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À Montréal

Église complètement ravagée

Agence QMI

06/02/2010 13h27




Une église vacante appartenant à la communauté franciscaine a été complètement ravagée par les flammes, samedi matin, sur le boulevard René-Lévesque entre les rues Hope et Lambert-Closse. Les pompiers ont finalement dû démolir la structure, celle-ci étant devenue trop dangereuse.


Le lieu saint a pris feu à environ 5h, samedi matin. Après avoir déclenché l’alerte générale, 150 pompiers ont dû s’affairer jusqu'à midi pour combattre les flammes.


Aucune évacuation n’a été nécessaire, l’église en question et le presbytère étant vacants depuis 2007.


L’incendie a également lourdement endommagé un presbytère qui se trouvait à proximité.




Après avoir examiné la scène, les pompiers n’ont pas été en mesure de déterminer les circonstances du feu.


Les enquêteurs du Service de police de la ville de Montréal (SPVM) se rendront sur les lieux dans les prochaines heures pour ce faire.


Ce malheureux incident est non seulement une perte religieuse pour Montréal, mais aussi une perte historique considérable, car le bâtiment avait été construit en 1892 par la Communauté des Frères Franciscains.




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Cette partie de la ville est vraiment en déclin...



And that's why, as has been said several times on this board, mtlurb needs to become more involved in the development of our city. The passion we have for this city, the passion we have for development and as such the passion we have for the development of this city is wasted on us not becoming more involved in the process. I think we'll all had enough of mediocrity and enough of the decay of many of the sights that would help bring this city to a new-found greatness amongst the cities of the world.

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And that's why, as has been said several times on this board, mtlurb needs to become more involved in the development of our city. The passion we have for this city, the passion we have for development and as such the passion we have for the development of this city is wasted on us not becoming more involved in the process. I think we'll all had enough of mediocrity and enough of the decay of many of the sights that would help bring this city to a new-found greatness amongst the cities of the world.



I support this too.

But when we say we should be lobbyist for our cause, even the people on this site bitching about any kind of counter productive lobbies in this city are freaking out...


It is obviously much easier to complain and offer no alternative but to say I will kill Dinu Bamabru or I will bomb Heritage Montreal... (yeah it takes a lot of brain power to come up with that...)


I think if people on mtlurb would finally be courageous enough to do this, that such an organization would have to be organized.


I think a number of topic could be debated on this site, and that based on sensible consensus a number of recommendations could be formulated and presented.


Recommendations would have to be constructive and presented by credible people (in terms of professional & academic background). Remember it's all about credibility here. This is why I think this is a serious task.


I believe it would be crucial to have a long term vision of the city that can reconciles major Montrealers' priorities (so not just high rising structures - it would have to cover green areas, mass transit, life style in general, etc.) and it would also be important to have a plan to implement such ideas (sound financing planning, understanding of the city's legal systems and processes, etc.).


It could be interesting to further elaborate on this and see what comes out of it.

Modifié par qwerty
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  • 2 mois plus tard...
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Quelle perte monumentale!! Je ne comprends pas pourquoi les Frères Franciscains ont laissé l'endroit aussi mal entretenu. Quand l'immeuble est dans cet état c'est facile qu'un incendie soit créé par un squatter ou bien par une défaillance électrique quelconque !!

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