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C'est débile comment il faut s'applat ventrir au Québec et au Canada en général.


Je peux vous garantir que si n'importe lequel d'entre vous allez s'établir dans mon pays d'origine, vous n'allez avoir au mieux que des regards suspects et des moyens d'intégrations nuls à votre égard.


Je me demande aussi comment les musulmans vont vous intégrer dans leur pays d'origine, essayez donc d'ouvrir une église là bas, ou de vous regrouper pour faire une prière...

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Ah Lindberg.. you witty dog... you know exactly what I mean.


Its funny. Dont you think? The same people who are wondering how to make Quebec a more prosperous place are the same people who are rejecting measures that only HELP, rather than harm.


How ironic.....


How would you make Québec more prosperous??

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1- reduce social programs in Quebec, and invest in those that really need funding (i.e. health and education)


2- Reduce income taxes and increase consumption taxes


3- Make it imperative for ALL QUEBECKERS, to learn English fluently and effectively. ONLY the minority of people without it, can aspire to a desireable position


4- Increase skilled labour immigration and stop focusing so much on the Maghreb region..try to get a bigger piece of the skilled Chinese/Indian immigration thaty Southern Ontario is attracting.



Why not make it imperative for all Quebeckers to learn BOTH French and English? And after that a 3rd language?

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Why Learn English? it's not english = money.... Although it can help.


Here's my 2 cents on immigration:

I tihnk that we have givin alot of immigrants a good chance to live in our culture, but some are refusing to compromise. We compromise, so should they. Since many of them have not even tried to compromise, i would stop bringing them in. Its obvious it is not working!

I think (i might be wrong....) that it would be better to have different immigrants. I would greatly consider having latinos comming from south America... they are not that different from us (and yet they are)... They are culturly very strong.... and i havn't hard alot of Hispanic wining about how our province works... anyways... They don't seem to be trouble makers... Thet learn our language.... and everybody's happy!


I don't think that the gym in Montreal should have tinted its windows because ofJews Nearby. I don't think that schools have to take the little cross on the wall, and instead have praying corners for Islamic students. I don't believe that we have to take our Chrtmas out because it offends a immigrant. Its not like we force them to come here, they volunteer!


anyways,,,, thats what i tihnk,....

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no....only been in Ontario, Québec, and a bit in the states...

and i know what you will get at.

Sure, English is the Unirversal Language.... But don't anglophones have a hard time getting a job now in Montréal? thats what they have been saying lately....

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oh... ok...

When i read your post, it sounded a bit like 'learn just english...' (well to me anyway)

sorry about the confusion.

As for being billingual, i'm totaly for it. I'm glad i learn english (although i had to learn it the hard way)

I would even push tri-lingualism....!

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But ChrisDVD,


DO bilingual people have the best chances at high paying jobs? And these people are the most likely to be desired by companies all over Canada anyway.


But we have this aversion to english... some massive sin


Do you forget the anti-francophone rethoric of english-canadiens ?


They whine on a daily basis either Québec or bilinguism in "coast to coast" tabloids.


But its true, English-Canadien are so open-minded... 1982, Meech as well as Chalottetown.

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Vous parlez de l'impossibilité d'avoir un emploi intéressant sans la connaissance de l'anglais, mais ce phénomène ne s'applique qu'a la ville de Montréal. Dans les autres régions des centaines de milliers de personnes se débrouillent sans problème en ne parlant que le français. En se qui concerte le racisme contre les francophone simplement visité Canada Divided pour voir le portrait.

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