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  1. Ground level of this one is atrocious...
  2. Oof, this one is ugly... Frankly the bricks on the side look better than that sheet metal they used on the front facade...
  3. LoL, "projet avant-gardiste"/"tour magistral" "inspiré de Williamsburg, Brooklyn". 🤔
  4. Les gens ne ramassent même pas leur caca de chien.. Cela rend vraiment beaucoup de ces trottoirs plutôt dégoûtants. Je ne dirais pas que Montréal est plus sale que les autres grandes villes en général, à l'exception de mars/avril où toute la excréments et les déchets qui étaient cachés dans la neige sont soudainement visibles.
  5. Looks like something out of the Third World. The kind of place you hope your illegal airport taxi doesn't turn into.
  6. Fou. Je me souviens de la boulangerie qui était ici. Il y avait relativement peu de choses à l'intérieur, mais il semblait en quelque sorte plus petit que cet endroit Moretti n'en a l'air.
  7. Phase 3 definitley agree is the odd one out.. both height and cost-cutting choice for cladding in the balcony sections. I don't mind 1 & 2, they kind of fade into the background. Not overly offensive. They were built before the peak of the boom back when we were coming out of many years in which few tall buildings were built, and the tall buildings that were built were not great, like the Hilton Garden Inn, Altitude, Crystal, Louis-Boheme, etc. I was mostly happy to see this lot built on with something that was not overly diminutive or complete trash. In an ideal scenario, I would have preferred these to be built on another street, or maybe the section of R-L east of University, maybe near Complexe Desjardins or Saint-Laurent. The brown cladding might have complimented some of the other buildings nearby. And in the same scenario, I would have liked to see the Banque Nationale building constructed on this site to have more of a financial district vibe in this area.
  8. J'étais dans le coin et ils installaient une plate-forme du côté de la rue King cette semaine. Je suppose qu'ils prévoient de nettoyer les briques dans un avenir pas si lointain. Mais ce projet a vraiment traîné en longueur. Il est en construction depuis 2019, un peu fou pour un immeuble de 10 étages.
  9. Not overly tall, high end or ground breaking architecture, but it nevertheless has a certain timelessness look to it. The clean symmetrical design works well.
  10. Wow, already tags on this building! No respect..
  11. If East Germany still existed today, I could see this sort of architecture being built there.
  12. This looks like something from the banlieues of Paris. Apparently the city of Montreal has no architectural standards whatsoever. It is admittedly childish, but 1-star Google Reviews on these firms for designing such a monstrosity is kind of warranted..
  13. This would have been a good spot for a mixed-use tower rather than a 10 storey filler building. Facing the Ville-Marie autoroute, it wouldn't have bothered too many people if it went for 150M+ with a quality design. Generally I feel building heights should be somewhat proportionate to the width of the road they are on. And Viger+the Ville-Marie expressway is quite a vast expanse.. a wide open area.
  14. These two towers really change the skyline from this angle. I think it looks much more substantial.
  15. Je pense que l'une des principales choses qu'ils devraient faire avec ce projet est de le connecter au sous-sol. J'ai l'impression que le côté sud de Sainte-Catherine est négligé car il n'a pas cette connexion. De plus, ils doivent opter pour la hauteur maximale possible. Et la vente au détail sur Cathcart ne ferait pas de mal. La rue est morte dans cette section. Il n'y a pas grand-chose à sauver. Le bâtiment Nakisa n'est pas un joyau. Peut-être la façade du bâtiment Five Guys, mais l'intérieur n'a rien de spécial.
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