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WOW je viens de lire ca ... Ça fait rêver ! Je n'avais jamais penser au site Rene-Levesque/Atwater pour un stade... ca ne serait pas une mauvaise idée


Over the Children's??? I can see it, but man what a tight fit. You'd have to gobble up Tupper, Cabot Square, the Pentecostal Church and probably tear down some (centennial) residences on Lambert/Hope/Sussex. The forum could be gutted and converted into a parking tower. I'm hoping the Bonaventure site comes up on top but I wouldn't stand in the way of a Shaughnessy baseball-driven revival!


Anyway this report is amazing.

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By: Warren Cromartie


Feasibility study says Montreal is a viable Major League Baseball market

December 12, 2013




There are two things in baseball that never change: history and numbers. As far as Major League Baseball in Montreal goes, the numbers are in and numbers don’t lie: we are viable!


Today Montreal Baseball Project, in collaboration with the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal, Ernst & Young, and BCF LLP, announced the results of a feasibility study on the viability of Major League Baseball in Montreal that we launched back in March. Although I’ve known all along Montreal is still a baseball city, we felt it was important to put that question to the population and to the business community in order to back up what I already personally believed. I could not be more pleased with the results.


We are closer to our goal now than at any time in the last decade.


According to a Leger Marketing poll conducted as part of the study, the return of Major League Baseball to Montreal would be embraced by both fans and the business community. Nearly 70% of Quebecers are in favour of bringing the game back to Montreal. Among corporations, 81% support the return of Major League Baseball.


How does this kind of support translate into fannies in the seats? Leger Marketing found out that fans would be willing to pay $50 to see a ball game. Leger also forecasts an average attendance of 28,500 per game. Multiplied by 81 games a year, we are looking at a little over 2.3 million in attendance over the course of an entire season. Those are some great numbers in my opinion!


A lot of hard work has gone into bringing us this far but our work is not done. We’ve arrived at a very important stage in the journey to bring Major League Baseball back to Montreal. My next task is to find a champion.


A champion, or champions, is what it’s going to take to make this work. To put this in baseball terms, here’s how I see it:


I’d liken what we have done to mounting a late-inning comeback. We’ve scraped, battled, and chipped away at adversity. Montreal Baseball Project, the Board of Trade, the Montreal business community, and, of course, Montreal baseball fans, who’ve shown their support and passion right from the beginning, have loaded the bases.


So now, we are looking for a champion to emerge from the dugout. We need a power hitter to step up to the plate and bring everybody home. A big player who has the assets, the passion, and the integrity to make history. A champion who has the same dream I have. The same dream that millions of Montreal baseball fans have never given up on: the dream to bring Major League Baseball back to Montreal. And to bring the Montreal Expos back to life.


Somebody’s going to hit the home run that will be remembered forever. If you want to play the role of the champion in this story, I’m waiting for your call.


My ringtone is set to “Val-de-ri, val-de-ra.”

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Il a le sens du show ce Warren... Mais j'aurais aimé qu'on pose la question sur Bell. Ils ont des milliards à investir en sport. Ils pourraient carrément tout payer tout seul. Et si, sait-on jamais, ils s'alliaient avec le CH/Molson, ce serait encore plus facile, et ça commencerait à créer un empire sportif montréalais sur le modèle de Toronto. Ça marcherait. Croisons les doigts!:thumbsup:

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WOW je viens de lire ca ... Ça fait rêver ! Je n'avais jamais penser au site Rene-Levesque/Atwater pour un stade... ca ne serait pas une mauvaise idée


J'ai feuilleté le docuement rapidement est c'est vrai que ça fait rêver! Cependant, je persiste à croire que l'emplacement idéal serait soit le long de l'autouroute Bonaventure ou près du Bassin Wellington. Il faut être le plus près possible du C-V et avoir un accès rapide au site. N'oublions pas qu'une fois que ce stade sera construit, il va y avoir pleins de restos, resto-bars et autres établissements qui vont ouvrir dans ce coin. Ça va revitaliser cette section de la ville et attirer encore plus de gens!

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Ça serait débile..cependant les Rays ont loué le Tropicana Field jusqu'en 2027. Est-il possible, selon vous, de briser ce contrat et déménager l'équipe avant cette date?


Oui. Souvent il y a des clauses de cancellation, cependant la pénalité à payer sera assez salée!

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