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Tout ce qui a été posté par Formica

  1. Another thumbs up... nice to see there are some attractive condos in Montreal still being built...
  2. I like this one as well... well done, and doesn't look massive despite it's size...
  3. I kind of like the visual play of building masses... the only missed opportunity that would have helped emphasise it would have been to set back the ground floor to create a more distinct 2nd to 4th floor floating block. But that is only my opinion.. And thanks as well for all these updates!
  4. Et ils ont aussi réduit la largeur de la colonnette de brique entre les pairs de fenêtres, au point que c’est difficile de voir qu’il alterne d’une étage a l’autre.
  5. The project seems to have been entirely revised, with the main entrance, balconies, garage door ... etc... modified and moved. The original promoter's link still works, where they have the revised elevations... (and plans)
  6. It's not every day that the final building looks better than it's initial rendering... in this case I'd say it's a LOT better...
  7. By the look of it, they spent quite a few $ on a feature that doesn’t seem to be winning anybody’s heart…
  8. Formica

    SELBY - 7 étages

    Odd... If you compare those renderings to their web site ... ... the entire rear section (north part next to the 720) has disappeared, as well as the eastern part of the building. I didn't count, but they only show ±60-70 units ...
  9. Answered my own question as I found the originals on: or:
  10. I'm hoping they'll reintegrate that facade... I haven't seen that picture before... would you happen to know it's source, so perhaps I could get a higher definition one?
  11. Je seconde le 25k$ et plus… et c’est la raison que la majorité des projets inclus que le minimum de stationnement requis par le zonage. C’est difficile de couvrir le cout des stationnements dans leur prix de vente… alors le supplément est généralement re-devisé dans le prix des unités…
  12. In order to keep the demolition permit and zoning changes, they have to start the work... but it doesn't guarantee that the building construction will begin immediately after. We'll have to wait and see...
  13. Too short of time to download the material, but see link below around slide 41 to 46....
  14. I've been told that preparations are being made to demolish the buildings on the property, respecting the maximum 60 month delay given by the city to commence work. See enclosed minutes of meeting from 2011. Not sure how much of the complex they've rented so far... there has been no movement on the promoters website .... CA_Vma_PV_ORDI_2011-12-12_19h00_FR-33-34.pdf
  15. Agreed... nice.... is that photo from Concordia's engineering building?
  16. I don't know if anyone has any pictures of the rear of those units, as there seems to be some sort of decorative elements on the ones in the background of those pictures. I went on Google Earth and got the following aerial images: On the other hand, I will admit that those facades feel uninspiring...
  17. I'm kind of curious how this building will meet up with the two neighboring buildings? Is there an alleyway and if so, how wide? Or do they touch below and/or above ground? The RDC windows have been blocked off, but the upper floor ones appear to be remaining.
  18. Partiellement vrai… c’est vrai que c’est moins cher … mais c’est plutôt les acheteurs qui sont rarement prêt à ajouter de 15$ jusqu’à 20$ /pi2 aux prix du condo (ie : 15,000$ a 20,000$ par 1000pi2). C’est une des raisons c’est beaucoup commun dans les condos haut de gamme.
  19. I'd be surprised that would be it... especially given that in the second picture you posted we can see some "tie-backs" (the horizontal beams with diagonal cables) which serve to reduce the moment on tall exposed piles...
  20. Here are a couple of pictures taken at the end of last week: 2015-08-06 2015-08-06 2015-08-06
  21. Formica

    Caserne 26 - 3 étages

    Based on people who were actually present at the meeting, that article is distorting the extent of opposition to the new tower, and what was actually discussed. It almost seems like the author missed the meeting, and simply interviewed the two people she’s quoted…
  22. Formica

    Quartier 17 - 3 étages

    I just realized that they kept the original structure (and exterminator) and simply added a floor and mezzanine ... October 2012: April 2014: September 2014: May 2015: I appreciate building recycling ...
  23. Good photo, from Quebecor building I'm guessing?
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