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Rio Tinto Alcan, agrandissement du siège social - 20 étages (2010)


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si les compagnies de la taille de rio tinto trouvent les loyer trop eleves au centre-ville pour s'y implanter, et que les promoteurs retardent leur projets parce que les revenus potentiels en loyers sont trop bas pour justifier le cout de la construction, on s'engage dans un mechant cercle vicieux ...


y a pas 36 facons de pallier a une telle situation; des credits de taxe ou une penalite a l'etalement. d'une facon ou d'une autre, c'est a la ville, et a l'arrondissement, de s'assurer que le centre-ville demeurre la meilleure option pour une compagnie comme rio tinto qui elle, en toute logique, ira la ou elle pourra avoir le meilleur retour sur son investissement ...

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si les compagnies de la taille de rio tinto trouvent les loyer trop eleves au centre-ville pour s'y implanter, et que les promoteurs retardent leur projets parce que les revenus potentiels en loyers sont trop bas pour justifier le cout de la construction, on s'engage dans un mechant cercle vicieux ...


Tu as entièrement raison!!!


y a pas 36 facons de pallier a une telle situation; des credits de taxe ou une penalite a l'etalement.


JE n'aime pas vraiment ce que tu proposes, mais si il faut choisir, je choisirais les pénalités à l'é ne veut pas voir des subventions pour avoirs des grues au C-V. Les grues doivent venir du marché, pas avec l'intervention du Gouv.

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RioTinto Alcan finally going public with their intention to move within Montreal has given a much-needed spark to the city’s commercial real estate sector. Surely we have all heard of the numerous projects that are being erected throughout the city, but none caused more attention within the industry than the prospect of one of Quebec’s most respected employers, Rio Tinto.


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For the first time in a long time, a private corporation is searching for significant square footage, so significant their search rekindles developers’ intentions to build office towers. One wonders, if in fact Rio Tinto is serious about their quest for a new “Maison,” what will happen to its beloved Sherbrooke St. Canadian headquarters.


A quick look at some of the buildings on Sherbrooke St. on the Golden Square Mile reveals some interesting data. Most large, Class B or better buildings are posting vacancy rates higher than the average vacancy for the downtown core. Some are as high as 18 per cent, while the average vacancy for the downtown core is under 10 per cent. Should Rio Tinto move from its perch between Drummond and Stanley Sts. on Sherbrooke, where will this drive vacancy rates? Obviously, if they left, more than 200,000 square feeet of office space would come onto the market either at once or staggered over time. Is there a need for Sherbrooke St. office space?


The attraction is clear: In addition to the prestigious address, office towers on Sherbrooke typically offer insurmountable views of Mount Royal. But will million-dollar views get corporations to lease the Maison or will residential developers want to redevelop it to build high-end condominiums? Some would argue that perhaps the market for high-end condominiums is saturated in Montreal and that the Maison would need to remain an office tower. The sustainability of the condo market remains unclear.


Hotel development would certainly be another option; however, with so many new hotels coming to market recently, one wonders if another hotel would be sustainable. Data from Tourism Montreal shows that of the 2.7 million rooms available from May to September 2010, only 2 million were booked and average room rates were still below the 2008 level (F1 Grand Prix year).


The good news for Sherbrooke St. W. is that throughout the years, it has been extremely resilient. It remains a signature street. Surely, should Rio Tinto elect to move, its neighbours will miss her, but with such Montreal institutions as McGill University and the Museum of Fine Arts, history has shown us that Sherbrooke will do just fine. Besides, the prospect of the Rio Tinto tenancy in a new tower will bring new life wherever they chose to go.


From the days of the Van Horne mansion demolition to the refurbishing of the soon-to-be-reopened Ritz, Sherbrooke St. W. will continue to house Quebec’s top brass. It is simply not clear whether they will be working there, living there or both.


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Im not sure where I stand on this.... on one hand they want the Golden Square mile... on the other hand they wont go with the buildings that now are pending like the 900 Maisonneuve ???


Not sure anymore on them... Hope they announce soon cuz I can't take this ....

Modifié par Rusty
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La rue Sherbrooke a plus à gagner en étant prioritairement condominiums (en plus des institutions et des hotels). C'est une rue d'adresse prestigieuse et ça ne prendra pas beaucoup de temps, à mon avis, pour un promoteur de développer un édifice à condo luxueux à cet endroit si Rio Tinto decidait de quitter.

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