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Le RIEN de l'Est (Ex-REM de l'Est)


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Présenter les évaluations à 36 G$, est que ça pourrait être tout simplement plus acceptable un projet en surface et en aérien?
S'il y a un vote, bien-sûr, tous les «pas dans ma cour» diront «non» mais tout le reste de la population potentiellement bien plus nombreuse sera très certainement intéressée.

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il y a 38 minutes, FrodoMTL a dit :

The $70 billion bill for Toronto is also absurdly high. Let’s admit it: both cities in Canada have highly inflated transit budgets that are out of this world compared to other OECD developed countries. I used to work as a consultant for Metrolinx in Toronto and have seen first hand the amount of waste that public agency gets by: e.g. nearly $50 million just to implement a procurement software system ; e.g. nearly 2/3 of its staff are consultants or contractors that charge exorbitant hourly fees 

With that said, even if it’s $70 billion, at least Toronto is getting a BUNCH of new and upgraded lines along with electrification of its GO RER system:

- Hurontario LRT

- Ontario Line Subway

- Eglinton Cross town (opening this year, hopefully?)

- Finch West LRT

- GO RER electrification and over 1000 km in track upgrades and station upgrades turning it soon into a Paris RER-style system, with 10-15 min frequencies

Is $70 billion expensive? Yes yes yes. But at least they are getting a ton of new and upgraded transit that will benefit the whole GTA region.

WHEREAS for $36 billion, we get what in Montreal? A buried light metro that goes to the east island and Laval, two of the least dense neighborhoods in the region covered with suburban housing, warehouses, and big box malls. A simple BRT or LRT like the one in Mississauga or York Region in Toronto should easily serve Montreal east, at a FRACTION of the cost. For perspective, the 20 KM, 19 station Hurontario LRT in Mississauga only cost $4 billion to design, build and finance. Why should Montreal East or Laval be any different than a similar suburb like Mississauga (which arguably has much bigger population). 

Like for F sake, ARTM and Montreal politicians should be ashamed of this plan. 

Trams like Hurontario LRT are great for a more inter borough coverage, but I think the idea here was to build (or start build part of) a regional scaled line, since it’s assumed that CN and CP are to much of an obstacle to implement a network like GO.

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il y a 11 minutes, Monsieur_MA a dit :

Présenter les évaluations à 36 G$, est que ça pourrait être tout simplement plus acceptable un projet en surface et en aérien?
S'il y a un vote, bien-sûr, tous les «pas dans ma cour» diront «non» mais tout le reste de la population potentiellement bien plus nombreuse sera très certainement intéressée.

I think the damage is done. The ARTM indulged so much this sort of “elevated rail moral panic” that it will be impossible to build anything. That doesn’t only hurt metro expansions, but all other sorts of transit projects. Think HFR or HSR, tram-trains, or just commuter rail. Imagine if we wanted to have Montreal-West station grade separated to improve safety, reliability and permeability. People would loose their mind.

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Il y a 5 heures, p_xavier a dit :

Y a un fil sur le biais médiatique que j'avais fait dans politique.  

Oui mais moi je parle d'un article qui a un point de vue complètement loufoque concernant le projet TEC de l'Est. Mon commentaire est donc parfaitement à sa place dans ce fil. 

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29 minutes ago, Rocco said:

Bring the Caisse back, put downtown R-L  underground till De Lorimier and follow the rest of the route exactly as the first version. Merci bonsoir. Tired of stupidity.

And it WILL cost less than 36B. Probably under 20B.


I'd still add the RDP extension right now. Repentigny extension in an ulterior phase (probably just re-use the AMT line to get to mascouche too). Branche to Laval (St Francois) in another phase if its worth it, unless a Laval REM project makes it irrelevant.

Underground to Lorimier but if it really is "not possible" then explore having a branch that would follow part of the Pink Line path up Pine/Park then through plateau/etc to junction just north of hopital maisonneuve rosement, like those 2 promotors were suggesting. 


Guaranteed 20B max


Anyway, bring back the Caisse.  Legault gave it a shot, Montreal said he didnt take their opinions in consideration. He let them voice their opinions and it was the equivalent of verbal diarrea.  Without CDPQi, this project will never see the light of day. 

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