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Industrie du cinéma à Montréal et tournages mettant Montréal en vedette


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Tournage de RED 2 à Montréal cet été mettant en vedette Bruce Willis, John Malkovich, Helen Mirren, Catherine Zeta-Jones et Anthony Hopkins.


"The film is set in Virginia, Paris, Moscow, and London, and our fair city will stand in for Virginia, Paris and Moscow, proving once again that Montreal can look like most any place in the world." Je pense qu'il fait trop beau à Montréal pour paraître comme Londres!

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What’s Shooting


Updated: June 28, 2012


Shooting Now


The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet

(Feature Film)

Director: Jean-Pierre Jeunet

Production Manager: Jose Lacelle

Casting: Lucie Robitaille (514.524.0688)

Stunt Coordinator: Jean Frenette

Shooting ’til: October 12, 2012

tel: 514.447.3674 fax: 514.788.1649





(Feature Film)


Director: tbc

Production Manager: tbc

Casting: Kenyon Casting (514.948.2000)

Stunt Coordinator: Stephane Lefebvre

Pre-production ‘til: August 13, 2012

Shooting ’til: tbc

tel: tbc fax: tbc




(Feature Film)

Sony Pictures

Director: tbc

Production Manager: tbc

Casting: tbc

Stunt Coordinator: tbc

Pre-production ‘til: tbc

Shooting ’til: tbc

tel: tbc fax: tbc


Category 8

(Feature Film)


Director: tbc

Production Manager: Martha Fernandez

Casting: Elite Casting (514.282.1631)

Stunt Coordinator: tbc

Pre-production ‘til: July 14, 2012

Shooting ’til: August 31, 2012

tel: tbc fax: tbc



(Feature Film)


Director: tbc

Production Manager: Sandrine Gros d’Aillon

Casting: Elite Casting (514.282.1631)

Stunt Coordinator: tbc

Pre-production ‘til: July 14, 2012

Shooting ’til: August 31, 2012

tel: tbc fax: tbc


White House Down

(Feature Film)

Sony Pictures

Director: Roland Emmerich

Production Manager: tbc

Casting: tbc

Stunt Coordinator: John Stoneham Jr.

Pre-production ‘til: August 2012

Shooting ’til: tbc

tel: tbc fax: tbc



(Feature Film)

Summit Entertainment

Director: tbc

Production Manager: tbc

Casting: tbc

Stunt Coordinator: tbc

Pre-production ‘til: tbc

Shooting ’til: tbc

tel: tbc fax: tbc




Smurfs 2

tel: 514.447.8150


The Perfect Surrogate

tel: 514.866.4567


Willed to Kill

tel: 514.866.4567


Zero Hour

tel: 514.447.5961

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Mtl ressemble à toutes les villes. J'aimerais qu'un jour elle ressemble à ..... MTL! Il y eut quelques cas où l'histoire se déroulait À Mtl, mais peu. Ce serai vraiment le fun dans un gros film. Le buzz Mtl devrait être utilisé par le bureau du Cinéma pour vendre l'idée. Imaginez une séquence de, mettons, James Bond, à Mtl!


Il n'est pas interdit de rêver.

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There have been more Hollywood films SET in Montreal than any other Canadian city.

Wait Until Dark (1967) with Audrey Hepburn, The Jackal (1997) with Bruce Willis and Sidney Poitier, The Whole Nine Yards (2000) with Bruce Willis and Matthew Perry, The Score (2001) with Robert De Niro, Edward Norton and Marlon Brando - this film really shows off the city well and I recommend it to all Montreal fanatics, Taking Lives (2004) with Angelina Jolie and Ethan Hawke and Blades of Glory (2006) with Will Ferrell and Jon Heder.


As you can see, Montreal has been the location for thriller films, serial killer films, horror films, drama films and comedy films, which shows just how versatile we are as a city.

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Je reve de voir un film de Woody Allen tourné à Montréal. Ces dernières années, il a tourné en Italie, Espagne, Angleterre, France, toujours à l'affut de crédits d'impots et d'inspiration... Gens du bureau du cinéma, invitez le donc!

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Je reve de voir un film de Woody Allen tourné à Montréal. Ces dernières années, il a tourné en Italie, Espagne, Angleterre, France, toujours à l'affut de crédits d'impots et d'inspiration... Gens du bureau du cinéma, invitez le donc!


J'y pensais, justement! Et je n'imagine pas Woody être grandement attiré par Calgary. Même pas par Toronto......

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Opinion: Montreal should woo Woody Allen



For those of us who obsessively follow the filmmaking career of Woody Allen, his most recent phase has presented a strange turn of events. Woody has done something no one ever expected: He has abandoned Manhattan for a series of European cities to create his latest films.


As Woody has explained in interviews, he’s done this not so much because he wants to shoot in foreign places but out of economic necessity. As the business model for independent filmmaking has collapsed over the past decade, Woody has had to seek out new methods of securing sponsorship. Like a true auteur, he wants to maintain control over his script, casting and the final cut of each film. Since he enjoys epic popularity throughout much of Europe, governments have been willing to provide much of the financing for his recent pictures.


Rather than result in empty travelogues, it has led to a fascinating phase in the prolific director’s filmography (for more than four decades, he has created approximately one film per year). In Match Point (backed by London and U.K. governments), Woody dragged us into the depths of the vicious British class system while showing off much of London’s most audacious architecture. In Vicky Cristina Barcelona (backed by the Barcelona and Spanish governments), Woody created that true cinematic oddity: a romantic comedy with brains. It also earned Penelope Cruz a well-earned Oscar for her inspired performance and featured a cameo by France’s then-first lady, Carla Bruni. Last year’s Midnight in Paris proved both a crowd-pleaser and a critical favourite, earning Woody his third Oscar for best original screenplay.


So why don’t the Quebec and Montreal governments pool their resources and make Woody an offer he can’t refuse? Put up the primary backing for a romantic comedy to be set in Montreal, ask him to include some local acting talent and to employ some of our crews, and commission him to make a feature with “Montreal” in the title.


The result would be an incredible bargain. We’d be getting one of the world’s greatest living filmmakers to further immortalize our stunning city. We’d be giving some of our acting talent the kind of exposure they could only dream of.


And if spending millions of taxpayer dollars on such a project seems like folly, consider this: Midnight in Paris is Woody’s most commercially successful film to date, taking in more than $110 million worldwide. That means whatever money we’d invest, we’d have a very good chance of making back, probably even profiting from the venture.


But then there’s the real payoff: As anyone in marketing will tell you, product placement works brilliantly; otherwise companies wouldn’t spend billions on it every year. Having a Woody Allen film that featured Montreal as its co-star would help to bolster tourism, one of our most lucrative industries. Getting Woody to make a new film here seems the ultimate win-win scenario: a man who loves distinctive architecture and is regarded as the most European of American filmmakers would get to know our city. And a city that loves cinema so profoundly would get the Woody treatment.


Seems a total no-brainer to me. Why isn’t someone already on this?Matthew Haysis a Montreal writer who teaches film studies at Concordia University.

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