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Transports en commun - Discussion générale


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Maglev is the future. Maglev trains can currently reach 600kph, float above the track so they are quieter and more efficient, etc. They're more expensive, but that'll change as technology improves.


With magnetic levitation, a train could potentially reach speeds upwards of 6,000kph in a vacuum. Outside of a vacuum, some are predicting maglevs that travel at 1,000kph safely and efficiently.


That's Montreal-Quebec in less than 15 minutes.


Now can you imagine if they created an underwater vacuum tube that would permit for a Maglev to travel without friction at over 6,000kph... you could do NYC-Paris in less than an hour. You could live in New York and work in Paris and commute daily.




Yet it might just be reality in the next 100 years...



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Absolument incroyable ! .... je l'ai pris une fois dans ma vie le TGV pour le trajet Montpellier-Paris et le simple fait d'entrer à 350km/h dans un tunnel et les oreilles me fesaient mal ! ...

En tout ça nous aura pris environs 2 heures faire 600km... moi même j'étais surpris d'arriver si vite sur paris. Je vous souhaite de le prendre au moins une fois dans votre vie :) !

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  • 2 semaines plus tard...
Maglev is the future. Maglev trains can currently reach 600kph, float above the track so they are quieter and more efficient, etc. They're more expensive, but that'll change as technology improves.


With magnetic levitation, a train could potentially reach speeds upwards of 6,000kph in a vacuum. Outside of a vacuum, some are predicting maglevs that travel at 1,000kph safely and efficiently.


That's Montreal-Quebec in less than 15 minutes.


Now can you imagine if they created an underwater vacuum tube that would permit for a Maglev to travel without friction at over 6,000kph... you could do NYC-Paris in less than an hour. You could live in New York and work in Paris and commute daily.




Yet it might just be reality in the next 100 years...




I remember reading about this a few years ago. I think in Popular Mechanics. Its a great idea. Thing is if that thing crashes. Bye bye to everyone on board. Plus god only knows how long it would take to rebuild the section where the thing crashed.

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THe North American's mentality of the rail system is antiquated to say the least. The Europeans have always felt and pushed the idea of a formidable rail system.

Ii the U.S., they still think Bigger and better trucks which salivates the appetite of foolish oil tycoons.

Who killed the electric car!?

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