into a part of the Turcot project that was left out from the original plans.

The Dalle Parc, a park, urban walkway and bicycle path planned to link LaSalle to Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, was originally supposed to be built on south end of Cavendish Blvd. to connect to Irwin St. in LaSalle.

Over the last few years, several environmental groups and cycling activists have called for that part of the Turcot project to be revived. Earlier this year, Projet Montréal added its voice to the movement.

On Monday, Quebec Transport Minister André Fortin said newly minted Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante brought up the project in a meeting the two had before visiting the Turcot site, and he is open to the idea.

I can’t go back in the past and tell you why it was left out, but we agreed to work together towards a consultation process with the citizens north and south of the highway to see what sort of infrastructure they want,” Fortin said standing next to Plante in the approximate location where the park was originally planned. “We know it’s something that matters to citizens, and when we think of highway projects in the future, we have to think about transit, and that includes active transport.”

Fortin said Kathleen Weil, the MNA for the Notre-Dame-de-Grâce riding, has also been lobbying him about the park. However, he did not give a date for when he expected the consultations to be held, saying just that it would be “in the short term.” However, he said there was no question about reopening the contract with KPH-Turcot, the consortium tasked with building the majority of the nearly $4-billion project.

For her part, Plante said she believed the park could be completed by the time the project is completed.

“We understand how important it is to renew this highway, but the fact that we don’t have anything to connect these two neighbourhoods to support active transport is a problem and we both agree on that, so now, we have to see how to make it happen. Our hope is for this to happen close to the end of the construction of the (Turcot),” Plante said. “We share the same goal, so I’m very encouraged.”

Used by approximately 300,000 motorists daily, the Turcot Interchange is the conjunction of Highways 15, 20, and the Ville-Marie Expressway in the centre of the city. The project to replace the aging infrastructure, and bring much of it down to ground level, is estimated to cost $3.7 billion.


Montreal mayor Valérie Plante and Quebec transport minister Andre Fortin walk along what will be the new highway 20, in Montreal on Monday November 20, 2017. ALLEN MCINNIS / MONTREAL GAZETTE

Plante and Fortin took a walk in frigid temperatures on the westbound Highway 20 bordered by the St-Jacques Escarpment in the spot where hundreds of thousands of drivers will be diverted starting mid-December.

Highway 20 will be moved several hundred metres north from its current location, closer to the escarpment. The highway was already paved on Monday when reporters and politicians got a tour of the construction site, and some of the lane markers had already been painted.


Eastbound traffic works its way through a temporary configuration near the foot of the Décarie Expressway as work continues on the Turcot Interchange project in Montreal on Monday November 20, 2017. ALLEN MCINNIS /MONTREAL GAZETTE

Reporters also saw several new entrance ramps that will be open to drivers next month, including the new ramp leading from Highway 20 east to the Décarie Expressway. While crews were getting that ramp ready to go for its opening next month, other crews were demolishing the ramp leading from Highway 20 east to the Ville-Marie expressway.

KPH-Turcot officials also showed off a new permanent entrance ramp leading from Highway 15 north to the eastbound Ville-Marie. However, for the next year that ramp will be used to divert drivers coming from the Champlain Bridge to go west to Highway 20, essentially forcing drivers to go east before heading west.

Transport Quebec has warned users that in the coming weeks and months, they may be diverted to detours that may seem counter-intuitive, and said using the mobile application Waze could help, because the province is updating its detours in realtime using that program.

Sébastien Marcoux, KPH Turcot’s assistant project director, said so far the project is respecting its original budget and still on track to be completed by its contract date of September 2020.

He said one of the greatest challenges is managing the safety of the roughly 1,200 people who work on the sprawling site every day, as well as the safety of the hundreds of thousands of motorists driving through it.

The biggest challenge for motorists is likely to come in the next few months, as crews close off the westbound Ville-Marie expressway, and the downtown Fort and Lucien-L’Allier St. entrances. The old roadway will be demolished and rebuilt, and cars will be allowed to drive on it in the first few months of 2019

And while the land is still being set aside for the project, Fortin said it likely won’t happen before the Turcot project is completed in 2020.

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