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C'est le même rendu qui était présenté à l'expo Montréal du futur l'année passée.


Beaucoup mieux que le CHUM, c'est sur!!!!

Hummm... je n'irai pas jusque là, mais c'est tout de même très beau!

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MUHC chief fears backlash against superhospital


By Aaron Derfel,

Gazette Health Reporter

April 6, 2009



This is the McGill University Health Centre's tentative design, subject to change, of its project, as seen from St. Jacques St.


Photograph by: Photo courtesy of McGill University Hospital Centre, Photo courtesy of McGill University Hospital Centre



The top executive of the future McGill University superhospital fears a mounting backlash against the project because of delays in a similar plan by the French-language Centre hospitalier de l’université de Montréal.


Arthur Porter said that as long as the CHUM project lags behind the MUHC one, critics will call for the McGill hospital’s construction to be sidelined.


“I do believe that the issues that we’ve seen in the press and in the communiqués – and the discussion about the two institutions – will become more and more acute until the CHUM gets going,” Porter told The Gazette.


Porter summed up the arguments against the $2.2-billion MUHC project as: “Why should we have the same (as the francophone community)? The anglophone population is smaller.


“It’s a little bit depressing that those sorts of arguments are used, because it’s really a non-starter,” Porter added. “Look at the quality and calibre of our staff.


“It’s a bit of a slap in the face of all the physicians, nurses, Quebecers and Montrealers, who are working their hearts out for patients, regardless of their linguistic tendencies.”


The MUHC project is expected to be completed by 2013, five years earlier than the CHUM project. The ultra-nationalist Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Montréal is demanding a moratorium on the MUHC project until a government debate can be held on the “pertinence” of building the two hospitals.


Privately, some senior MUHC officials have expressed concern that the McGill project has been delayed and might continue to be because of lingering problems in the planning of the $2.5-billion CHUM scheme.

But last Monday, Premier Jean Charest delivered his strongest endorsement to date of the two projects.


“We’re not in a context of rivalry,” he said. “What I’ve witnessed is that both projects are very supportive of each other. They seem themselves as complementary and we’re beyond now the issue of whether there should be one or the other – one would be anglophone and the other is francophone.


“It’s worth repeating today that ... there are many patients who speak French in hospitals that are the responsibility of McGill. There are English-speaking people in the French hospitals, and that’s actually one of the advantages of Quebec. When we need care, we don’t ask people to pass a language test. They receive the care that they need to receive. So it’s not a linguistic issue.”


Porter said that the MUHC project is “exactly on track” even though former Health Minister Philippe Couillard promised it would be built by 2011.


The MUHC has so far raised $205 million in private and corporate donations for the project – money that would go toward buying equipment, information technology and research. The fundraising goal is $300 million.


The MUHC has also obtained a $100-million grant from the Canada Fund for Innovation, which it hopes to get matched by the provincial and federal governments.


The MUHC project will be built as a public-private partnership. Two consortia are bidding on the project, and given the current global credit crunch, it’s unclear whether they might be able to raise the necessary financing.


Porter said he’s checked with the consortia and is satisfied that they have the means.


“What I have done is gone back to both of our consortia in the last three weeks, actually after (The Gazette article on the fundraising problems) came out. I asked each one to tell me precisely: one, have they asked the government for any money or help, and they both said they had not. And secondly, were they concerned at this time about their ability to raise funds, and they did not feel that there was an immediate concern, because again, they were not going to the market now.”


Under the MUHC project, the Montreal General Hospital will be expanded and a new hospital will be erected on the site of the former Glen railway yard in the West End.

© Copyright © The Montreal Gazette

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3 juin 2009


Entrée en vigueur de règlements adoptés par le conseil municipal - 25 mai 2009 Greffe




Avis est donné que le conseil de la Ville, à son assemblée du 25 mai 2009, a

adopté les règlements suivants :

05-035 Règlement sur la construction, la transformation et l'occupation du

Centre universitaire de santé McGill sur un emplacement situé à l'est

du boulevard Décarie, entre la rue Saint-Jacques et la voie ferrée du

Canadien Pacifique

04-047-2 Règlement modifiant le Plan d'urbanisme de la Ville de Montréal (04-


[Centre universitaire de santé McGill (site Glen) – arrondissement de


09-002 Règlement relatif à la cession pour fins d’établissement, de maintien

et d’amélioration de parcs, de terrains de jeux et de préservation

d’espaces naturels sur le territoire de l’arrondissement de L’Île-


L’objet est de regrouper dans un seul règlement les dispositions relatives

aux cessions pour fins de parcs et terrains de jeux qui se retrouvaient

dans les règlements de lotissement des anciennes villes constituant cet

arrondissement, et de prévoir que ces dispositions s’appliquent aussi aux

projets de redéveloppement.

