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Membres prolifiques

5 don't think anyone is disputing height limits so as not to go higher than Mount Royal. That is absolutely fair and just. However, when you start putting restrictions in order to protect over 100 different views spell prservation activism going to extremes.


Let's not confuse Montreal with Manhattan, Hong Kong, or Toronto - there will never be a demand for skyscrapers that developers are lining up to put them up. The comment about putting in place an interim plan to prohibit developers from destorying the mountain in the meantime is a joke - like their is a line of developer-vultures circling the mountain.


When a developer proposes a 40 or 50 storey building which, at this point, we are averaging 1 every 30 years, we should be VERY open to it. You not only get the sense that Montreal is anti skyscraper, but anti-development period. What people seem to forget is that buildings can be beautiful architectural statements. They can be new monuments and moreover, they are the hallmark of our civilization. I agree that we have gotten over the last 40- 50 years some monstrosities of buildings and much of our Victorian city was torn down and replaced with parking lots, but that is no reason to be so reactionary and to oppose so much development.


On the contrary, while Mount Royal is our monument, Montreal is also a commerical center defined by buildings. A city is a place for buildings. If people and groups don't like buildings I suggest they move out to the country.

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Pourquoi on ne profite pas de notre pouvoir de groupe ?


Moi aussi ils me pissed-off ces gens là. J'en ai plein le cul que Montréal reste une ville du tiers monde qui grossit moins vite que Monrovia. Pourquoi on utilise pas notre voix ? Pourquoi on n'écrit pas une lettre au maire ? Pourquoi ces groupes de pression agissent et nous pas ?


On est plus de 400 membres ici, pourquoi on va pas tous à une consultation publique sur le prochain projet pour manifester CONTRE sa petite hauteur ?

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Ce n'est pas les associations de défense de la montagne qui empêche le développement mais l'absence de développeurs...


Les tours se construisent peu à Montréal, point barre. Ce n'est pas la faute aux organismes de ce genre si les grandes entreprises n'emménagent pas dans la ville, c'est un problème plutôt systémique...

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^^ non mais a chaque fois que qqn propose qqc, tu as une armée de chialeurs qui débarquent.. ca ne pousse pas les promoteurs a vouloir risquer, ou developper plus qu'il faut, surtout ceux qui ont eu une experience passé fort peu agréable, vont tout simplement dire, fvck it, i'm done let's get the hell out of here


Le climat n'est juste pas favorable au développement, tant par les exigences que le (excuser moi l'expression) baisage de cul pas aupres de la ville, mais des 800 groupes pseudo bien pensants qu'il faut amadouer (ok la ville a pas de couille et plie beaucoup trop souvent devant eux)

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You are thinking about this city developpement through and only through the lenses of capitalism. In years from now, when other cities will suffocate because of too much density, Montréal will be an example of what other cities should have done.


Ah, evil capitalism! What we need are more of those beautiful communist style concrete building blocks that grace Russian and eastern European cities!!

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sjmtl : je n'ai pas d'exemple frappant mais ce que mon propos voulait mettre en évidence c'est qu'il y a déjà une très forte densité au centre-ville et je te met au défi de me décrire 10 terrains construisibles au centre-ville qui pourraient être affectés par cette contrainte. On ne voit pratiquement pas le Mont-Royal au centre-ville de toute façon. C'est pour cela que je dis que vous faites une tempête dans un verre d'eau.

D'autre part, je suis d'accord avec internationalx : la demande n'est pas là de toute façon. Ce n'est pas comme si le dévellopement de la ville en était compromis sérieusement.

Quant à ce projet, je ne trouve pas qu'il soit une contrainte au dévellopement de projets sérieux. Il envoit un signal très clair : cette ville n'est pas prête à laisser la ville entre les mains des entrepreneurs sans qu'il soit question d'un plan d'urbanisme sérieux.

Le problème de Montréal est ailleurs. La ville n'attire plus les dévellopeurs parce qu'il y a de l'intérêt pour trois autres villes canadienne qui ont le vent dans les voiles : Toronto, Vancouver et Calgary. Il n'y pas de place dans ce peloton de tête pour Montréal. Elle est à la veille de s'incruster au quatrième rang des villes canadiennes. Il faudra s'y habituer.

Le seul moyen de voir cette ville prendre la place qu'elle mérite sur l'échiquier nord-américain est de faire l'indépendance du Québec.

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I disagree... an independent Quebec will result in a decline in population and most certainly, many companies moving to Canada. Montreal in an independent Quebec will be la metropole du Quebec (as it is now) for 7-8 million people. In comparison, Toronto is the metropolis of Canada for 35-40 million people.


Why can't Quebec and Montreal effectively compete with other major cities?? The Quebec nannny state that spoon feeds people jobs and security. It is an inherent culture of entitlement. Everything for nothing so-to-speak. High levels of unionization and unions who are in the back pocket of the government at all costs. The interventist and protectionist policies that keep rents and incomes low simply do not make Quebec an attrative place for real estate investment and the highly educated and highly skilled immigrants that are needed to grow. And soon, desperately needed. Moroever, this new concern about integrating immigrants... no major city in the world can be dynamic without them. All one has to do is look to New York, London, and closer to home, Toronto. Let's not forget that it's the waves of immigrants to Montreal in the late 19th century and in the mid 20th century that made Montreal, Montreal.

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Montréal is the métropole of nothing. It fell down to fourth rank in canadian cities (not in every field but that's pretty much it !!). As for companies moving to Canada, the damage is already done. It's pure "caca de taureau" to pull this corny argument as a support for federalism. As for me I would prefer Montréal to be the métropole of its own country rather than to fall down as it does now. As long as it's gonna be part of Canada, it will go down the drain. It has been happening since the 1960 and it's still happening and the rest of Canada won't be at peace until Québec's population and its principal city will be crippled to the point of no return. It is not a conspiracy, it's only that Canadians support their own and deep in their soul, they don't consider us as part of "them".

As for the decline of the population, if the only thing that is keeping those that would eventually leave our country is the fact that Québec is still part of Canada, so let them go !! There always will be people to stick to here and trust the capacity of this nation to make it for itself.

Immigrants have been coming here and will continue -with or without being part of Canada. Less are coming here now than in other parts of Canada ? There we go !! What do we have to lose anyway ? Let's send a clear message : this country (Québec) is a francophone one. You choose to come here ? You'll make your new life in french !! How hard is it to understand ?

Anyway : that had nothing to do with the subject.

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