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Tout ce qui a été posté par Chris1989

  1. Great photo Mokita! You're going to have to keep us posted on this tower - it's beginning to disappear on the webcam view.
  3. Yeah I was gonna say, Philippe's version seemed short. Frantko looks to have gotten the correct height.
  4. It's so tall now, we can't even see them pouring the floors from the webcam. A good problem to have!
  5. Chris1989

    Expos de Montréal

    Take this for what it's worth:
  6. The article also mentions Tour des Canadiens 2 going on sale this fall.
  7. The Canadian flag looks like its on the CIBC antenna at half-mast and not Windsor Station haha
  8. This is a stunner! I'm blown away! Memphis, you're my hero.
  9. On the webcam, they're pouring the next floor plate! On a Saturday! I know they worked on Saturdays sometimes, but hadn't seen them do a floor yet, great news. They poured the previous floor on Monday. Every 6 days is impressive.
  10. We should have a ban from posting from MTLBlog! Absolute trash! It's not journalism, it's copy pasted from other sources, however wrong they may be.
  11. Agreed, p_xavier. I'd like to hear more politicians agreeing with people who have good ideas, even if they aren't on the same side, politically.
  12. Would we rather a bunch of green towers a la Vancouver or Toronto? Let's wait and see how this turns out.
  13. Yeah, we should have a ban on posting anything from MTLBlog on here. What an absolute travesty that POS is.
  14. Chris1989

    Expos de Montréal

    We're looking at relocation in the early to mid 2020s, according to Forbes:
  15. I'm not sure about this yet - we haven't heard any details about it for such a long time, and we're right before a Christmas break. Wouldn't they wait and start in January?
  16. Didn't we hear about another company taking over this project? It's going to take some time for that to happen. People really need to start reading the forum more, instead of just signing on, offering their opinion without having read anything about what's going on, and then disappearing. Seems to be happening a lot lately.
  17. Here are some stills from the video: Roger Taillibert's Bridge
  18. SkahHigh, you're the best. Every time I get some down time at work, I come on and you've posted photo updates. Makes my day! And damn, Roccabella is looking classy if you ask me.
  19. They leaked Maurice Richard Bridge out to see the reaction of Quebecers. Most Quebec media sources, including the English-language ones (CTV Montreal, Gazette, CBC) have done reports on how getting rid of Champlain is erasing part of our history. CTV National is now covering the story. I have a feeling they'll pull back and just go with Champlain, and maybe then even say "Oh, we had no intention of calling it Richard", just to save face.
  20. Chris1989

    Expos de Montréal

    SLR fine, but busses won't do the trick. When you have a stadium of 40,000 people emptying out, city busses, no matter how many you put, won't do a thing.
  21. Chris1989

    Expos de Montréal

    So putting it in a spot with NO public transit will get people from the West AND the East to avoid it potentially? You seem to really be fighting for this spot, Crosby. Putting up 20,000+ parking spaces around it like some American city would do is not something we should be aiming for. Public transit, it needs a metro station. End.
  22. Chris1989

    Expos de Montréal

    I don't like it. Has to be within 10 mins (max) walking distance of a metro if you ask me.
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