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well, first, that 16 people can hold up a development like this is totally moronic. next, the referendum will certainly succeed because it's limited to people who don't want to be affected by the project. and finally, this is a crazy tool to put into the hands of nimbys since the developers can build something that benefits the neighborhood less, as of right. so basically the nimbys are empowered to block a project that helps their neighborhood and the city in general because they are uninformed that it's to their benefit. just up and down foolishness.

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Never assume that someone who disagrees with you is uninformed. We have been hearing that type of refrain from losing politicians for years.

`We didn`t get our message out.`

`Well, yes you did and we don`t agree with it. `


I live in the neighbourhood and think that it is a sound project. But, I won`t have to live with it in my face. And, if I was the only person in the city to disagree with something, I would do so; vigorously.

That`s a democratic freedom...and it is far from `foolishness`; it is, in fact, very profound.

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Never assume that someone who disagrees with you is uninformed. We have been hearing that type of refrain from losing politicians for years.

`We didn`t get our message out.`

`Well, yes you did and we don`t agree with it. `


I live in the neighbourhood and think that it is a sound project. But, I won`t have to live with it in my face. And, if I was the only person in the city to disagree with something, I would do so; vigorously.

That`s a democratic freedom...and it is far from `foolishness`; it is, in fact, very profound.


Seriously because the utter foolishness of those who signed that register, I so hope that Provigo now builds a big mega clinic or anything totally legal but that brings traffic even more than the proposed project. Just to shut those mouths up; nimbys who live with the 'not in my yard' syndrome need to be thought a lesson. They deserve it. And you defending your neighbourgs is totally predictable and not very subtle.

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Seriously because the utter foolishness of those who signed that register, I so hope that Provigo now builds a big mega clinic or anything totally legal but that brings traffic even more than the proposed project. Just to shut those mouths up; nimbys who live with the 'not in my yard' syndrome need to be thought a lesson. They deserve it. And you defending your neighbourgs is totally predictable and not very subtle.


Rocco, stick to your sardonic humour. When you actually try to justify your thinking it comes out as sullen anger.

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the point is that the nimbys are fighting this based on traffic concerns. but the developers are allowed, as of right, to build something that will bring more traffic to the area. they partnered up with a non-profit to bring in short term housing for patients and their relatives and a grocery store, necessitating a zoning change, which triggered the referendum register. something will be built here, there's no question - it's right beside the hospital - but the nimbys don't realize that they'll block the best and highest use of the land, even by their own measure, if the were informed enough to measure it. in their minds, it's "build nothing" but that's not what's on the table. basically, this is why such matters are best left to experts.

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L'opposition au projet aurait probablement pu être évitée si la venue du mega-complexe hospitalier dans le secteur avait donné lieu, dès le début, à un amendement de zonage conséquent incluant le site proposé (sur de Maisonneuve et Claremont).


Quand je dis «conséquent», je veux dire: qui tient compte du changement de vocation du secteur entier, pas juste le site de l'hôpital. Autrement dit, ne pas procéder par des amendements «à la pièce».

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  • 3 semaines plus tard...

Bonne nouvelle


Le Projet Provigo Et L’article 89 De La Charte


Les résidents du Village Vendôme qui s’opposent au projet de supermarché Provigo à l’intersection sud-ouest de Claremont et De Maisonneuve ont forcé la tenue d’un référendum sur la question.

Les signatures ont été déposées à la réunion du conseil d’arrondissement du 7 décembre mais le conseil a reporté à janvier sa décision : procéder au référendum ou simplement retirer le projet.

Durant la période des questions, James Luck, le 33e et dernier citoyen a prendre la parole, à demandé au maire Copeman de lui confirmer que si les citoyens concernés rejettent éventuellement le projet lors du référendum, celui-ci sera alors définitivement abandonné.

Non répond le maire. Les promoteurs peuvent se prévaloir de l’article 89 de la Charte de la Ville de Montréal pour demander à l’administration centrale et au conseil municipal d’autoriser ce projet.


Que dit l’article 89 ?


Le conseil de la ville peut, par règlement, permettre, malgré tout règlement adopté par un conseil d’arrondissement, la réalisation d’un projet relatif:

Alinéa 3 : à un établissement résidentiel, commercial ou industriel situé dans le centre des affaires ou, s’il est situé hors du centre des affaires, dont la superficie de plancher est supérieure à 25 000 m2;


Ce projet pourrait donc voir le jour quel que soit la décision du conseil d’arrondissement ou du résultat référendaire.

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