Ces règlements entrent en vigueur en date de ce jour et sont disponibles pour

consultation durant les heures normales de bureau à la Direction du greffe, 275, rue

Notre-Dame Est. Ils peuvent également être consultés en tout temps sur le site Internet

de la Ville :

Montréal, le 3 juin 2009

Le greffier de la Ville,

Me Yves Saindon



Montreal Icons Join The Best Care for Life Campaign


MONTREAL, June 2 /CNW Telbec/ - The McGill University Health Centre

(MUHC) announced today that Mutsumi Takahashi and Jean Béliveau have agreed to

serve as co-chairs of The Best Care for Life Public Campaign, which is needed

to help finance its redevelopment on the Glen, Mountain and Lachine campuses.

As spokespersons, Ms. Takahashi and Mr. Béliveau will support the MUHC's

efforts to reach out to the Montreal community and its own employees and bring

its redevelopment vision to life.

Mutsumi Takahashi, chief news anchor for CTV Montreal, is proud to be

taking part in this once-in-a-lifetime community project. "The McGill

University Health Centre is an integral part of our city. Over the years, we

have all been touched or helped in one way or another by the people in our

medical community. I feel this is the least I can do. We all need to get

behind this initiative in order to ensure future generations of Montrealers

continue to benefit from the best possible care."

Canadiens' hockey legend Jean Béliveau is a cancer survivor who received

treatment at the McGill University Health Centre. He was similarly

enthusiastic about being a public face of this campaign, which aims to raise

funds from within the Montreal community to build state-of-the-art hospital

and research facilities at the Glen, Mountain and Lachine campuses. "The work

being done at the McGill University Health Centre is already world-class, but

I know that it will be even better once we help give our doctors, nurses and

other healthcare professionals the modern campuses that will ultimately

benefit all of us," said Mr. Béliveau.

Campaign chairman John Rae added: "With the start of construction on the

Glen scheduled before the year end and work on the Mountain underway, The Best

Care for Life Campaign is moving into an exciting new phase. Having

distinguished Montrealers such as Mutsumi Takahashi and Jean Béliveau on our

team provides a major boost to our fundraising efforts. I have no doubt that

they will encourage Montrealers to give generously to the Campaign."

The Best Care for Life Community Campaign is co-chaired by Dr. Sylvia

Cruess and Dr. Richard Cruess, France Denis and Raymond Royer, and Helgi and

Ian Soutar. Other members of the leadership team include Arthur T. Porter,

Peter Abraham, W. David Angus, Mark Beaudet, Maryse Bertrand, Cheryl

Campbell-Steer, David Culver, Susan Curry, Claude Dauphin, Peter Duffield,

Jacques Filion, Stephen Hajaly, Joan Ivory, David Laidley, John Morgan, Gwen

Nacos, Alex Paterson, John Peacock, Glenn Rourke, Arnold Steinberg, Norman

Steinberg, Michel Vennat and Pierrette Wong.

The Children's Hospital Foundation has contributed $60 million to the

Campaign through its Best Care for Children campaign, chaired by Marc


The McGill University Health Centre's Director General and Chief

Executive Officer, the Honourable Arthur T. Porter, said: "Our Redevelopment

Project promises to change Montreal, enabling us to build on our long history

of providing outstanding care while being leaders in teaching and research.

This is a project that will benefit the entire Montreal community and, as

such, we are delighted that community leaders such as Mutsumi Takahashi and

Jean Béliveau have agreed to be the public faces of our campaign. We are also

indebted to the other members of the Campaign team for their commitment and

their hard work."


About The Best Care for Life Campaign


The $300-million Best Care for Life campaign is an unprecedented

philanthropic effort aimed at raising the funds needed to complete the McGill

University Health Centre's Redevelopment Project on the Glen, Mountain and

Lachine campuses as well as the Capital Development Plan.


About the MUHC Redevelopment Project Guided by its mission and its role

as the nerve centre of the McGill integrated university hospital network, the

MUHC is carrying out a Redevelopment Project that will help the Government

achieve its vision for academic medicine in Quebec. Excellence in patient

care, research, education and technology assessment will be fostered on

state-of-the-art campuses-The Mountain, the Glen and Lachine-and through

strong relationships with healthcare partners. Each LEED®-registered campus

will be designed to provide patients and their families with The Best Care for

Life in a healing environment that is anchored in best sustainable development

practices, including BOMA BESt guidelines.


The McGill University Health Centre is a comprehensive academic health

institution with an international reputation for excellence in clinical

programs, research and teaching. Its partner hospitals are the Montreal

Children's Hospital, the Montreal General Hospital, the Royal Victoria

Hospital, the Montreal Neurological Hospital, the Montreal Chest Institute and

the Lachine Hospital. The goal of the McGill University Health Centre is to

provide patient care based on the most advanced knowledge in the health care

field and to contribute to the development of new knowledge.


/NOTE TO PHOTO EDITORS: A photo accompanying this release is available on

the CNW Photo Network and archived at

Additional archived images are also available on the CNW Photo Archive

website at Images are free to accredited

members of the media/



For further information: Rebecca Ann Burns, Communications Officer,

(514) 934-1934, 71443




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