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Pont Samuel-De Champlain


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il y a 6 minutes, Philippe a dit :

Un lien avec le parc Voltaire aurait été facile.  Les seuls accès seront donc par le boulevard Simard ou le boulevard de Rome. 

En effet, il me semble que c'était une "no-brainer" de faire un lien au parc Voltaire.

Ou même de prolonger la piste jusqu'au boulevard Pelletier en longeant l'autoroute.  Il n'y a pas de lobby cycliste/piéton à Brossard qui a pensé à faire ces demandes?  


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Le parc Voltaire est beaucoup trop petit pour accueillir une rampe qui aurait passé au dessus des bretelles pour aller rejoindre le pont sans compter que par la suite il n'y a plus de piste cyclable même sur rue, et ca reste un coin assez enclavé

le meilleur lien aurait été avec le parc de la terre, mais ca aurait été beaucoup de passerelles (au dessus de l'A10/REM puis ensuite des bretelles coté est) sans compter que le pont à cet endroit commence à monter. Longer l'autoroute jusqu'à Pelletier, pas assez d'espace pour cela.

En terme d'accès ils ont pris le lien le plus simple et surtout qui connecte avec l'ensemble du réseau de la rive sud via le long du fleuve et c'est une nette amélioration en terme de connectivité plutôt que d'aller soit à ste-catherine et revenir à l'estacade ou sinon via victoria et le parc jean drapeau.



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They actually do have a connection to the neighborhoods drawn on the presentation.

Of course that's just a faint drawing. You have to really stare at the picture to see it. It's easy to draw stuff on the computer. We'll see if they will do anything about it.

My guess is that it's not in the contract to make those connections. If someone cares the contract is available to download from the federal government's website. I don't have the time to look through it, though.

I imagine they drew the extra paths so faintly in the hope that nobody would remember to ask about it.


Screen Shot 2019-10-10 at 4.45.31 PM.jpg

Modifié par amaist
Fixing pictures
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Here is what the agreement between the Feds and SSL says about the bike paths on the South Shore:


Quote South Shore multiple-use path

The Private Partner shall provide a minimum 3.5m wide continuous multiple-use path that connects the existing cycle path that is adjacent to the Seaway (specifically, La Riveraine route verte No. 3) to the multiple-use path at the eastern abutment of the NBSL on the South Shore (detailed in Section 3.3.5 herein). The South Shore multiple-use path :

A. shall be located to the north of the NBSL but south of the proposed Hydro-Quebec pylons; and

B. shall pass over Route 132.

The Private Partner is responsible for all necessary coordination with Hydro-Quebec TransEnergie in relation to work near Hydro-Quebec infrastructure and shall take full account of any requirements and/or constraints from Hydro-Quebec TransEnergie . Schedule 15 Utilities requirements applies .Any structures used to support the South Shore multiple-use path shall not extend above NBSL deck level. The use of truss structures to support the multiple-use path is not permitted.

Execution Version Schedule 7 Design and Construction Specifications

Part 11 Multiple-use path

Page 7-11-3


The Private Partner shall ensure that the South Shore multiple-use path is configured to facilitate a possible future cycle path connection (by others) that would lead from the NBSL to either Rue Voltaire and/or Rue Villon. In addition, the Private Partner shall ensure that a corridor is maintained free of any obstructions such that that it can accommodate the future construction (either by the Private Partner as an Authority Change or by others) of a minimum 3.5m-wide continuous multiple-use path connecting the NBSL to Avenue Tisserand via Pare de la Terre south of ·the Autoroute 10 / Route 132 interchange . The route of this path will be such that it starts north of Autoroute 10 (at an intersection with the path defined in Section herein), passes under the NBSL between Route 132 and the NBSL east abutment, passes over ramps R18 and R.19 (as denoted in the Reference Design), and then connects to Avenue Tisserand via Pare de la Terre. Said unobstructed corridor shall be wide enough to:

A. facilitate the construction of all structures, earthworks, drainage associated with the future path; and,

B. not require the demolition and/or future re-positioning of any DB Infrastructure. If the Private Partner has supported the multiple-use path at the South Shore on an elevated structure, then the Private Partner need not assume that any additional load would be applied to the Project Infrastructure from the additional path structure (by others) but the Private Partner shall facilitate connection of the two paths by ensuring that a suitable segment of the barrier on the south side of the multiple-use path can be removed as part of future work . If the Private Partner has positioned the multiple-use path at the South Shore at grade, then the Private Partner would facilitate connection of the two paths through appropriate pavement markings.

In any case, the Private Partner shall provide all reasonable access, coordination and cooperation with the entities undertaking the design and construction of the possible future cycle path at the South Shore in order to facilitate connection of the South Shore multiple-use path and the cycle path developed by those entities.

You can find the whole text here:

Specifically the file and in there it's Schedule 7 Part 11

SSL is only responsible to connect the path to the existing path along the Seaway and also provide space for connections to Brossard. Those connections will have to be done by other entities. I hope Velo Quebec would pressure both the province, feds and Brossard to get that done.

Modifié par amaist
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Début des tests finaux de l’éclairage architectural du pont Samuel-De Champlain

Publié le 15 octobre 2019

Signature sur le Saint-Laurent souhaite aviser les résidents qu’à compter du 15 octobre et pour les deux prochaines semaines, SSL procèdera aux tests finaux de l’éclairage architectural du pont Samuel-De Champlain. Les tests auront lieux entre 18h et 6h.

Différents thèmes et intensités de couleurs seront testés. Ces animations ne seront pas nécessairement représentatives de ce qui sera diffusé sur une base permanente. 

Des luminaires à diodes électroluminescentes

Le système d’éclairage architectural sur le pont Samuel-De Champlain est composé de plus de 7500 luminaires à diodes électroluminescentes (DEL) contrôlables individuellement et posés sous la structure et le pylône principal.

Chaque luminaire peut afficher une palette quasi infinie de couleurs. Le contrôle des luminaires sera centralisé et permettra d’afficher des thèmes programmables de couleur, d’intensité et de durée de temps ajustables.

Le thème de base sera un affichage blanc mais des thèmes seront possibles. L’éclairage architectural sera normalement en fonction de la tombée du jour à 1hr.



Capture des tests effectués cette nuit:

16-10-2109 à 06h00


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