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Station Griffintown – Bernard-Landry - Discussion


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48 minutes ago, Rocco said:

Bernard Landry.. je comprends qu'il a créé la cité multimédia mais bon yeu, y'a rien de rien qui nous indique ce que son nom fait là par rapport au quartier. Aucune rue ne porte son nom, aucun parc. Orientation zéro. C'est terrible comme choix.

I don’t often agree (nobody often agrees) with Rocco, but cmon. Wtaf

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22 minutes ago, danny12345 said:

Pourtant, Pierre-Elliot Trudeau est 'as divisive as it gets' et pourtant notre aéroport porte son nom.  YUL a bien plus de visibilité qu'une station du REM. 


Je suis 100% en accord avec vous. Cependant, je ne pense pas que la grogne est due au fait que M. Landry a créé des divisions (FR : « is divisive »??) en général , mais c’est plutôt l’emplacement de la station qui crée des divisions. Personne ne nie que M. Landry a été un grand québécois, mais de nommer une station après lui dans Griffintown est un peu comme nommer la gare d’autocars de Saguenay « la gare Saguenay-Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau », ou nommer une rue à Westmount « la rue Camille-Laurin ». Le fait de penser qu’il y a de meilleurs endroits pour rendre hommage à Bernard Landry n’est pas de nier ce qu’il a accompli pour le Québec.

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il y a 58 minutes, Rocco a dit :

Bernard Landry.. je comprends qu'il a créé la cité multimédia mais bon yeu, y'a rien de rien qui nous indique ce que son nom fait là par rapport au quartier. Aucune rue ne porte son nom, aucun parc. Orientation zéro. C'est terrible comme choix.

Totalement d'accord, Griffintown aurait suffit, rajouté Bernard-Landry ça juste pas de lien, la ville et le gouvernement veulent honorer Bernard Landry ? Qu'ils aménagent de façon permanente l'espace vert autour du poste de Trans-Énergie en Place Bernard Landry.,-73.5553893,3a,90y,304.23h,89.09t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1shy6Jjk-J5mzgwKwVSiMuNg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=fr

Cette place serait en plus centrale dans le Quartier du Multimédia.

Mais bon, content que la station soie enfin dévoilée. En espérant qu'on lui intègre des commerces sous le viaduc ferroviaire, on a un bâtiment couvert de 2 étages, alors on serait stupide de pas en profiter. Dépotium peut bien perdre un peu d'espace… En plus, ça apporterait plus de vitalité au parc de l'autoroute Bonaventure, en plus d'avoir une entrée du côté est du viaduc


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Yé! La station est à l'emplacement idéal pour desservir, le long du trajet du REM, le mieux possible Griffintown, l'ETS, la Cité du Multimédia et l'ouest du Vieux Montréal. Il y a en masse de place pour une station dans Pointe-Saint-Charles. La station s'intègre bien au bâtiment pont. La Caisse va certaiment penser rapidement à développer commercialement cet espace et comme le dit Dominic723, rendre le boulevard R-Bourassa plus vivant.

Pour le nom, je suis content qu'on continue à nommer les stations en fonction de la rue ou du quartier que la ligne traverse (Griffintown); moins qu'on y ajoute autre chose (dans ce cas-ci, le nom d'un politicien). Ça n'ajoute rien et la mairesse pourrait trouver autre chose pour souligner la mémoire de Bernard Landry.

L'échéancier, fin 2023, est décevant aussi.

Malgré cela, c'est une sacrée bonne nouvelle.

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Great news about the station, but very disappointed about the name. After months of Plante hammering Landry as the name, she changed her tune in January 2020:


Some members of Montreal's Irish community objected to the idea and wanted the name to reflect the Irish history of the neighbourhood.

Plante said a recent meeting with some members of the Irish community showed her how sensitive the issue is.

