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Autoroute 10 (Bonaventure - portion au nord du canal (boul. urbain))


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i can't see this happening with 701 university being pretty much stalled at the moment..



Same here! unless those three towers(between the boulevard) are replaced by residential Towers, I just don't see any of these going up as office tower! The demand simply isn't there!

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The Board of Trade is in agreement with your analysis. Here is their press release concerning the Bonaventure project:



While it strongly supports the Quartier Bonaventure project, the Board of Trade raised some important concerns about and prerequisites for the project going ahead. "We have to remember that while Quartier Bonaventure is an inspiring project, economic conditions are very difficult," Michel Leblanc said. "We have to give priority to initiatives that will make the greatest contribution to Montréal's development. This major investment is justified only if it generates additional revenue for the City. In other words, this project will be a success only if private investors get involved and, at this stage, the Board of Trade is concerned about the absence of a major partner."

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You have to keep in mind that when this project was initially being designed, it was expected that projects like 701 university (already had desjardins and morgan stanley) & 900 de maisonneuve (SITQ had just joined) and either the canderel project or the westcliff project would have been completed (or near) by the time these lots would have been ready for development. The city was absorbing well over a million sqft a year and none of these proprosals is much more then 500k sqft of office space because of the proposed height limit for the area. The tower furthest north was being pitched to Shangri-La Hotels, so that is not office space either. Had the market not shifted, then I think it would have been plausable that these lots be developped before the lot in front of the Bell Center or others in the traditional downtown, especially had the Griffentown project gone ahead as well. The lot in front of the Bell Center can potentially have more office space then all the proposed towers on Duke combined.

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Same here! unless those three towers(between the boulevard) are replaced by residential Towers, I just don't see any of these going up as office tower! The demand simply isn't there!


It was always plan to be residential, since the beginning. Except for the two first small ones...

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  • 2 semaines plus tard...

Heum, bonjour et bienvenue sur mtlurb, magtherideon.


Question : es-tu un représentant secret de M. Bergeron? Parce que à date, tes interventions sur le forum sont tous du chiale contre l'auto.


C'est bien beau d'être pro-TEC et pro-piéton, mais il faut réaliser que ça prend un équillibre. L'auto est important. Le métro est important. Les deux ont leurs utilités respectives. Etre "anti-auto" c'est faire preuve d'une certaine ignorance face au fonctionnement d'une ville. Elles sont necessaires les voitures. (Je n'ai jamais vu une cargaison de X prendre le métro, moi..)


Il faut être "pro-équillibre" à mon avis. C'est ça la recette du succès. Ce projet propose un équillibre.


Garder l'autoroute Bonaventure? Pas idéal... surtout quand cette autoroute freine le développement vers le sud.


Démolir entièrement l'autoroute? Pas idéal non plus... c'est le seul lien majeur routier entre le sud et le centre-ville.


Sollution? Compromis. Détruisons l'autoroute et construisons un boulevard urbain entourré de gratte-ciels! :highfive:

Modifié par Cataclaw
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J'ai visité mtlurb seulement en fin de journée et j'ai comme qui dirait l'impression d'avoir manqué des interventions (maintenant disparues) plutôt intéressante quoique incohérentes...


Me trompe-je? :D

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J'ai visité mtlurb seulement en fin de journée et j'ai comme qui dirait l'impression d'avoir manqué des interventions (maintenant disparues) plutôt intéressante quoique incohérentes...


Me trompe-je? :D


Ouais on a manqué quelque chose... ça aurait été intéressant à voir (à moins qu'il y ait eu des attaques personnelles ou quelque chose du genre?)

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En effet vous avez manque quelque chose interessant. C'etait un nouveau forumeur. En dedans d'une heure, il avait poste une vingtaine de messages anti-auto sur differents fils. On aurait cru un agent secret de M. Bergeron et Projet Montreal.

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