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Solstice - 44 étages


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Ouf, i dunno how i feel about that one. Je viens litteralement de me trimmer la barbe, et c'est la première chose que je vois. (un trimmer)

J'serais curieux de voir l'angle de la couronne vue du sud. 

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1 hour ago, MartinMtl said:





Minus the crown, it looks like a glass version of TDC1 to me. Other than that, looks nice, clean and I love that crown. Plus it densifies the sector as well and I do hope that there is a bar or restaurant at the ground level. It'll add more life/options to the area and it'll feel more complete. 

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Mixed feelings. Nice base, generic walls, promising crowning. But let's remember past deceptions about Altitude crowning......

Other wise, nice to see another land being densified reasonably well.

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