"It was very important for me to let them know that for me, I don't want to hurt no one's feelings. I truly recognize how the Irish community has been contributing so much to Montreal," said Plante.

I hope there's some serious backlash and the name is dropped. You wanna honour Landry? Rename a street after him in the Cite Multimedia and be done with it.

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Montreal's Irish community disappointed new REM station in Griffintown will be named after former premier Bernard Landry

Amy Luft
CTV News Montreal Digital reporter
Published Monday, June 22, 2020 2:54PM EDTLast Updated Monday, June 22, 2020 3:59PM EDT


MONTREAL -- Despite calls to name the forthcoming REM light rail station in Griffintown after its historic Irish community, it will be named after former Quebec premier Bernard Landry.

The station, at the corner of Ottawa and William Streets, will formally be called Griffintown-Bernard-Landry.

Fergus Keyes of the Montreal Irish Memorial Park Foundation confirmed the news, which was announced by Montreal Maytor Valerie Plante in a news conference Monday afternoon.

Keyes said the mayor called a meeting Montreal morning with more than a dozen Irish organizations to give them the news.

"Although I don't speak for the entire Irish community, I've got to say that overall it was unanimous disappointment that she would continue to push to name the station after Bernard Landry," he said. "She's ignoring the wishes of the Irish community."

Plante had originally announced last fall that the REM station would recognize Landry's important contributions to the development of the downtown area.

The announcement was not formalized, however, and the station in the city's Peel Basin was the only station out of 26 not to be given a formal name in February.

Members of the city's Irish community urged Plante to reconsider, and to instead choose a name remembering the neighbourhood's Irish community, who built much of the local infrastructure. The Irish community wanted the station to simply be called Griffintown, after the neighbourhood, as is the case with nearly every other REM station on the 67-kilometre line.

Some called Landry a politician who has created discord, accusing him of having made comments against immigration and associating Landry with the destruction of Cree burial sites in northwestern Quebec in favour of Hydro-Quebec projects.

"It’s totally unacceptable to us. It demonstrates a lack of history of Montreal and a certain level of arrogance on behalf of the mayor of Montreal,” said Keyes.  

Plante acknowledged that not everyone in the Irish community would be pleased with the announcement.

"I feel like today some people will be happy and some people won't be happy, but the hyphen is a very important part of the name, and Griffintown is coming first," she said.

The hyphenated name creates a link between the Irish heritage of the city and the Multimedia City, part of Landry's legacy, Plante said.

"This station is also a tribute to the tremendous contribution made by Bernard Landry to our city's development, as it is located adjacent to the Cité du Multimédia, which has become a symbol of our former premier's bold economic vision, the impact of which lives on today," said Plante.

A park facing the station will be named after 18th-century Montreal businesswoman Mary Griffin.

The station is set to open in 2023.

Keyes said the matter is not over.

"It is not going to go away. We will never let that station be named after Mr. Landry," he said. 

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6 minutes ago, Chris1989 said:

Great news about the station, but very disappointed about the name. After months of Plante hammering Landry as the name, she changed her tune in January 2020:

I hope there's some serious backlash and the name is dropped. You wanna honour Landry? Rename a street after him in the Cite Multimedia and be done with it.

No, I hate renaming existing things. It's better to name something new. Naming something new after him is better than erasing something existing. 

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Je ne comprends pas la controverse avec Bernard-Landry... Quelqu'un pourrait-il m'expliquer ce qui ne marche pas, hormis l'emplacement de la station?

Je n'ai pas suivi la politique Québécoise de la fin des années 1990/début des années 2000 afin d'être au courant de ce que Bernard-Landry a pu faire de controversé durant sa carrière politique...

Modifié par AMTFan1
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Ugly sounding name... and I couldn't care less about the political S**t... just another ugly sounding name!!!

I mean we already have jean coutu, arguably the less appealing, less sexy business name in the history of business... now we have this... couldn't they just name it Griffintown?!

Modifié par universityst
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