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Wow, Montrealers sure are self-conscious. If anyone (particularly an American) says the slightest negative comment (even if it was in a joking way as it supposedly was in Carrie Underwood's case) it enrages the whole village. (Similarly, if someone has praise for Montreal, the village people are filled with joy) This would never happen in New York City. Frankly, I don't even know why either item is newsworthy...

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Ce genre de déclaration a un impact certain sur les gens qui cherchent des lieux de tournage. Et la compétition est ultra féroce entre toutes les jurisdictions. Pour la population en général, c'est une publicité gratuite faite auprés de dizaine de millions de visiteurs potentiels, de la part d'une star hollywoodienne respectée... Ça fait beaucoup de jaloux, même ici à New York!

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At one point, wasn't there a band that had their tour bus stolen in Montreal? So this cunt should be happy, thats all people did was break into her rental car. If her fans do not want to visit Montreal because of her so be it, at least Montreal got a shout out yesterday from the Golden Globes.


Wow, tell us how you really feel :rotfl:

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Wow, Montrealers sure are self-conscious. If anyone (particularly an American) says the slightest negative comment (even if it was in a joking way as it supposedly was in Carrie Underwood's case) it enrages the whole village. (Similarly, if someone has praise for Montreal, the village people are filled with joy) This would never happen in New York City. Frankly, I don't even know why either item is newsworthy...


Ah, je croyais que c'était Québec, ça?

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Anyone remember that thread on here that was created when Montreal was simply mentioned on Jeopardy? :awesome:


It seems so small townish. Or perhaps even adolescent girl-ish. "Ricky said I wear too much makeup??!! OMG!!! He's soooo not getting invited to my 16th birthday party!!! (unless he is really really really sorry and promises to become my man-slave for the rest of the school year!)"


Why should Montrealers care what people think of it, positive or negative? That's what I'm getting at here. New York doesn't need anyone to tell it that its an amazing city, and they don't get upset when someone dislikes it (and there are a large number!). They also don't pat themselves on the back when someone is amazed. If we want to be world class, we have to act world class.


But this is not a uniquely Montreal trait. It is very Canadian in general. Canadians have an inferiority complex. It crosses ethnic/linguistic and regional barriers. Toronto is kind of the same way - they tend to like to harp on how they're the country's "biggest bestest city" all the time as if they've got something to prove...

Modifié par MTLskyline
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But this is not a uniquely Montreal trait. It is very Canadian in general. Canadians have an inferiority complex. It crosses ethnic/linguistic and regional barriers. Toronto is kind of the same way - they tend to like to harp on how they're the country's "biggest bestest city" all the time as if they've got something to prove...


Oh yeah, it is weird as hell... it is kind of like how Canadians feel "uncomfortable" about how Americans are patriotic, but then as soon as there is a hockey game or a Olympic game Canadians end up 10 times more jingoistic than Americans :rotfl: Occasional Quebec exception unless it is a Quebec team...

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Il ne s'agit pas de fascination puérile MTLSkyline. En ce qui me concerne, le plaisir que j'ai à entendre Giamatti vendre Mtl, c'est la publicité gratuite que ça donne, et l'influence que ça pourra avoir sur les visiteurs et les producteurs qui souhaiteront y venir. Bref, c'est bon pour nous. Pour la petite nunuche superficielle, ce qui énerve, c'est la superficialité de son commentaire: un problème de voiture, et Mtl est bannie à jamais? Ça fait petite star prétentieuse. Si elle avait dit ça de Cleveland, j'aurais trouvé ça aussi stupide. Bien sûr puisqu'elle l'a dit de Mtl, il y a un élément émotif indéniable, mais rien de "villageois".


Aurelien: je ne crois pas dans ce cas-ci que ce ne soit QUE du bla-bla d'artiste. Quand un artiste dit ça devant des journalistes à Mtl, je n'y crois pas. C'est effectivement du bla-bla. Mais cette fois, Giamatti était aux Golden Globes. Il n'avait manifestement rien à gagner à ajouter ce commentaire sur Mtl. Ça me semble assez sincère.

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