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New music!! So catchy!


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I heard that song on the radio a couple times and I didn't even notice the Afrikaans and Xhosa parts...


Now here's a bicycle I would ride!



It would be really fun on that deMaisonneuve bike path :D


Or maybe this:



Modifié par Cyrus
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  • 2 semaines plus tard...

Un hotel de 15 étages, assez solide pour survivre les tremblements de terre en Chine.

Construit en 6 jours


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Quand tu as le sens du design jusque dans la création d'un tunnel sous terrain, tu mérite une vidéo sur youtube :)


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Those colored areas are really cool! Beyond just aesthetics, i bet these serve a second purpose : grabbing the attention of drivers and preventing them from dozing off in the tunnel.

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