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so habsfan, if they pre-lease 50% it'll go up ?


good news!



Yup! If they can lease 375,000 square feet, the tower will go up! They need to pre-lease 50% of the tower to get the go ahead from the banks!

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Attend un peu. Ce genre de projet et de financement ne se fait pas en 2 mois. Je ne suis pas encore dans la phase «pessimisme» encore moi, loin de là.

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  • 3 mois plus tard...
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Je suis loin d'être pessimiste, mais j'ai découvert que ça fait depuis 1988 que Magil Laurentienne veut développer le site...

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  • 3 semaines plus tard...
Yup! If they can lease 375,000 square feet, the tower will go up! They need to pre-lease 50% of the tower to get the go ahead from the banks!


Well, where do we stand now?? What do you thaink about this project? Does it have any chance?

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701 University

Yup! If they can lease 375,000 square feet, the tower will go up! They need to pre-lease 50% of the tower to get the go ahead from the banks!


900 De Maisonneuve Ouest

Actually, it's been about 2 1/2 years, and they will build it, when they find an anchor tenant. in other words, a tenant who will occupy at least 125,000 to 150,000 square feet(or about 40% of the building)!


That is a lot of space to fill in both those towers. My guess is that we will only see one of the two of them and not both. (stronger chance of the 900 obviously)

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That is a lot of space to fill in both those towers. My guess is that we will only see one of the two of them and not both. (stronger chance of the 900 obviously)


Out of teh three projects proposed(900 de Maisonneuve, 701 University and Place de la Cité international phase 2) my best guess is that PdlCI 2 has the best chance of going up. The Promotor has said that they could have the tower ready within 18 months, mostly because the Parking garage is already built!

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