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Tout ce qui a été posté par denpanosekai

  1. Fantastic pictures Deeworks. Suddenly this grim stretch on Duke will be up for redevelopment, but I hope they preserve/integrate 277 and 297 somehow.
  2. My turn! I love geo games. I snapped this picture of a shoebox being converted to a cottage. The fact that it's a shoebox should limit the number of boroughs. I will say that there is a metro nearby.
  3. Videotron was just cut in half and the other half is up for rent. But the garderie which looks like an old Dairy Queen definitely needs to go!!! And let's not forget the huge terrain vague at Church and Lasalle.
  4. 1) Le prix d'acquisition (terrain et bâtiment) No one knows yet 2) L'évaluation municipale 2012: 493 500 $ 3) Les taxes foncières municipales et scolaires (des dernières années) afférentes à cette propriété 2016: 12 254,79 2015: 10 715,45 2014: 9 040,97 2013: 7 348,36 5000$ increase in 4 years!!!
  5. Stunning terrasse, yet I can't help but notice the two types of chairs Thanks for the pics.
  6. As far as I know, it's going to be torn down. A real shame, but I guess maintenance costs would be double for what is essentially the same bridge. Verdun is pushing for extra lanes dedicated to Nun's Island traffic.
  7. It was fucking nuts. Silver lining is it helped me expose 3 water infiltrations I was unaware of on my house ...
  8. Fantastic angles. What's that crane going up/down on the second picture?
  9. Looking good. One thing about KnightsBridge is that their projects typically end up looking very close to the renders, unlike many other developers. I think this might be their biggest project yet!
  10. I saw white tower crane parts on a flatbed on McGill at St-Jacques this morning, maybe headed in that direction? Well, it is Friday and these cranes tend to go up on the weekend.
  11. No most graffiti is from middle-class kids with too much time on their hands. Spare us the PC BS.
  12. July 2016 -- BERNARD BRAULT, LA PRESSE
  13. Is this the site? Please update with an address. What is that big ass black/yellow tower, ventilation for the metro maybe? I agree with nephersir7, how can anyone call this "west of the olympic stadium"...
  14. You left "Group calls for" out of your subject, hockey19... the current one makes it sound like a done deal!
  15. Either way the article makes it sound like Tejano will barely be larger than the St-Henri operation, which is like... 6 or 7 seats. Calm down Laval/Paris boy. You'll get your fancy pantsy restaurants soon I'm sure.
  16. So, earlier this week I saw a rich-looking guy next to a sports car wearing fancy pants and a sharp haircut. He was talking very loud into his cellphone, saying things like "we have to put the banner back up, yes change that logo, no that one needs to go" etc. while pointing at the facade. Take it for what it is.
  17. June 13th 2016 My Verdun buddies Maconnerie Gratton at work early this morning. I'm not sure red brick is the best look for St-Jacques, but it beats pre-fab.
  18. Nice vision. Sussex + Hope would have to be one-way towards RL.
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