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Je connais un français au boulot, il est a l'air très bien intégré, on blague de temps en temps sur le fait qu'il est français, il me traite de grec, mais c'est bon enfant.


Un autre français qui travaillait ici est retourné en france, il a été poli par contre et n'as pas dit pourquoi il partait c'est dommage.

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Membres prolifiques

En même temps, le témoignage est sur quitter le quebec , qui est un repère de frustrés.

C'est dommage finalement que ces gens ne soient pas capables de remettre en cause leur propre culture et ainsi voir un peu plus loin que le bout de leur nez. C'est sûr que s'ils viennent avec l'idée en tête de retrouver la même chose que ce qu'ils ont connu auparavant, ca va leur faire une claque dans la face.

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Je remarque aussi que ce gars-là ne semble jamais remettre en cause sa propre responsabilité dans son échec d'intégration au Québec. De plus, il doit sûrement être maso pour être revenu tenter de refaire sa vie une seconde fois !! Étant lui-même un perdant, il va sûrement tenter de réussir une troisième fois chez lui. Après un troisième échec en France, ne soyez pas surpris de le revoir s'implanter de nouveau ici dans cinq ans !!

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Peut étre ce que je vais vous dire va vous énérvez mais malheureusement il ya de le vérité en ce qu il dit ,peut étre il éxagére un petit peu mais il ya de la réalité ,malgré cela je comprend pas sa frustration car chaque paye et chaque province a des point positive et négative ,il aurait du aussi parler des choses positive qui existe ici .

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L'économie de la région de Montréal va mal?


On me l'apprend, je pensais pas qu'on était encore en 2001...


c'est parceque la croissance en france est tellement plus forte qu'ici:rottentomato:

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Somme-nous xénophobes à ce point ? Quand le lis un commentaire comme celui-çi "Comme par hasard un maudit français à la marde." sur ce fil, je me dit que finalement nous le sommes peut-être !! Mon quartier est truffé de Français : je ne les sent pas stressés, je n'ai pas l'impression qu'ils adoptent un profil bas pour passer inaperçus !!


Et Yara, je suis français LOL! Autrement je ne me serais pas permis cette remarque bien entendu... Il n'a pas forcément tord de souligner certaines faiblesses du Québec mais il me parait caractéristique de la quantité phénoménale d'aigris condescendant que mon pays natal est capable de produire.

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Et Yara, je suis français LOL! Autrement je ne me serais pas permis cette remarque bien entendu... Il n'a pas forcément tord de souligner certaines faiblesses du Québec mais il me parait caractéristique de la quantité phénoménale d'aigris condescendant que mon pays natal est capable de produire.

Un Franais qui peut pas blairer un autre Français. Te voilà bien intégré !! D)

J'ai assez souvent (et encore) travaillé avec des Français ; en tous cas, assez souvent pour savoir qu'il y a pas mal des "comme ça".

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[ General ] by franziska @ 28.11.2007 04:16 CET

So, holidays are over and I'm back in Boston. (the friendly men at the border actually let me enter the US without too much trouble.. What a surprise! :-))

Mais ce qui est beaucoup plus intéressant: Le weekend à Montréal était magnifique. C'était vraiment un bon choix d'y aller et surtout de découvrir cette ville en comparaison avec la ville américain que j'expérience ici. Il y avait quelques choses qui m'ont fait penser plus a la France ou l'Europe que d'être en nord de l'Amerique. Of course you might say it was just the language but I guess it was more than that. La majorité des gens à Montréal sont bilingues et parfois ils changent les languages also as fast as I do here. ;-) just to give you an impression of what it could be like. ;-))

