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I'm trying to make sense of this. Is this a big deal (i.e. lead to job creation) and put Montreal on the map for Amazon - or is this much to do about nothing?

Hoping this is big news.


Hard to tell at this point.


But... Amazon is a 300B dollar company and the leader in cloud computing, ahead of Google and Microsoft. And it only has four locations in the US which currently serve their entire demand. So you'd have to take this as positive imo.


As for job creation. Data centers are generally filled with massive computers that do the cloud computing, so not much need for human capital. I guess we'll see.

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I've used AWS. It's good however, the data resides outside of Canada. This is a huge problem for my company as well as others I'm sure. Microsoft Canada is investing in data centers in Quebec City. I assume Amazon AWS wants to compete with that. Either way, this is wonderful news! Quebec will have Microsoft and Amazon canadian cloud data centers!

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Price of electricity help a lot, too bad for ontario :P We should push more for data center and why not, next one could be apple icloud center.

Something else that's helping either. Cold and tempered weather. No AC needed for 80% of the year.


Maybe we should get some advice from France who are quite in advance installing high speed wiring everywhere.


In lieu of the plan nord why not a connected plan.

Modifié par andre md
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Curious if favorable hydro rates played a part in the decision to locate in here.




Amazon is locating its next data centre at a site that offers inexpensive power...


This article also says NEAR Montreal and not IN Montreal.

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Même si ce n'est pas huge en termes de création d'emplois, ça compte en ce qui a trait à la renommée et à la portée de la marque de Mtl comme ville de nouvelles technos.


C'est certain que ça va participer à un effet d'entraînement déjà en marche, et même, qui sait, à l'accélérer....

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