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Échangeur Turcot


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Publié le 01 février 2010 à 06h54 | Mis à jour à 06h54


Et si Turcot devenait un parc suspendu?



C'est l'hiver le probleme et le sel qui attaque les structures. Me semble que c'etait l'idee derriere le fait de ramener les structures au sol. C'est beau rever mais il faut revenir sur terre aussi; un truc suspendu ne pourrait probablement pas utiliser les structures existantes a long terme.


Montreal n'a pas les meme condition climitatique que Paris ou New York.

Modifié par JCC-Fromthere
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Elle est folle? On fait quoi des 300,000 autos, camions, autobus et autres qui passent sur l'échangeur le plus important à Montréal?? Cette folle ne semble pas penser bien bien plus loin que le bout de son nez. Ben oui...pourquoi pas continuer à affaiblir Montréal? Pourquoi pas aider à réduire notre compétitivitée un peu plus? :rolleyes: C'est quand j'entends (trop souvent) des stupidités comme celle-là que je me dis qu'on est pas sortis du bois!

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MONTREAL – The city of Montreal’s urban planners are working intently on a new plan for the Turcot Interchange that would eliminate the need for any expropriations, Richard Bergeron, the executive committee member in charge of planning, said last night.


He made the comments during the public question period of yesterday’s city council meeting. He was asked by a woman representing residents of 170 homes in St. Henri about the status of those under threat of expropriation.


In the first version of the plan to rebuild the Turcot, those homes would be bought by the provincial Transport Department and demolished to make way for a ground-level expressway.


The Transport Department was sent back to the drawing board after its plan to reconstruct the aging interchange was universally panned in public hearings last year by community groups, environmental activists and even Mayor Gérald Tremblay, who said the proposal goes against his vision for the city and the transport plan adopted by his administration because there was too little emphasis on public transit.


Bergeron, leader of the city council opposition party Projet Montréal, was also highly critical of the plan.


Last night, Valérie Simard, a community organizer for the St. Henri-based citizens group POPIR, told Bergeron that residents of the district have been under threat of expropriation for three years, and would like to know if they will be able to keep their homes.


There are a lot of social housing units in the area, she explained, and if people were relocated, they might not be able to afford housing in other neighbourhoods.


“This uncertainty is very difficult for them,” she said.


Bergeron replied that city planners are working on a new proposal that would eliminate the need for expropriation. He said the plan should be ready to be presented to officials at the Transport Department in the coming weeks.


“This plan would have no expropriation. In fact, it would have areas to develop, so (it’s) the opposite of expropriation,” Bergeron said. “We’ll have the plan ready soon. Then, we’ll have to convince the Transport Department.”


Simard said she was pleased with Bergeron’s comments, but won’t be relieved until she sees the province’s new plan for Turcot.


“We believe at this point the province has to be more open to the city this time around,” she said. “It’s really encouraging to us now that the city seems to be on the same side as our residents.”


In other council news, the city of Montreal was to approve a motion, introduced by the opposition, to try to safeguard jobs after the shutdown of the Shell Canada oil refinery in Montreal East.


The 130,000-barrel-a-day refinery is to close June 1 and be converted into a fuel-storage terminal; that could put about 500 people out of work.


(Courtesy of The Montreal Gazette)


I swear to god if this project goes over budget by even a penny I HOPE to god someone sues the city and the government for stalling! Soon enough the government will know build it or shut the fuck up and go back to sitting on your hands.

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I swear to god if this project goes over budget by even a penny I HOPE to god someone sues the city and the government for stalling!


Stop being so naive! It's a given that any project in this proivince usually goes over budget. and most of the time, it explodes so far beyond the budget that it's laughable!

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Stop being so naive! It's a given that any project in this proivince usually goes over budget. and most of the time, it explodes so far beyond the budget that it's laughable!


Its time for us to start putting the screws to the government :stirthepot:

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