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Tout ce qui a été posté par Chris1989

  1. BEST news in a long time. I really thought they had just scrapped it altogether. Amazing news!
  2. New render (I think) of YUL in The Gazette today, from the south. Looks really sexy. Ill try and upload a picture.
  3. Pretty sure they're being destroyed. The CHUM is to be built over the old St Luc land as well.
  4. I heard an advertisement on 92.5 The Beat yesterday morning for YUL Condos. They said the sales office is opening (I believe) September 28 (or around there at least).
  5. Chris1989

    Une BD foodie sur Mtl

    What a lovely article. Thanks for posting that MtlMan!
  6. Don't take anything MALED1ZONE says as the truth. He/she has been saying things (about most of the projects) for months without any proof whatsoever.
  7. Has MALED1ZIONE been right about a single piece of information from ANY of the projects going up? Blah blah blah, that's all it is, and it's getting really annoying :\
  8. This building is expected to be completed by June 2015, right? I'm assuming that means it should start rising from the ground well before the end of the year, no?
  9. The speed at which they're going continues to amaze me.
  10. Haha can you believe this? We finally get a nice boom going and they go on strike
  11. Haha Mark, that was a really pointless comment. Stop trying to incite responses from people.
  12. Haha, when the project was first announced they said June 2015, and then recently, it was posted on here (pretty sure) that it was June 2016. Someone please prove me wrong
  13. They're saying this thing won't be completed until June 2016, so I don't think it's going to be rising anytime soon. Still very exciting though!
  14. Are the boards getting taller, or are they digging deeper
  15. I remember hearing that if the blue line was extended with a Pie-IX stop, the current Pie-IX station would be renamed Parc Olympique or something.
  16. How much would you guys say the floor plates are? 4, 4.5 metres?
  17. I can't tell if I like it yet. Seeing how it looks on two storeys might help.
  18. Seriously, people need to chill. A couple years ago, we had nothing going on in this city, and now we have countless projects proposed, approved, and if they're not all going up at once, it's a failure? If you were in charge of constructing one of these projects, you'd make sure everything was properly in place before going ahead right? - and that's clearly what they're doing. Chillllll and be patient people
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