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Tout ce qui a été posté par saturnus85

  1. Because the embassies of the USA, France, the UK, Australia, Italy, Brazil, Sweden, Germany, and even the Philippines, for crying out loud, didn't feel the need to close their doors. Enough said.
  2. Les deux cas ne se ressemblent pas. Premièrement, l'hôtel Windsor a été détruit et la partie qui a survécu n'est pas vraiment celle qui l'a rendu célèbre. La tour CIBC a été contruite sur l'emplacement même du vieux Windsor, en fait. D'ailleurs, ce n'est pas parce qu'un édifice est plus haut qu'il porte ombrage a un voisin plus petit. La Tour KPMG, par exemple, met très bien en valeur la cathédrale Christ Church. Mais je vois mal comment ça pourrait être le cas avec une tour résidentielle en lieu et place du garage Avis.
  3. Since when is it slanderous to say that political ideologues think alike?
  4. N'empêche qu'il demeure visible à partir du square. En tous cas, ce n'est pas le seul édifice que j'aimerais voir disparaitre dans ce coin !
  5. You're the one who's making bogus claims without hard evidence. Where on earth is that Foreign Affairs report? When you accuse people of being Canadians of convenience, the burden of proof lies on YOU. Without such proof, whatever you say constitutes slander... You Tories are all the same... Edit: I just wanted to add that Canada was one of the last countries to begin evacuating its citizens. In fact, the first Canadian response to the conflict was to shut down the Canadian embassy in Beirut. No consular aid was provided to anyone until the US and France began evacuating their citizens. Stephen Harper didn't decide to evacuate Lebanese-Canadians out of compassion, but out of a concern for losing face. Your portrayal of Lebanese-Canadians as selfish ingrates is therefore uncalled for. Your misinformed arrogance is downright inexcusable.
  6. Exactement. Il y a même de la place pour une tour de 50 étages directement en face.
  7. Are you kidding me? 9 out of 10 doesn't mean my sample size is 10... It means the same thing as 90%. When I have to spell things out for you... There were a few hundred people on the ship. It was filled to capacity and not everyone was lucky enough to get a cabin. And the figure of 7000 DOESN'T come from an official at Foreign Affairs. Read the article again. You're really fishing for reasons to confirm a prejudice of yours.
  8. Roughly 9 in 10 people on my boat resided in Canada. Of those who didn't, a good chunk decided to stay in Cyprus instead of taking the flight to Montreal. A large number of those being evacuated were students who were visiting their families. The rest were entire families, many with young children. Most of the families were from Quebec, but many were from Ontario. Some were from the West Coast, but had to buy an onward ticket from Montreal to get back home. You have an unsubstantiated figure whose source isn't cited. It's "someone's" ballpark estimate. Who that someone might be is unclear from the National Post article. I have personal experience to back my claim. I'll go find a crow for you to eat.
  9. Bravo! A Senate committee report which says the evidence to your above claim is anecdotal (page 20) and cannot be substantiated. So much for your proof...
  10. Bullshit. Of all those evacuated in 2006, a very small number resided permanently in Lebanon. The vast majority were Canadian residents vacationing in their country of origin and who couldn't return home because the airport was closed for over a month and Israel had imposed a blockade. So yes, I can very well deny it.
  11. Ha! You say that now. I can't wait to see how many of you are going to complain about "Canadians of convenience" next time conflict erupts in Lebanon and Canada has to evacuate a bunch of its citizens...despite the fact that most of them are there on vacation!
  12. I live a few blocks away. A couple of weeks ago, I found flyers in my building from "concerned citizens" who opposed this project. I didn't read it all, but the flyers mentioned night clubs or something on Chomedey St. Last week, a woman knocked on my door, said she was from City Hall (which I doubt). She wanted me to sign a petition that would force public consultation on the expansion of Sports Station, a bar that happens to be just a block away. I evidently refused: Sports Station is a great bar and one of the best and cheapest places to get breakfast downtown. I don't know if the two initiatives are related. However, it scares me that some residents of Shaugnessy Village would rather maintain the status quo rather than encourage the healthy development of a neighbourhood that really needs it.
