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Industrie du cinéma à Montréal et tournages mettant Montréal en vedette


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it's about time, we need a lot of catching up!! My wife, son and I bumped into Bradley Cooper, Julia Roberts and her husband and the twins the Thursday before the Grand Prix at Oliver & Gourmand for brunch. Pretty cool to see these stars up here.


That would be Olive & Gourmando?

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D'accord, mais ce dont je suis le plus fier, c'est l'industrie québécoise au service des créateurs québécois. Lorsque je vivais à Vancouver, je me suis rendu compte que 95% des gens qui travaillaient dans l'industrie là-bas travaillait en fait pour des productions américaines. Ils sont tout aussi qualifiés que nous, c'est une excellente platforme. Mais les créateurs importants (acteurs principaux, réalisateurs, producteurs) venaient toujours de L.A. . Au Québec, le gouvernement appuie fortement les créateurs locaux, sans quoi, il n'y aurait pas plus de création locale qu'à BC, bref pas grand chose. Il faut continuer à appuyer les artisans locaux, même si le système est loin d'être parfait, sans quoi on se retrouve avec une industrie de service pour L.A..


200% d'accord! :highfive: Une politique publique bien ciblée peut faire des petits miracles, et ceci en est la preuve.

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Il faudrait qu'on bâtisse bientôt de nouveaux studios. J'ai lu récemment un article qui disait qu'on commençait à manquer de place chez Mel's. Espérons que ça se fera avant qu'on doive dire non à des productions. Imaginez: refuser des contrats pcq qu,on a trop! Ayoye. Qui l'eut cru?...........

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This is my first post and i don't mean to laugh at this article but it's a joke.

There was $1.5 billion in production spending in Vancouver in 2010. It's the 3rd largest production center in the world. Lions Gate Studios is among the worlds largest special effects stages.

There was $1 billion in production spending in Toronto in 2010. Ontario is the only province to have a presence (office) in Hollywood. Let's not forget several insiders have proclaimed that TIFF is the most important film festival despite what Cannes officials might think.

This assumption that Montreal ever was "Hollywood North" is nothing more than a Montreal creation.


"« Les producteurs étrangers adorent le Québec, ils adorent passer du temps à Montréal, ils aiment l’atmosphère, la culture et notre façon un peu européenne de faire les choses. On ne retrouve pas ça à Toronto et Vancouver. »"

This is the most ignorant comment ever. It's your typical Montreal is god's gift to North America comment that many hate. But then again i don't expect much from Canoe.

I'm sorry for the rant guys and girls but i work in the industry and this article is a joke.

Montreal still has a lot of work to do and this won't happen within the next decade. And i strongly believe that Montreal is better off on concentrating on Quebec made productions. Toronto is increasing it's Canadian made productions at a rapid pace even letting some Hollywood productions slip in order to promote homegrown talent. If Montreal tried to do battle with Vancouver and Toronto for Hollywood money it would only lead to a decline in Quebec made productions, which i think we can all agree it's not the best way to do business.

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6.6 hollywood blockbusters per year in the city pretty good, but it is not amazing. As for "Hollywood of the North" I heard about that years ago, but I did not believe it. For me Montreal has a long way to go, we need to start stealing movies from being filmed in Toronto and Vancouver. Instead of gridlock because of construction, I want gridlock in this city because of all the movies being filmed all at the same time.

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I'm not offended. I'm also at the beach right now :D so don't wanna do to much research.

There's a whole article about Hollywood North on wikipedia and several other sites.

However, i do not want Montreal to become Hollywood North. I want them to concentrate on developing their own talent.

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I'm not offended. I'm also at the beach right now :D so don't wanna do to much research.

There's a whole article about Hollywood North on wikipedia and several other sites.

However, i do not want Montreal to become Hollywood North. I want them to concentrate on developing their own talent.


Sur Wikipedia, dans l'article sur Hollywood North, on mentionne Vancouver et Toronto, mais pas Montréal...

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