It's difficult to describe what exactly made me think of a European influence in this city. There were many little things which on the whole created a picture of a city like it could be somewhere in Europe (except maybe for the skyscrapers and the newer buildings..). Old Montreal with its cobble-stone streets looks as pretty and cute wiä me sich ä herzigi gmüetlichi Altstadt halt so chan vorstellä. Then there are many old churches and other ancient buildings which attest the history of the city. If you are very observant I'm sure you could make out dozens of things that differ to cities in the US and are closer to a European style. I won't attempt to list here what I noticed. I would fear that I couldn't describe it good enough and you would walk away with an incomplete picture and what I wanted to get across would then be lost between "Stuel und Bank". ;-) But it was definitely striking to me how this city is not so much similar to the US cities I've seen (which aren't so many! => Stichprob isch also sehr chli - Ussagä also umso meh mit Vorsicht z'gnüssä ;-)). Maybe that's just because I didn't realize in the beginning that was crossing the border to a different country and that I could expect something different from my so-far-acquired image of "north american cities". ;-)

But anyway. That's been a very vague statement and I'm sorry for that. On the one hand there are so many things I could tell you and on the other hand that would be far too much and I wouldn't know where to start anyway. ;-)


An attempt to summarize (at least) some happenings comes here:

=> On my first day: I got to know again what winter is like (even though people told me it would be really cold in Montreal, I somehow was quite surprised to see city covered in snow)

=> On my second day: I was employed as a psychologist, counselling a maybe-alcoholic (49 years-old) woman. I had the pleasure to share the room with her (and others of course) and as soon as she learnt what I'm studying, she started to talk and kept talking and talking and talking.. She wanted to know what she should do about her husband, who is an alcoholic, and what effects it may already have had on his brain and what remediation would be possible / what medications and if he has a schizophrenia or not, and so forth..... This was shortly before I decided that from now on I will tell "unknown" people that I study "biology" or "geology" or anything else - just NOT "psychology"! Otherwise you run into people like her thinking you do not have anything better to do than "being their psychologist" and you really cannot escape... or I cannot.. ;-)

=> On the third day: I was already able to guide another tourist through the city where he had to go to find the street he was looking for. :-)

=> On the fourth day: Even better: my room-mate (who's been there a week or so and is staying there for 4 months) found that I was getting around the city so well that I should be her "tourist guide" and tell her what she should do in the city and how to organize and what to do. <:o) I was quite surprised!

=> And my fifth day was unfortunately also my last. After all the previous days with a rather tight-schedule (that's good if you're traveling alone: you can go as long as you can..;-)) I felt the effects: Now I would give a lot to have a good massage of my shoulders. They've been carrying around a lot these days and together with my feet they really deserve a rest now. :-)

Therefore I'm really glad I can go back to work tomorrow! :-) Finally a rest for shoulders and feet! :-D

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^^ la suite:


a good mix


by franziska @ 28.11.2007 08:28 CET


Even though it seems impossible to do it in a comprehensive way, I still would like to sum up a bit what Montreal was like and to be a bit more detailed about it being an Northern American city with European influence.

Of course it was only a very short time I spent in Montreal, but as far as I could see Montreal represents a good mix between French and English, the French "savoir vivre" and the American business, ancient churches and modern skyscrapers, the media (TV, radio) are much more international in the sense of being less focused on their own country only, I thought also that the culture had european remeniscents (importance of art, fashion)... there are so many little things summing up..


Just one more thing: When people sometimes speak of Paris or Milano as THE place to go shopping, my answer from now on will be: Montreal! They have an underground city which is basically a huge area of interconnected shops, restaurants and cinemas. I can tell you, there are thousndands (!) of shops and boutiques. They are very unique (I have seen ANY H+M in the entire city!), lots of them also companies from Quebec and really: there are great places to go shopping! I think I could have bought stuff to fill four entire suitcases. (of course I didn't as I already have too much stuff. :-)) And also for Christmas shopping it would be the perfect place to go. The only problem might be to decide where you wanna go (as there are too many good options) and what you finally wanna buy (as there are too many good items :-)).


Probably that is also linked to the fact that I believe on the whole women (and also men I would say) are dressed definitely more fashionable in Montreal than they are here. They seem to care more about their appearance and I'm tempted to claim that you would never find someone with a suit and sport shoes in Montreal. They seem to be too stylish to commit such a "Stilbruch". ;-)

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