  13. De toutes les structures disparues, celle-ci n'est pas une grande perte. Cependant, peut-être les Expos auraient-ils pu être sauvés si on l'avait remplacé par un autre stade au même emplacement ?
  14. Mouais. Sauf qu'il a déjà laissé échapper de pareilles sottises, certaines le plus sérieusement du monde. Un peu difficile de jauger le degré d'humour d'un commentaire particulier. Je ne peux donc pas blâmer Yara.
  15. Je ne suis pas un expert, mais je crois que ce n'est pas un élément structurel, et que ça coûte moins cher de le faire en ancier. On parle surtout de ventilation, équipement électrique, etc. Sur les rendus, la partie en acier correspond à la couronne métallique en blanc.
  16. Si je ne me trompe pas, la partie en acier c'est pour les étages mécaniques. Les balcons ont déjà été coulés en béton.
  17. Le théâtre que tu nous montre n'est pas adéquat pour un orchestre symphonique. Il s'agit d'une Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier en plus petit (et plus joli, admettons). Le design que tu appelles "boîte à chaussures" est souhaitable lorsqu'il est question d'une salle de concert. Les meilleures salles du monde suivent toutes cet agencement: Musikverein, Concertgebouw, Boston Symphony et autres. L'opéra de Sydney, en comparaison, déçoit en termes d'acoutisque. Renseigne-toi, plutôt que de voir des complots à gauche et à droite. Ce sera tout à ton honneur.
  18. S'il vous plaît, dites-moi que c'est une farce !
  19. For a plasma TV (and I recommend LCD or the other LED variants), buy online. Best Buy can't and won't beat those prices. If you want a high end audio system (anything better than Yamaha or Harman Kardon), then you're going to have to either buy online, or go to independent audio stores. Best Buy just doesn't carry brands like Denon or TEAC. Heck, they don't even carry Pioneer's Elite TVs. You can buy these from Layton Audio, Son Ideal, and there's another one Drummond but I've forgotten the name. And these are only the ones downtown. Bite you're tongue before you accuse someone of making things up. It makes you sound like an ideological prick.
  20. I never said pops and moms stores were cheaper. Although they can be, when they aren't selling electronics, or if you're looking for high end electronics that Best Buy, Futureshop, Dumoulin, etc. don't carry. Regardless, Best Buy is a rip-off. Go ahead, call me anti-entrepreneurial because I refuse to pay $500 more than I should for a LCD model that's two years old.
  21. I agree. After the five Aldo stores on Ste-Catherine, two Mexx's, two Indigos, etc., I don't think we need two Best Buys, far less two that are less than 150 metres from one another. Future Shop, after all, is only a Best Buy operating under a different banner, giving the illusion of competition. To think we sacrificed a top-notch entertainment venue for more overpriced electronics. If you guys think Best Buy is giving you a bargain, you're getting gypped.
  22. Je préfère honnêtement la proposition retenue à celle de Saucier + Perrotte, surtout en ce qui concerne l'intérieur de la salle. Une proposition avant-gardiste n'est pas forcément meilleure qu'une proposition moins osée. La salle que nous aurons sera de calibre mondial et, en tant que mélomane, j'en suis pleinement satisfait.
  23. Trop tard. Il y a déjà longtemps qu'on ne trouve plus de pièces de rechange pour les rames de la ligne 1. Les réparations se font à l'improviste. Claude Béchard a vraiment raté la gestion de ce projet en accordant le contrat de gré-à-gré à Bombardier. L'usine de La Pocatière se trouve dans sa circonscription. Trois ans plus tard et on ne voit toujours pas la ligne d'arrivée.
  24. Je suis prêt à parier que le couvent passera au feu. C'est tellement typique de Catania.
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