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Station YUL-Aéroport-Montréal-Trudeau - Discussion

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14 hours ago, SameGuy said:

Lol I passed by this afternoon but didn’t have time to grab any pics. Thank you!

There’s a lot going on at YUL right now. Can’t wait to see some small bit of optimism returning soon.

That’s good to hear.  Besides the REM anything else of interest you can share?

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Il y a 1 heure, champdemars a dit :

Par rapport à ces photos, le puit d’accès du tunnelier est situé où?

EDIT: Je m’auto-réponds :) C’est bien ça?


Ce n’est pas la fin du tunnel qui ce situe au sud du stationnement étagé. Simplement un accès pour creuser des passages pour la ventilation pour la future station et tunnel du train

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  • 2 semaines plus tard...

It’s been a while since I’ve flown but I did did find DTW to be a nice terminal to go through. Other American airports were kinda dated in comparison. YUL is pretty decent IMO, nothing super impressive but still quite nice. 

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Il y a 6 heures, digitalfunkster a dit :

Really? I find in North America YUL is one of, if not the nicest airport I have been to. A lot of American airports seem dated to me.

Jeez. How pathetic North American airports must be.

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