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2012 Global Cities Index and Emerging Cities Outlook


New York, London, Paris, and Tokyo remain today's leading cities, but an analysis of key trends in emerging cities suggests that Beijing and Shanghai may rival them in 10 to 20 years.

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Pas mal, mais étant donné que Montréal est culturellement, économiquement et géographiquement bien situé entre Paris, Londres et New York, la région devrait tôt ou tard redevenir #1 au Canada. Je sais je sais vous direz "impossible! je ne verrais jamais ça de mon vivant!", je vous dis que c'est très possible (okay, j'avoue j'ai l'intention de vivre très longtemps)...

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A mon avis Montreal va soit devenir stable, soit augmenter legerement sont calibre pour les 20 prochaines annees jusqua....


ELECTRIC CARS BABY. Voila, je pense que d'ici 30 ans Hydro Quebec sera notre "oil patch" et les sables bitumineux seront une "atlantic fishing industry". Suis-je trop optimiste? Peut-etre, mais je ne vois certainement pas un declin dans la demande d'electricite dans l'avenir previsible, seulement une croissance. Bref si j'ai moindrement raison...


China 652.05 (TetraWatts/hour yearly average)

Canada 369.5

Brazil 363.8

US 250.6

Russia 167.0

Norway 140.5

India 115.6

Venezue 85.96

Japan 69.2

Sweden 65.5


Je tiens a mentionner que le Quebec produit 96% de l'electricite au Canada.


En d'autres mots, une province de 8 million se trouve derriere un seul pays (1 milliard +) en production mondiale.


En passant il y a tres peu de pays dans le monde qui possedent les criteres geographiques propres a la fabrication de barrages H-E. Le Quebec est tres chanceux a mon avis.

Modifié par Olivier Benny
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A mon avis Montreal va soit devenir stable, soit augmenter legerement sont calibre pour les 20 prochaines annees jusqua....


ELECTRIC CARS BABY. Voila, je pense que d'ici 30 ans Hydro Quebec sera notre "oil patch" et les sables bitumineux seront une "atlantic fishing industry". Suis-je trop optimiste? Peut-etre, mais je ne vois certainement pas un declin dans la demande d'electricite dans l'avenir previsible, seulement une croissance. Bref si j'ai moindrement raison...


Je tiens a mentionner que le Quebec produit 96% de l'electricite au Canada.


En d'autres mots, une province de 8 million se trouve derriere un seul pays (1 milliard +) en production mondiale.


One thing that is interesting, Quebec does have the potential to become a petroleum supplier, all because of that island in the Gulf of the St Lawrence. Seeing under that island there is a nice 30 billion barrels sitting there. Which is about 1/6th of what Alberta has, but also similar to the amount Kazakhstan has in its own reserves. If this province can finally get going in the right direction, and make up for the many decades of loss productivity and population growth. We have a chance to becoming maybe the wealthiest province once again and have the largest population. It is just hard to forecast 10-40 years into the future.


Between 2005 and 2010, Ontario GDP was up almost 14%. Quebec was up 17% and Alberta was up almost 20%.


I just found a press release from last year. Quebec is hoping by 2020, that there will be about 1.2 million electric vehicles on the road in this province. Which would save 1.5 billion litres of petroleum, it doesn't specify if that is yearly though. What is interesting, the three countries that get much of its electricity from hydro is; China, Brazil and Canada. Actually we can a forth one; Russia.

Modifié par jesseps
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Between 2005 and 2010, Ontario GDP was up almost 14%. Quebec was up 17% and Alberta was up almost 20%


I never would have guessed this. Quite nice. Are you referring to Ile d'Anticosti per chance? If fracking is involved I wouldn't bet on it for the near future. I agree, though, that Quebec is undoubetdly the most resource-rich province in Canada. The good thing about just sitting on our hands is that we're not wasting any resources. May as well only execute plans once our heads are entirely out of our asses.

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Both of you should include your sources in your posts, just posting numbers like that with no reference is useless for any kind of discussion with valid arguments both positive and negative.


Sorry. I thought I'd be taken at my word seeing it wasn't a very controversial topic. Also I just finished a 25 page paper. Proper sources are the last thing on my mind right now, I come here to escape... :relieved:


This one for ''Quebec produces 96% of Canada's hydroelectricity''


This one for the top producers list.


I wasn't arguing anything, really. Just making outrageous predictions.

Modifié par Olivier Benny
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